Unconfirmed Member
I've tried my best googling but can someone help me with ANAD Marvel? It seems like some of these comics reference a bunch of stuff from before Secret wars or something. I read Secret Wars with the intention of then just starting fresh all of the new first issues, but I'm having trouble how it seems like the stories jump around.
-Is there a recommended reading order?
-How should I read the Avengers series? There are 3 ongoing, which I understand are different teams, but when should I start them? Are there any one-hero books I should read before starting any of the particular Avengers books?
-Iron Man: Where does international Iron Man fit in with Invincible? Also where does the Iron Man story officially start with ANAD?
-Are there series that are being released that aren't connected to the universe? Like I see the Contest of Champions that is connected to the mobile game.
-Spider-man and the associated comics. Recommended reading order?
I haven't even gotten started with Civil War II... There has to be a reading order for that right?
ANAD is mostly just a marketing term to different the books from Marvel Now! which happened before Secret Wars, some books are connected, some are not. I'll try to answer your other questions as best I can.
-There isn't necessarily a recommended reading order, but there probably will be one for Civil War II. There is, though, a book called All-New, All-Different Avengers 0, which sets up some of the ongoing storylines for the different Avengers books. I'm reading ANAD Avengers, which starts a little slow but then picks up, and New Avengers which is enjoyable despite having art that I hate.
-Invincible Iron Man starts first, and International comes after. International so far has focused more on backstory, with Tony running into an old flame who is now a super spy. They don't really connect too much, or at least, they haven't yet.
-Not sure if there are others, but Contest of Champs is one of them.
-Peter Parker Spider-Man is running around the world in Amazing Spider-Man, Miles Morales is getting up to his teenage high-jinks in Spider-Man, which continues the story started in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man. Then there's Spider-Woman, who had a baby, Spider-Gwen, who has a good costume, and Silk, who had a bunker. I know less about them.