Freeza, Snyder hates horses. You didn't know about this?
I don't delve into the personal lives of creators.
Freeza, Snyder hates horses. You didn't know about this?
I don't delve into the personal lives of creators.
You would know about it if you read batman.
Did a horse tell him that his Batman run was garbage?
Who? Capullo is definitely one. CIAs own Tom King too.
A brawl ensued.
Yes it's great.
Freeza, Snyder hates horses. You didn't know about this?
Rob Liefeld!
as corny as it sounds, online comics criticism used to be... quite good? like, probably better than tv criticism ever was (aside from guys like Andy Greenwald who i like) but it's really fucking dire/absent these days
Which were the Big Sites/Reviewers?
They shut down Grantland and The Dissolve, too. No room for niggas just talking about the good stuff, gotta post about Natalie Portman dropping out of Thor 3 in 2018 or whatever the fuck, or live set pics of the Flash
grantland shutting down fucking sucked, especially now that all their best writers are dispersed all over the internet to lesser websites
This omnibus is definitely rough to read in the beginning because of it's size, weight, and binding. Over 1400 pages. It should be a little easier about 250 pages in when I don't have to hold down the pages, but still, I pretty much have to confine it to my desk to read.
Right now, like 50 pages in, it's pretty annoying.
23 unopened Omnibus + Big Damn Sin City.big damn city is the only 1000+ that is great to read but that is probably because darkhorse makes the best physical books
23 unopened Omnibus + Big Damn Sin City.
Stuff is insane big, would be afraid that it falls on my foot
To be fair, Grantland's days were numbered the day Simmons left ESPN. His new site is going to have quite a few Grantland alums, so maybe he can recapture the magic.
What is that, Teen Titans? I haven't had a problem with any of the ones I've read so far but none of them are 1400 pages lol.
So new 52 Clark is getting killed off presumably and pre 52 Clark is going to be the main Superman now who isn't chinese because he is on new 52 earth because of some event called Convergence. Is Lois and Clark any good? It feels like it's something I should be reading considering he has a son now who is going to be the new Superboy.
Super creepyWhat if Harley Quinn was Joker's Daughter all along.
What if Harley Quinn was Joker's Daughter all along.
new 52 is alive and will be depowered. His powers go to the new chinse one.
pre new 52 is just older and has a son.
I think
I like both a lot but I kind of wish Jodo wasn't Moebius's most present collaborator. Jodo is a good writer, but he becomes super dependent on his writers to pull off his ideas. Plus, Jodo's dialogue is kind of oddly declarativeYeah I grabbed this, still have to read it
I picked up The Cat's Eyes when that was two bucks and I thought it was pretty good. Great art.
pretty impressive how Morrison was able to lowkey make a statement on the nature of deconstructive criticism. The crazy thing is Morrison can do this pretty often.great post or greatest post
shit is a wasteland. Either niggas got jobs in the industry, stopped reading comics, or just stop blogging about em period
yeah, I think what weve seen is a lot of good ones decide collectively that good writing on comics is mostly ignored, doesn't pay well if at all oralliance c. 2010/11 even with the boring posts about toys or whatever i didn't care about because man, there's not really that anymore is there?
also: bvs is ok, lookin forward to the 3 hour long version w/ Jena Malone tbh
I'm sooo tempted to buy this bookThis omnibus is definitely rough to read in the beginning because of it's size, weight, and binding. Over 1400 pages. It should be a little easier about 250 pages in when I don't have to hold down the pages, but still, I pretty much have to confine it to my desk to read.
Right now, like 50 pages in, it's pretty annoying.
Well, there is a lot of things to be said about him. He had a tremendously long career.You guys and your Moebius. What was so great about his stuff?
The Abyss
Fifth Element.
I thought I remembered reading he also did some work on Star Wars IV, but I cant find anything right now. He apparently also helped on Space Jam, character design I believe. He also did a ton of work on the Jodorwosky's aborted adaptation of Dune. Those storyboards were then turned into Incal, which is most certainly one of the most influential comics of all time, *especially* among comics creators. Bendis's intro to the last edition is basically 'please don't steal from this, every one has already tried'
The Incal is a sci fi masterpiece. Theres a crazy new idea that Moebius pulls off like a boss every 3 - 5 pages. Its *the* sci fi comic.
What if Harley Quinn was Joker's Daughter all along.
Well, there is a lot of things to be said about him. He had a tremendously long career.
He was just so fucking versatile and imaginative. He was *the* western comics artist.
we are getting darkhorse collections this fall. going to be great quality
They doing library editions? I love those things. Big and sturdy, but they don't use cheap material like some other companies.
Well, there is a lot of things to be said about him. He had a tremendously long career.
He was just so fucking versatile and imaginative. He was *the* western comics artist.
I thought I remembered reading he also did some work on Star Wars IV, but I cant find anything right now. He apparently also helped on Space Jam, character design I believe. He also did a ton of work on the Jodorwosky's aborted adaptation of Dune. Those storyboards were then turned into Incal, which is most certainly one of the most influential comics of all time, *especially* among comics creators. Bendis's intro to the last edition is basically 'please don't steal from this, every one has already tried'
yep library editions so expect it to be absolute quality
They doing library editions? I love those things. Big and sturdy, but they don't use cheap material like some other companies.
Okay, I admit that guy could art pretty good.
ouch. basically the same size as the goon and usagiThis just reiterates to me how disappointing Dark Horse's decision to print the Moebius library in standard trim size is.
No library edition sized. They solicited it as 8" x 10".
Understatement of the forever
ouch. basically the same size as the goon and usagi
ouch. basically the same size as the goon and usagi
Wait, what? I thought the Goon books were bigger. Was going to order those next week. Pre-order cancelled.
Goon is 8.3x12.5
Pretty Deadly #6-7
damn great chapters and a good approach to WW1. I know not many people read this but this is one of the best Image titles when comes to grim reapers/afterlife. Also everytime I see Ginny and Alice I get excited. My only prob is that the next arc doesn't fill you in about what happened in the past 5 issues so you might have to go back.
5/5 and still one of my personal favorites. I just don't talk about it much because I have been waiting for it to be collected.
I demand photographic evidence. And put them next to a hamster for comparison.
Super creepy
Goon books are bigger. Same size as the Fear Agent books.
I think TheFlow meant the Moebius books are same height as the Usagi books and same width as the Goon books.
yes :O. I was afraid this next arc wouldn't be so good because of the hiatus but it is delivering. Forgot how good the art is.I could just stare at some of these recent issues for hours. Rios and Bellaire are killing it.
Whats Alex Ross upto these days?
Whats Alex Ross upto these days?