DC Rebirth happens in the Marvel universe.
I'm waiting for DC NuBirth so we can get some Dark Horse up in here.
DC Rebirth happens in the Marvel universe.
Rebirth might be the one thing that stops Overwatch talk next week.
This is some Akuma being a canon character in Tekken lore level of crazy.I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Bleeding Cool's speculation on how the fucking bonkers thing plays out is right, it's actually a neat trick.
Dr Manhattan as the hand of creation for the DCU
This is some Akuma being a canon character in Tekken lore level of crazy.
I'm not even mad, this could end up truly being amazing.
This is most definitely going to be a you love it or you hate it type of event.
This is most definitely going to be a you love it or you hate it type of event.
This is most definitely going to be a you love it or you hate it type of event.
PM me the 4Chan leak.Well, that's some weirdass shit for sure.
Can't speak to the entire reddit leak, I'm looking at the compatcted 4Chan version (because the reddit post got deleted), and there are pictures, so... it certainly seems real. At least in part.
It's definitely not what I was expecting, but it could be amazing.
Or terrible.
But I have no idea which.
Reading the spoilers I'm actually shocked this isn't a full blown event and is more just like a status quo shift with the one shot's.
Yeah it just dawned on me that this isn't even an event so we are going to waiting a while before any of this shit has a substantial pay-off. Man what a ride.
Rebirth question
Why is Wally coming back a big deal? Has he been dead for a really long time?
The book is 80 pages, there's gonna be some payoff![]()
Everyone's reaction here made me curious so I went on ahead and looked up those Rebirth spoilers knowing I won't read it. Huh. Seems bananas. Are DC's sales in the toilet or something?
I love it.
I lovethe idea that everything bad in the DCU happened because of Watchmen, literally and metaphorically. I mean, there's a straight line from Watchmen to, say, Identity Crisis, or even Cry for Justice. It takes a lot to make your big corporate comic an admission of guilt to that level.
I did say substantial.This is going to be setup then we are going to get strung along for at least a year. I'd be surprised if they blew their load so soon they usually go out with a whimper later on.
Tokyo Ghost has been pretty great so far.Any good Cyber Punk comics from the big 3 (marvel, image, DC) that are worth checking out? About to pick up Transmetropolitan and was wondering what else is out that's really good.
Actually, it doesn't seem to be working like that. Immediately post-Rebirth, most of the books seems to just... start doing their own thing again.
Tokyo Ghost by Remender.Any good Cyber Punk comics from the big 3 (marvel, image, DC) that are worth checking out? About to pick up Transmetropolitan and was wondering what else is out that's really good.
Any good Cyber Punk comics from the big 3 (marvel, image, DC) that are worth checking out? About to pick up Transmetropolitan and was wondering what else is out that's really good.
Absolutely they are, stay away from ... Bleeding Cool.
Words to live by
I'm so scared of all of these spoilers![]()
I'm so scared of all of these spoilers![]()
Ha! So that's why DC isreleasing a Watchmen box set.
Ha! So that's why DC isreleasing a Watchmen box set.
DC figured out how to grab everyone's attention.
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
I am excited
DC figured out how to grab everyone's attention.
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
I am excited
DC figured out how to grab everyone's attention.
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
I am excited
Yep, everyone is definitely going to be talking about this
Wait wtf!? I don't plan to read her books but still wtf.I'm disappointed that they are having Harley kill children again just to get attention