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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


Unconfirmed Member
I've tried my best googling but can someone help me with ANAD Marvel? It seems like some of these comics reference a bunch of stuff from before Secret wars or something. I read Secret Wars with the intention of then just starting fresh all of the new first issues, but I'm having trouble how it seems like the stories jump around.

-Is there a recommended reading order?

-How should I read the Avengers series? There are 3 ongoing, which I understand are different teams, but when should I start them? Are there any one-hero books I should read before starting any of the particular Avengers books?

-Iron Man: Where does international Iron Man fit in with Invincible? Also where does the Iron Man story officially start with ANAD?

-Are there series that are being released that aren't connected to the universe? Like I see the Contest of Champions that is connected to the mobile game.

-Spider-man and the associated comics. Recommended reading order?

I haven't even gotten started with Civil War II... There has to be a reading order for that right?

ANAD is mostly just a marketing term to different the books from Marvel Now! which happened before Secret Wars, some books are connected, some are not. I'll try to answer your other questions as best I can.

-There isn't necessarily a recommended reading order, but there probably will be one for Civil War II. There is, though, a book called All-New, All-Different Avengers 0, which sets up some of the ongoing storylines for the different Avengers books. I'm reading ANAD Avengers, which starts a little slow but then picks up, and New Avengers which is enjoyable despite having art that I hate.

-Invincible Iron Man starts first, and International comes after. International so far has focused more on backstory, with Tony running into an old flame who is now a super spy. They don't really connect too much, or at least, they haven't yet.

-Not sure if there are others, but Contest of Champs is one of them.

-Peter Parker Spider-Man is running around the world in Amazing Spider-Man, Miles Morales is getting up to his teenage high-jinks in Spider-Man, which continues the story started in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man. Then there's Spider-Woman, who had a baby, Spider-Gwen, who has a good costume, and Silk, who had a bunker. I know less about them.


God he is gonna slay this title


Okay picture time. Below is what got painted, i'm not sure if it just wasn't painted in that spot or if the paint came off, the statue does look quite new so i presume it was a production thing and i don't think something broke off of that area.

Easy fix because paint goes on things

And now it lives on a shelf where it can get dust on it and i start to think about buying more statues like that Harley red white and black holiday version even though i agreed with myself that this would be my last statue.

Thus completes statue week. Next week: Overwatch, which we will not talk about here as we only talk about comics, pig gifs, and perhaps paint.


ANAD is mostly just a marketing term to different the books from Marvel Now! which happened before Secret Wars, some books are connected, some are not. I'll try to answer your other questions as best I can.

-There isn't necessarily a recommended reading order, but there probably will be one for Civil War II. There is, though, a book called All-New, All-Different Avengers 0, which sets up some of the ongoing storylines for the different Avengers books. I'm reading ANAD Avengers, which starts a little slow but then picks up, and New Avengers which is enjoyable despite having art that I hate.

-Invincible Iron Man starts first, and International comes after. International so far has focused more on backstory, with Tony running into an old flame who is now a super spy. They don't really connect too much, or at least, they haven't yet.

-Not sure if there are others, but Contest of Champs is one of them.

-Peter Parker Spider-Man is running around the world in Amazing Spider-Man, Miles Morales is getting up to his teenage high-jinks in Spider-Man, which continues the story started in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man. Then there's Spider-Woman, who had a baby, Spider-Gwen, who has a good costume, and Silk, who had a bunker. I know less about them.

Wow thank you! Would you recommend I read All-New Marvel then? I feel like for some of the series I'm going to jump into, it looks like I should.
I only have newest Tokyo Ghost, The Fix 1&2, newest Sex Criminals, and Future Quest to read and Ibwill have caught up on single issue comics.


Okay picture time. Below is what got painted, i'm not sure if it just wasn't painted in that spot or if the paint came off, the statue does look quite new so i presume it was a production thing and i don't think something broke off of that area.

Easy fix because paint goes on things

And now it lives on a shelf where it can get dust on it and i start to think about buying more statues like that Harley red white and black holiday version even though i agreed with myself that this would be my last statue.

Thus completes statue week. Next week: Overwatch, which we will not talk about here as we only talk about comics, pig gifs, and perhaps paint.

Huh that's a really nice statue and you did a good job on the paint fix up. What is that Selina on the left? It's cool and I'd like to own it. Mad respect for Captain Britain.

I want a Zatana movie btw.
And a new Ongoing.

You'll get none of these.


Huh that's a really nice statue and you did a good job on the paint fix up. What is that Selina on the left? It's cool and I'd like to own it. Mad respect for Captain Britain.

You'll get none of these.

Selina is the same line as Zatanna, Cover Girls of the DC Universe Adam Hughes line. You'll have to hit ebay/other places to track one down as they are a few years old. I was choosing between Selina or Zatanna for my first statue purchase awhile ago on ebay and she was less expensive and also great.


About to start Kingdom Come.

Cant wait but I guess that is one book where 50% of the fun come from knowing a lot about the characters.


I'm loving the shit out of Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers. Even more than the great Fantastic Four run, but then I've never been a huge FF fan. Can't wait to read more but now I must force myself to do some work.

So I leave you with this IGN review of The Avengers #4, and a reminder that someone got paid for writing it.

The first issue of this Avengers relaunch was exciting. It felt huge and grand, like everything mattered. The second issue was a bit of a repeat of the first, but still generally great. The third seemed a little rushed. Now, the fourth issue is here and it's okay. That's it, just okay. After such a massive beginning, it's a little strange to find ourselves so firmly in lackluster territory. And so quickly. Honestly, this issue is a pretty big disappointment; there's really no other word for it.

Jonathan Hickman is known for telling big stories. Grand is the man's middle name. Obviously, what we are getting here is a slice of a bigger pie. This is just a small step towards the larger story, and that's fine, but as a slice it could be a lot more compelling. I read the issue, read a few more comic books, sat down to write this review and realized I needed to read the issue again because I had already forgot what happened. Right now, it just feels so unimportant. That might change when we get the whole pie, but as of this moment I'm still freaking hungry. I want pie, damn it.

The art in this issue doesn't do much to help the situation. Adam Kubert is a legend in the comic industry and rightfully so, but this is not his best work. For every finely detailed panel there are several that look rushed and half finished. The characters' faces rarely display any kind of emotion, which renders the scenes stiff and boring. It just doesn't flow, and it doesn't grab you. Avengers was a book we were incredibly excited for and one that is slowly becoming a major letdown. Here's hoping it gets back on track and brings the pie.
Imagine if they made an family-friendly adventure comic and it was written by Jeff Parker, drawn by Steve Rude and Evan Shaner, and colored by Jordie Ballaire

imagine no more, cuz they actually made that comic and it was dope


Unconfirmed Member
Wow thank you! Would you recommend I read All-New Marvel then? I feel like for some of the series I'm going to jump into, it looks like I should.

There are a few books that are more or less direct continuations from the All-New books (Squirrel Girl, Howard the Duck, and Silver Surfer come to mind) which all get renumbered after Secret Wars, which can make it a bit confusing (Squirrel Girl and Howard both make it a running joke that they had two #1 issues in 2015), but there's a lot of good jumping on points.

My biggest recommendation would be to try things that look interesting to you, whether that be a specific character, or writer or artist, and then go from there. Most of the time there will be a recap that will give you all of the important backstory that you need to know, and if you really like something, it's always possible to go back and check out their other stories.
I'm loving the shit out of Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers. Even more than the great Fantastic Four run, but then I've never been a huge FF fan. Can't wait to read more but now I must force myself to do some work.

So I leave you with this IGN review of The Avengers #4, and a reminder that someone got paid for writing it.

I am reading this now too and really enjoying it. But I can definitely see how people might have disliked it reading week to week. The "mini-arcs" are not that interesting by themselves. And the repeated dialogues/panels and exposition + preview pages + title pages in the middle make it seem a bit of a pain.

And this whole arc is 83 $3.99 issues...


semen stains the mountaintops

Was gonna order them eventually but figured I should do it now cus of Jeff Goldblum.

Once the 2% discount kicks in, ima order BPRD Hell on Earth 10, 11, 12, 13, and Hellboy and the BPRD 1952.


semen stains the mountaintops
I prefer softcovers for trades, looks better on my shelf.


Only times I get HCs is if there's no SC version.
The Fix was damn good. Nick Spencer is damn good. Shame he sucked as a business man here in Cincinnati.

Future Quest was just missing a bowl of cereal. Good stuff!
And now it lives on a shelf where it can get dust on it and i start to think about buying more statues like that Harley red white and black holiday version even though i agreed with myself that this would be my last statue.

Ha ha. That is a good one.

Huh that's a really nice statue and you did a good job on the paint fix up. What is that Selina on the left? It's cool and I'd like to own it. Mad respect for Captain Britain.

Hagi, is that a Tokyo Ghoul avatar?

Next week is deadly class and rebirth

A lot of other comics also come out next week.

Future Quest was so good

It was. Even I liked it. Johnny is such an idiot, though.


I prefer softcovers for trades, looks better on my shelf.


Only times I get HCs is if there's no SC version.

Just beware with Thor that you will be waiting for quite a while for another SC volume as it has to release in hardcover first and then a few months after that comes a SC.


semen stains the mountaintops
Just beware with Thor that you will be waiting for quite a while for another SC volume as it has to release in hardcover first and then a few months after that comes a SC.

Ah, that sucks.

Batman 52 pulled that shit on me, now I have a beautiful row of SCs with one dirty HC sticking out.


I am reading this now too and really enjoying it. But I can definitely see how people might have disliked it reading week to week. The "mini-arcs" are not that interesting by themselves. And the repeated dialogues/panels and exposition + preview pages + title pages in the middle make it seem a bit of a pain.

And this whole arc is 83 $3.99 issues...

Oh yeah, I can totally see it being a frustrating experience read in weekly form. My problem with the review isn't the opinion but the inept attempt at expressing that opinion. Dude pretty much admits that he just couldn't be bothered.

Compare that to my name is ed here who gives us a far more detailed and insightful analysis of one fucking page of a comic book than that hack probably did for an entire run.


Selina is the same line as Zatanna, Cover Girls of the DC Universe Adam Hughes line. You'll have to hit ebay/other places to track one down as they are a few years old. I was choosing between Selina or Zatanna for my first statue purchase awhile ago on ebay and she was less expensive and also great.

Ah damn that sucks I really like the Hughes Harley statue as well. See that they have newer line based on designs by Artgerm but not really a fan.

Hagi, is that a Tokyo Ghoul avatar?

Yeah big fan I read a lot of the scans before but I'm slowly making my way through the Viz physical releases. Really like your avatar, I got my copy of volume 4 of Academia yesterday looking forward to reading it.
Yeah big fan I read a lot of the scans before but I'm slowly making my way through the Viz physical releases. Really like your avatar, I got my copy of volume 4 of Academia yesterday looking forward to reading it.

I didn't know you were this cool, Hagi.

I've been reading the Viz releases of Tokyo Ghoul. Really dig that book. I'm working through Vol.4 of My Hero Academia currently as well. It's a surprisingly well-written series.


I didn't know you were this cool, Hagi.

I've been reading the Viz releases of Tokyo Ghoul. Really dig that book. I'm working through Vol.4 of My Hero Academia currently as well. It's a surprisingly well-written series.

Yeah I'm enjoying Academia quite a lot, it feels oddly fresh to me. Very varied cast with a lot of great designs. All Might is awesome, it's funny but him being drawn in a different style really is a great touch.

I got the new volume of JoJo yesterday as well, one more then onto Stardust Crusaders! Manga is the main thing I read these days.
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