Last issue of her run or LAST ISSUE last issue?
She isn't clear but the book hasn't exactly lit the world on fire.
Last issue of her run or LAST ISSUE last issue?
Final Crisis is definitely worth reading.
Ok here's a question:
What e-reader would you all recommend for reading comics? I really don't want to spend a ton of money, I just want something bigger than my phone.
I've used a 720p tablet (768p to be exact), and I'll say the experience isn't too hot. At full-page view, text is noticeable blurry, and small point fonts are actually illegible. (Panel view is OK). I'd say 1080p or so is the lowest acceptable resolution for comics reading.
My current tablet has a 7" 1200p screen; the resolution is great but the size is a little small. Next tablet I buy will have a 9 to 10 inch screen for sure.
She isn't clear but the book hasn't exactly lit the world on fire.
I read the first issue of Vampy, so the failure isn't my fault.
So how is Future Quest? Someone read it and tell me if it's worth the monies.
I'm sure the drop off after #1 was significant
Looks like she has a marionette armThis is my new ship
the vampirella redesign was pretty rough
She isn't clear but the book hasn't exactly lit the world on fire.
She-wolf.Whats the werwolf book from yesterday again? Somehow cant find it anymore
Vamp or Hellcat?
Whats the werwolf book from yesterday again? Somehow cant find it anymore
Lol u trying to kill himFerals
I am a hero
Best zombie manga I have read but that is not saying much. The protagonist is a piece of shit
Basically, Morgan Lefay showed up and rose Atlantis from the see, because it's apparently the true Avalon a.k.a. Camelot's Magic Paradise. This did fuck over Namor, who at the time was trying to stop it. The Inhumans tried to claim Atlantis, because it's apparently their ancestral home.
If you want to know the details, read Fantastic Four/Inhumans: Atlantis Rising.
A hint of what Rebirth Joker will look like? He's missing the Damaged tattoo.
Atlantis Rising is okay. I honestly don't remember a lot of the stuff that happens. It was a bit of a clusterfuck.Okay thanks for the bits of info.Namor ended up showing in a panel in #4, narrated to laying claim to the island.
I'll maybe check out if Atlantis Rising is on Unlimited (not sure it is). So do Namor (and other Atlanteans) normally live in a different city? Like "new atlantis" or is it on that land mass and just not seen in the Inhumans comic. Because, when shown, the landmass looks like a rocky mess, other than ancient ruins and Attilan.
I am a hero
Best zombie manga I have read but that is not saying much. The protagonist is a piece of shit
Go read apocalypse no torideI am a hero
Best zombie manga I have read but that is not saying much. The protagonist is a piece of shit
Go read apocalypse no toride
est sombie themed manga ive read in ages
You can find it on cmx even though it is released next month.
Wolf left me a lil dissapponted so hopely this can be the werewolf book I have been wanting
both tbh
Hellcat getting a CW2 kinda says the book needs a boost.
Gonna take a lot more than that to save Hellcat. Sadly.
RIPI dropped Hellcat, that's the road to cancellation just like Snyder's Batman.
Hellcat's only saving grace is the art, the writing isn't that great.
Hellcat's only saving grace is the art, the writing isn't that great.
Marvel's Batgirl?
Kate Leth:
So Vampirella is done, huh?
What is the other book, Hellcat?
Marvel's Batgirl?
Nah, its way weaker than that sadly.
She says a series we won't see until October, so it's something not started.
As for Vampirella and Dynamite, just trying to put together the fact that I've seen both Bennett and herself in the past complaining about a job and that both seem to be leaving in the near to medium term, along with the fact that neither really seem to promote their Dynamite projects much, makes me wonder if they've had a bad experience. It's also possible I'm reading waaaaaaay too much into things or reading things very wrongly.
I thought you people loved Hellcat
If you like the art but hate the writing, considering reading Goldie Vance by the same artist! #2 came out today.
All those "pay rates in comics" articles that pop up every 9 months seem to rank Dynamite on the lower end
Also, everyone is freaking out about the guy replacing Caldwell for A-Force...
Ahhh, that's why.
There should have been a Frontline Mini for Civil War II.
Whats up to the Bugle these days? Jonah still at Fox News ranting about Spidey and Silk? And what is Bill Urich doing?
For the two other people who care, Renae de Liz announced that DC gave her the go ahead for volume 2 of Legend of Wonder Woman.
Rafa Albuquerque's Batman Rebirth variant:
A hint of what Rebirth Joker will look like? He's missing the Damaged tattoo.
He did this cover which imo is perfectly fine