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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.

Brian Vaughan's We Stand on Guard is kinda weird.

Feel that it'd probably be better without all the giant mech nonsense

and of course war plan red was actually a thing. of course. god damn coolidge.
So I have yet to touch my pile of weekly books at all. I'm too wrapped up in Sunstone. It is really fucking good. Getting ready to dig into the second volume right now.


Brian Vaughan's We Stand on Guard is kinda weird.

Feel that it'd probably be better without all the giant mech nonsense

and of course war plan red was actually a thing. of course. god damn coolidge.



Well this one was mostly drawn by Wilfredo Torres with a fill in or two from some guy I dont remember. I think I have every major Quitely work except for JLA earth 2. If youre interested in how Quitelys work in Jupiters Legacy is, Id say its perfunctory and mostly devoid of that usual Quitely magic.

was just wondering if you read it is all!

I read the trade a few months after it came out and while I agree it's minor Quitely, there's always one or two cool things in each issue that makes it worth reading, and really Quitely comics >> non-Quitely comics most of the time tbqh. reading them all one after another made me like the book a bit more too, you don't really get a sense of where it's going until that fourth or fifth issue and then by that the thing is over


I'm getting close to the end of Duggan's pre-SW Deadpool run, I wouldn't recommend the ominbus to people, the book just kinda wanders around and even though i'm enjoying it, there's rarely a lasting impression issue to issue.
was just wondering if you read it is all!

I read the trade a few months after it came out and while I agree it's minor Quitely, there's always one or two cool things in each issue that makes it worth reading, and really Quitely comics >> non-Quitely comics most of the time tbqh. reading them all one after another made me like the book a bit more too, you don't really get a sense of where it's going until that fourth or fifth issue and then by that the thing is over

ah gotcha, I guess I was reading into your question wrong

Yeah definitely agree about Quitely. Even in his lesser work like New X-Men always contained some really interesting pages. One thing that I think is kind of rarely discussed about Quitely is that his work is actually really hard to draw. I mean taking away all his ingenuity and design that really pops in something like We3, his sense of space, in particular the way planes face and interact with each other, is remarkable.

There are very few artists that create consistently interesting relationships between their shapes and planes. Moebius and Darrow both have that quality; I can't really think of others.

Quitely also has amazing sense for eye direction. As an example, Ive added my notes on why this page works, its the opening page of his New X-Men run.


Think of what this page accomplishes.

Wolverine attacking sentinel in background. Cyke attacking the head of the severed head of the sentinel which is on the ground, the mutant they are saving is under the hand of the destroyed sentinel, and the location is easily set with an understated background. A clear sense of scale and position is established. All of that in a splash page that is super easily readable. Its fucking masterful. Most artists can't pack that much info into a 5 panel page without fucking it up.

But sure, people look at his faces and ask why his women aren't pretty. As if Quitely were interested in romanticizing human faces. To get back to Jupiters Legacy, yeah I agree that you don't really know where its going until the end. It left me hungry for the next installment but not unsatisfied. Tricky thing, that.


And that line, goddamn.

That's the whole mission statement of the run in one sentence.

This page is just a comics masterclass.


Whenever i'm looking over a page my eyes go in gradual circles in a swirl pattern until i get to the middle of the page.


New X-Men is soooo good.

Cassandra Nova is still one of my favourite villains in the series.

And i still love the panel where Emma has her nose punched and she's yelling at Sublime that's she is cross, very cross with him. And accidently lets him fall from down on the street from the officebuilding.


ah gotcha, I guess I was reading into your question wrong

Yeah definitely agree about Quitely. Even in his lesser work like New X-Men always contained some really interesting pages. One thing that I think is kind of rarely discussed about Quitely is that his work is actually really hard to draw. I mean taking away all his ingenuity and design that really pops in something like We3, his sense of space, in particular the way planes face and interact with each other, is remarkable.

There are very few artists that create consistently interesting relationships between their shapes and planes. Moebius and Darrow both have that quality; I can't really think of others.

Quitely also has amazing sense for eye direction. As an example, Ive added my notes on why this page works, its the opening page of his New X-Men run.


Think of what this page accomplishes.

Wolverine attacking sentinel in background. Cyke attacking the head of the severed head of the sentinel which is on the ground, the mutant they are saving is under the hand of the destroyed sentinel, and the location is easily set with an understated background. A clear sense of scale and position is established. All of that in a splash page that is super easily readable. Its fucking masterful. Most artists can't pack that much info into a 5 panel page without fucking it up.

But sure, people look at his faces and ask why his women aren't pretty. As if Quitely were interested in romanticizing human faces. To get back to Jupiters Legacy, yeah I agree that you don't really know where its going until the end. It left me hungry for the next installment but not unsatisfied. Tricky thing, that.[/QUOTE]

a good post


I really liked this panel from Jupiter's Legacy. There's flashier stuff in there but it's just a great example of how a static image can suggest motion (her bursting through the glass shield, the distance between where the punch ends and where the baddie's head is, the cracks on the wall)

okay let's make this a fight


I nominate this page from Pax Americana

again, flashier stuff can be found in We3/Pax/BatRob etc, but i fuckin love this page in Earth 2 where it's Earth 2 Luthor and his ridiculous big purple cock codpiece

I think one of the things about Morrison and Quitely is that Moz really loves superheroes but Quitely kinda doesn't care about them outside of his Morrison collaborations? it doesn't always show but i like that it's somewhat noticeable in this page
What a wonderful page filled with wonderful things being posted

Nobody has ever started a superhero comic book run better than "Wolverine. You can probably stop doing that now" as they easily dismantled the symbol of the old adversaries. Now its time for the NEW X-Men.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Brian Vaughan's We Stand on Guard is kinda weird.

Feel that it'd probably be better without all the giant mech nonsense

and of course war plan red was actually a thing. of course. god damn coolidge.

Was not a fan. BKV never gave me a reason to care about any of those people.


American Alien's last issue was kinda meh compared to the rest of the series, which also means the issue is still good. Not sure why
was in it though. Sometimes it seems like Landis just likes to throw random DC characters in the mix of his stories to show he "gets them" too. It worked with Dick and Oliver Queen in issue #4 I think but that time Deathstroke showed up, and now
, I'm just like, huh?


I haven't read any of it, but I'm interested. Would you say the series as a whole is worth a read when the trade drops?


I have the hardcover pre-ordered already, and I don't even collect Superman in trades or anything except for owning some of the essentials: All-Star, Birthright, For All Seasons, and Red Son.


I dont get that Kohnsu guy in Moonknight. He acts so random.

The ANAD run was big fun. To sad that Bendis and Hustons Run are insane expensive. Would love to read them, espescially Bendis book.

Cant wait for Lemires take on him.

Next up is Black Widow.
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