shit son! enjoy the spurge. let ti take over you
Honestly, some of that money is going to my car insurance. And the rest might be saved up. Who knows. :/
shit son! enjoy the spurge. let ti take over you
You know once you earn over $500 in a lump sum you're obligated to buy one Omnibus and one statue. Thems the rulesHonestly, some of that money is going to my car insurance. And the rest might be saved up. Who knows. :/
Awesome to see hiketeia collected i will be oreering it soonStraight from DC's website:
Eisner Award-winning author Greg Ruckas critically acclaimed run writing the Amazon Warrior is collected in its entirety, beginning in WONDER WOMAN BY GREG RUCKA VOL. 1!
When Diana writes a book that shares her beliefs, it ignites a firestorm of controversyand even gets the attention of the Olympian gods! Now Wonder Woman faces her most personal battle yet as she confronts attacks on all levels, from Veronica Cale to Dr. Psycho to Silver Swan and even the War God Ares himself! Collects WONDER WOMAN #195-205 and the original graphic novel WONDER WOMAN: THE HIKETEIA.
I decided to snag that Garth Ennis humble bundle $1 tier to read some of the volumes in the next couple days, and then decided whether I wanted the bigger tiers.
Unfortunately, I downloaded the CBZ files, placed them on my tablet's micro SD like all of my other CBZs, yet get a red error symbol on them in Comic Rack, and just a blank screen in Challenger Comic Viewer.
Anyone else run in to something like this or know how to fix it?
I decided to snag that Garth Ennis humble bundle $1 tier to read some of the volumes in the next couple days, and then decided whether I wanted the bigger tiers.
Unfortunately, I downloaded the CBZ files, placed them on my tablet's micro SD like all of my other CBZs, yet get a red error symbol on them in Comic Rack, and just a blank screen in Challenger Comic Viewer.
Anyone else run in to something like this or know how to fix it?
I've seen this problem with a few other humble bundles before. Can you open the .cbz file in 7zip or some other program like that and see if there is an "__MACOSX" folder in there? Delete that and see if it works. (.cbz and .cbr files are just renamed .zip and .rar files)
I actually decided to do this already because a google search said to look for odd symbols in filenames. I opened it in winrar on my pc and tried to delete the __MACOSX folder, but received a permission error.
Just read Secret Wars, its enoughHoly shit, Secret Wars and tie ins are about 200+ issues? Yeah, I am not going to start on that right now. Will wait till everything is on MU later in the year.
Have you tried extracting the contents, deleting the MACOSX folder and then recreating a new zip file with the main folder and renaming that to .cbz?
I made $500 in one night! Time to blow it all on comics and steam games I will never read or play!
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
in the shape of an L on her forehead
He sold his liverAre you a stripper
You can easily skip all the tie ins. Just read the main series and you'll be fine. The closest tie in I think to the main book might be Thors. The rest either have minor mentions but the vast majority have nothing to do with the main story.Holy shit, Secret Wars and tie ins are about 200+ issues? Yeah, I am not going to start on that right now. Will wait till everything is on MU later in the year.
Have you tried extracting the contents, deleting the MACOSX folder and then recreating a new zip file with the main folder and renaming that to .cbz?
Holy shit, Secret Wars and tie ins are about 200+ issues? Yeah, I am not going to start on that right now. Will wait till everything is on MU later in the year.
Holy shit, Secret Wars and tie ins are about 200+ issues? Yeah, I am not going to start on that right now. Will wait till everything is on MU later in the year.
Well, done with Avengers and New Avengers. The series don't really have a clean ending at all, do they. Have to start on Secret Wars and Tie-Ins now.
You can easily skip all the tie ins. Just read the main series and you'll be fine. The closest tie in I think to the main book might be Thors. The rest either have minor mentions but the vast majority have nothing to do with the main story.
Secret Wars tie-ins have nothing to do with the main book. Secret Wars was an excuse for writers to basically write whatever elseworlds mini they want. Pick up a tie-in if it seems interesting to you and for no other reason.
Most of it is already on MU btw.
Secret Wars was the ending. You don't need the tie ins they were an excuse to write minis.
Oh my goodness... Just finished "The Old Dog" arc of Hitman...
Absolutely incredible.
Hard to believe that that isn't the end of the series, to be honest.
But wow. Gut-wrenching.
Also, that two-page spread of the wedding scene. Incredible.
I kind of want to read all of the battleworld and warzone minis , to see how "experimental" the various writers got when they knew the slate was being wiped clean.
Secret Wars #8 and #9 are still not on MU yet. Maybe I'll make my way through the tie-ins at a slower pace. #9 won't be up till sometime in July I think.
It really is.say what you will about Uncanny or Land, but this Magneto costume is fucking dope
thats not Land art btw
Mignola's writing style in the early hellboy stories/TPBs feels really 90s/80s.
Like you'd have a page filled with exposition in the first story arc (Seed of Destruction), but after Conqueror Worm, everybody else around Hellboy talks way more than he does, as evidenced here
Ok.say what you will about Uncanny or Land, but this Magneto costume is fucking dope
thats not Land art btw
Is what i keep telling people.
To be fair, he was being characterized as both depressed and drunk at the time.
Now that I've finished reading everything, I think I can say every character other than Namor acted like an utter and complete idiot. Black Panther. Reed Richards. Captain America. Everyone. What was their noble self-sacrifice achieving other than stroking their Ego. At the minimum, they could have let the Builders or the Shi'ar have their own go at saving themselves. But nooo. We won't do anything. We won't let anyone else do anything.
Mignola's writing style in the early hellboy stories/TPBs feels really 90s/80s.
Like you'd have a page filled with exposition in the first story arc (Seed of Destruction), but after Conqueror Worm, everybody else around Hellboy talks way more than he does, as evidenced here
Well, yeah. That was the whole point of his arc: he who was known for his pride was the first to cast it away when asked.
Even the allying with thanos bit, which he usually gets flak for, makes sense since after errybody gave up, he was the one that came back to the base to get some nega bombs aaaand then most likely ran straight into what maximus had done.
but i like that rogers was such an asshole that he tried to go at terrax with a cane at the UN floor.
Any one know if they're reprinting Uncanny X -men omnibus volume 2?
Lots of writers like to retell the origin in flashback or put their own spin on it, but generally new runs do not mean hard resets.
Try Wonder Woman 195 by Greg Rucka. If you like it, well good news he wrote the book for three years (his last issue was 226) and it's all great. And if you are still digging it, I have even more good news because Rucka's back on the book in a month or something like that, so you'll have that to look forward to, too.
And yes that whole run is available digitally. You'll find it under Wonder Woman (1987-2006).
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka is IMO my favorite run ever. The only downside is the end of his run gets pulled into a number of events. But! Rucka is coming back to the character as part of Rebirth which is awesome news.
It's available digitally on comixology
Another run that is older and highly regarded is Perez's run. I own it but haven't read it yet. Though I know some on the board have
Oh I agree. It's still the definitive run for me. And I don't really mind some of the later crossover tie ins.
I wish Comixology/DC would add Wonder Woman Hiketeia by Greg Rucka and JG Jones.
This is a standalone graphic novel starring Batman and Wonder Woman. It's actually the first main thing Rucka wrote of WW and then he went on to the main WW series. It's really great. Hope a reprint shows up so a CMX arrives.
John Byrne wrote Seed. Mignola took over after that.
I went into reading this run after having a read a few of the big spoilers and peoples reactions to them. So I had a rather different set of expectations about Namor's character arc going in. Pleasantly surprised with how well it was done.
October 2016 I think.
Forgot my list
Lots of things that aren't Overwatch
Seems like a waste.
What the hell is an Overwatch
I've already read Watchmen