This is normal no? not only have they just cancelled a bunch of books but they are running a line wide event. New books always follow.
Was confused, I thought that it was another batch of #1 for everything.
This is normal no? not only have they just cancelled a bunch of books but they are running a line wide event. New books always follow.
If you have to "worry" about what's going on the rest of the universe, then the universe isn't working. It should just feel like there's a wider story going on.
You don't need to watch Ant-Man to enjoy Civil War, nor do you have to watch Guardians, but if you watch them all, you get the sense of a larger picture.
Bud do we want the universe to remain connected all the time? Sure, when built up and written like Secret Wars, it pays of very well. But how many such great events can you remember in the history of comics? I've had a lot more reactions of "ugh, this random event killed the pace of a run" than a "I wish other superheros/villains were in this book". I think there should be a balance of self-contained runs and universe ending events. If everything is "this is the biggest thing ever", it will feel like watching a movie where all three acts are like an MCU act 3 with ships falling on planets.
Picked up Overwatch completely blind and sunk a good two hours into the game tonight. I basically played a shit ton of Lucio. I can already tell that I'll spend most of my time in a support role, just like I always play medic in TF2. I occasionally swap to snipers for fun, but always go back to heals.
I didn't really have much time to try it other folks...any other suggestions for a healer role? I teamed up with an angel type healer (Mercy?), and we were nearly invincible holding checkpoints down with a tank and attackers. She looked more like an active healer, whereas Lucio boosts speed or healing, but it's all passive AOE.
Is Mercy someone I should try out?
PSN is Tragicomedy, if anyone wants dedicated heals. I don't play until evenings.
The final issue of Justice League 3001 was pretty fucking disappointing. Literally no plot points were wrapped up and a new one was introduced in the last two pages and it ended with "To be continued..?"
Mercy is my hero. You are the best of you play her as she is always needed. Easily the best healer in the game
Is it getting continued? I read a few issues of the first run and really liked it, keep meaning to pick up the trades but it wasn't really a priority.
Nope, this was the final issue.
Rebirth exceeded expectations. What an incredible comic.
God damn I just had the game of my life playing with D.Va (she's so good holy shit) then I got kicked from the servers just as we saw who got play of the game.
Also, Nighthawk #1 is gonna be the most underrated books this week. LOVED it.
I hope this title last a long time. But it's not because most people do not give a damn about any Squadron Supreme member.
Death clock has begun on nighthawk.
BTW it is a stark difference looking at Comixology and seeing Rebirth is 2.99 and Cap American #1 is 4.99
Gotta ask, what's got everyone so hyped when it comes to DC Rebirth?
To me it felt like business as usual with new cards shuffled. Are there going to be new, better creative teams?
It's not really 80 pages.
Cross post from the other thread.
Just read Justice League>Louis & Clark>Superman>Rebirth in one sitting. It was amazing! Rebirth really packed a lot of emotion. The n52 was my introduction into the DC Universe so this was not an apology to me but more of here is what you have been missing. I guess it was an apology for the mediocre stories I've read from DC in the n52. Directionless stories that lead nowhere, that had no bearing on the overall universe. For all of Dan Didios antics. I don't think he is a bad person, I think he might just be ignorant on good story telling. Thinkwas my favorite chapter.Love
It's not really 80 pages.
I mean yeah, the page count 80, but there's only 60 of story.
Only 60 pages. Return that shit.
Since when has Sharon Carter been so old?
Mercy is my hero. You are the best of you play her as she is always needed. Easily the best healer in the game
Only 60 pages. Return that shit.
I'd agree with this expect he stories being mediocre. There was some bad stuff but IMO here was a ton of good things as well.
3 times the marvel baby
found out Lone wolf and cub is collected in 12 big omnibus volumes. so I like what I read on Unlimited I will buy the whole series physical.
I'd agree with this expect he stories being mediocre. There was some bad stuff but IMO here was a ton of good things as well.
Wow. Ryan Sook is drawing Batman Beyond Rebirth. Here's hoping he can make it all the way to the end of the issue.
Thanks. Sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Can't wait to try her skills out later today. I'm hoping I can latch up with a competent tank since that always makes for a fun match.
Can't read rebirth until I get home but in all seriousness does Harley feature at all?
There were some good books here and there, but the New 52 did not even compare to the old DCU in terms of quality.
I guess that's true but the new 52 and this universe I feel is mine since I started reading comics seriously with it.
It gets annoying people shitting on my universe and Superman.
I guess that's true but the new 52 and this universe I feel is mine since I started reading comics seriously with it.
It gets annoying people shitting on my universe and Superman.
Felt the same way about Zero Hour
Someday someone will tell another good Superman story that's not about him being corrupted and turned evil. I look forward to it.
That was new 52 Superman. I mean Those first arcs is Superman were bad, but Lobdell run onward the book was pure gravy.
#is trending.SayNoToHYDRACap