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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.

Finished up the end of Snyder's Batman run. Last two issues really hit me in the feels. I'm curious if Tom King will mix things up and not have every arc feel like some citywide catastrophe where you wonder why in the fuck anyone actually lives there. A poor contrast to what I'm reading in Gotham Central lol

Also read all of All-New Hawkeye on MU. Interesting concept but it's kind of a kick in the balls that Fraction's run ends with Clint and Kate getting back together, only for them to split up immediately in the next series, this time for good. It's also even more unsatisfying in that this will 100% result in some time-travel fuckery that somehow fixes their relationship in the present day.

Also need to add that Ms. Marvel is amazing. I was enjoying it a decent amount but it really hits its stride when whatshisface pretty boy shows up and starts hitting up on Kamala. I think the Bruno/Kamala romance subplot adds a lot of the story, and it (sort of?) resolves so well at the end of her first series. Then Bruno gets a GF post secret wars and things get even crazier. All those other potential superhero love interests for Kamala can gtfo, Bruno > them.

edit: I read on /co/ that Rebirth will be at midnight PST, so 2am here :(


Hey look Frank Cho can do nice art when he isn't being a total prick. He is doing the variants for Wonder Woman


Preview of #4


The enemy variety wasn't even my issue. It was the lack of bosses. Particularly a good ol' fashioned Jeanne/Lumen Sage/Jetstream Sam/Megatron/Black Baron-esque Platinum boss. All you fought were mechas and then super siamese spirit, which was cool, but once the mechs became standard enemies, then they shouldn't have been bosses any more.

At no point would I call the show "trash." I've seen enough actual trash to say that TLoK never reaches in the remote proximity of any of those shows at any point in time. The show is flawed, this I cannot deny, but it's never been as bad as I've seen some people make it out to be. I just can't see where it comes from.

lack of bosses plays into the variety.

I know you don't see but the writing team really hammered that show to the ground. It was like watching something being blown up from the sky
lack of bosses plays into the variety.

I know you don't see but the writing team really hammered that show to the ground. It was like watching something being blown up from the sky

I already said I see the flaws. I'm saying that I don't see how they made the show THAT bad. The worst of it all was the relationship drama and character building. Shit's important, but I never found it so bad that I'd call it trash. I still gave a shit about the characters. Or at least most of them. There were pacing issues for sure, but again, nothing so damaging as to bring the show to trash-tier. For the record, examples of shows I consider on that tier are Sword Art Online and Birds of Prey.



I already said I see the flaws. I'm saying that I don't see how they made the show THAT bad. The worst of it all was the relationship drama and character building. Shit's important, but I never found it so bad that I'd call it trash. I still gave a shit about the characters. Or at least most of them. There were pacing issues for sure, but again, nothing so damaging as to bring the show to trash-tier. For the record, examples of shows I consider on that tier are Sword Art Online and Birds of Prey.

sword art started of so good to before it went full on anime cliche weebu.

I am not calling Korra trash because overall it is meh-average.


Hey look Frank Cho can do nice art when he isn't being a total prick. He is doing the variants for Wonder Woman


Preview of #4

Frank Cho's art is almost always great irrespective of whether or not he's chasing imaginary attacks or people are whining about him.


It's safe to assume every one's avatars are their waifus?

Nah my avatar would have to be Black Canary or Firestorm, for that to happen.

The disappointment when you wanna cosplay as Green Arrow but your girl friend doesn't want to be Black Canary.


Man, I won't be able to read Rebirth until like 11pm tomorrow, because I work 2-10pm. My wife is picking my copy up at the local comic shop after she gets off work, bless her heart.

I'm not caught up on a single N52 title, but oh well, lol.


sword art started of so good to before it went full on anime cliche weebu.

I am not calling Korra trash because overall it is meh-average.

SAO had two good episodes before shooting off into the stratosphere that was "anime power fantasy." Maybe three.

I swear, I'm half curious to actually try to sit down and try the SAO anime some day for the hell of it to see what the deal is that makes it so awful. I've actually only ever read the books, and at least from what's released in English those went from like terribad at the start, to okay enough, to actually pretty solid (as in the first novel is godawful trash, and then by the seventh the author manages to deliver something that's surprisingly well put to together). But there's bound to be huge differences between books and anime anyway just due to the differences in medium.

Also, I totally read My Hero Academia, to follow up on the discussion from earlier. Though I read a lot of manga, I guess, and I also actually haven't gotten around to the anime yet either...

Oh, and I'm almost done (pre-52) Simone Secret Six, so that's cool!
I swear, I'm half curious to actually try to sit down and try the SAO anime some day for the hell of it to see what the deal is that makes it so awful. I've actually only ever read the books, and at least from what's released in English those went from like terribad at the start, to okay enough, to actually pretty solid (as in the first novel is godawful trash, and then by the seventh the author manages to deliver something that's surprisingly well put to together). But there's bound to be huge differences between books and anime anyway just due to the differences in medium.

It was actually a solid anime up through episode 14. After that was when it jumped the shark. SAO II was pretty good, especially the first half.
It seems like you added an extra name there. We've never played with that guy. :p
Sorry, I have a million friends who are all into this game. Between IRL and older friends and homies from BCT/Twitter, I'm in a full game most of the time.
Hahaha nice, all the people nobody likes on one platform.

And this was uncalled for :(

Anyways, I got the X-Statix omnibus in the mail today and it's really nice. Gonna have to read the Dead Girl mini when I get a chance.


Is Infinity any good?

I'm up to that point in Hickman's Avengers run and I'm not really looking forward to it, especially given how abrupt and shoehorned its kickoff felt at the end of the New Avengers issue immediately preceding it.

Also, not really enjoying Slott's Big Time arc. It feels rushed and overwrought at the same time. Can't think of characters more annoying than the Think Tank team.

Think I'm in a comics rut.


Is Infinity any good?

I'm up to that point in Hickman's Avengers run and I'm not really looking forward to it, especially given how abrupt and shoehorned its kickoff felt at the end of the New Avengers issue immediately preceding it.

Also, not really enjoying Slott's Big Time arc. It feels rushed and overwrought at the same time. Can't think of characters more annoying than the Think Tank team.

Think I'm in a comics rut.
Infinity is probably Hickman's weakest storyline on his Avengers/New Avengers run. It drags on too long in some parts that makes you think "this feels like a movie" but not in a good way.

And I totally agree with you on the Think Tank crew. While they are nice additions to Spidey's supporting cast, they overstay their welcome quite quick. It's worth to get through it for Superior imo.


Totally forgot that there are plans for Shazam movie. Really looking forward to this one.

Do we get something out of Rebirth with this Character?
12:49 EST and I just read Rebirth.

It's Good Comics. I got a little dusty eyed at some points, even though I don't have much connection with the Flash Family-- and this is very much a Flash Family title. But the broader points, those speak to everybody, or at least I hope they would. Love, faith, legacy, hope. The Big Giant Secret everyone's talking about takes up very very little of the book, on the whole; I get why people are freaking out over it, but it kind of feels silly, with the way that it's handled. It's more a meditation on what Johns feels is missing from DC comics these days, which makes it kind of a hell of a note to go out on, but there it is. Definitely going to talk more about it after people have had a chance to read it, but that's the spoiler free review.

Totally forgot that there are plans for Shazam movie. Really looking forward to this one.

Do we get something out of Rebirth with this Character?

Not yet, which is weird.


Why did they have to ruin a character i was starting to like by giving him a hockey outfit? First skin is a legendary....slapshot hockey skin for Lucio. You had potential!


Is Infinity any good?

I'm up to that point in Hickman's Avengers run and I'm not really looking forward to it, especially given how abrupt and shoehorned its kickoff felt at the end of the New Avengers issue immediately preceding it.

I actually really liked Infinity. I thought it was pleasantly refreshing and kept me on edge each month waiting for each issue to come out. I do agree it felt like a movie in some parts, but i thought it was a good thing. Its basically 2 separate stories that end up coming together at the end, The whole Galactic War part was amazing. The pay off at the end might not have been that great or lead to anything but the story as a whole was awesome.

About to pick up the HC collection when i get paid actually.
Picked up Overwatch completely blind and sunk a good two hours into the game tonight. I basically played a shit ton of Lucio. I can already tell that I'll spend most of my time in a support role, just like I always play medic in TF2. I occasionally swap to snipers for fun, but always go back to heals.

I didn't really have much time to try it other folks...any other suggestions for a healer role? I teamed up with an angel type healer (Mercy?), and we were nearly invincible holding checkpoints down with a tank and attackers. She looked more like an active healer, whereas Lucio boosts speed or healing, but it's all passive AOE.

Is Mercy someone I should try out?

PSN is Tragicomedy, if anyone wants dedicated heals. I don't play until evenings.
Yes, Mercy's pretty cool to work with. I like being able to both heal and attack boost with her. (Plus I feel like a badass when I get to swoop in and revive someone with her ultimate.)
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