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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


Unconfirmed Member
Just about to jump into DC Rebirth, but before I do that I just want to say that The Valiant is some great comics. Cool event, cool bad guy, and some absolutely top notch art from Paolo Rivera. It's just great. Didn't someone have a Geomancer avatar for a while? I recognized the panel.

It's just so damned good.
So I've spent 2 hours so far playing as Junkrat. I think he's one of my mains, now. He's so good. And I got his Jailbird skin which is my favorite one of his.
The end of Rebirth kinda reminds me of the end of Infinite Crisis. in a good way.

which makes me feel bad that Johns won't be writing comics for a while, but I guess it's as good a way as any to sign off for now. It just works.


Rebirth is WAY FUCKING CRAZIER than I expected

holy fuck

I really thought I had it figured out, but, man

this is going somewhere, and that place, man

(ps: the lettering on those final pages, hmm, that's the good stuff)
Read Cap. I mean, duh. No way that's not a swerve.

Anyway. Made me realize why Rebirth is so dope and current Marvel is so wack. Rebirth feels so huge and epic and right now Marvel feels so small and compartmentalized. Just a bunch of little stories, some good, some bad. Secret Wars was perfect and amazing because it was literally the biggest story in Marvel history. Nothing feels like that anymore.


Rebirth was bonkers and works how those overpriced marvel preview pages should have. Man reading Justice league and the first few pages of rebirth the answer was staring me right in the face but I didn't see it till the end.

Really excited for the prospect of s legion book and a JSA book about the untold stories of the team,
Rebirth was bonkers and works how those overpriced marvel preview pages should have. Man reading Justice league and the first few pages of rebirth the answer was staring me right in the face but I didn't see it till the end.

Really excited for the prospect of s legion book and a JSA book about the untold stories of the team,

Interesting takeaway.

So thats why they suddenly release a Silver Age Deluxe.

Um....not your best quote work.


Cap was really weird not what I was expecting at all. Spencer writes pretty on the nose with his political commentary but it works. I can see a few ways this could end up but none of them seem that interesting to me. I feel like we've been here before.

Now to read Rebirth.
So if Titans is what it sounds like,
the first writer to take on the mighty Alan Moore's characs in the mainstream DCU is....

Dan Abnett.



Read Cap. I mean, duh. No way that's not a swerve.

Anyway. Made me realize why Rebirth is so dope and current Marvel is so wack. Rebirth feels so huge and epic and right now Marvel feels so small and compartmentalized. Just a bunch of little stories, some good, some bad. Secret Wars was perfect and amazing because it was literally the biggest story in Marvel history. Nothing feels like that anymore.

That is a weird complaint lol.


That is a weird complaint lol.
I can sort of see it, secret wars was big and awesome and the reboot that followed doesn't seem any different than what came before other than miles and a few histories being different.

One thing I'm liking about rebirth is DC is getting away from the whoring of the Justice League brand. I love the league but the Titans, JSA, Legion, Squad, and the Outsiders makes the universe much brighter.

It's a complaint I've had with the 15 different avengers books going on right now.


Rebirth was pretty fucking awesome.
Wally is back!!!
I'll admit I did get a little emotional reading through it. Reads like one big apology and succeeded in getting me hopeful for the future. I'm back on the DC train.

The two Wallys are cousins? that's great


So if Titans is what it sounds like,
the first writer to take on the mighty Alan Moore's characs in the mainstream DCU is....

Dan Abnett.


I dunno, it feels like there's something more at play, like,
there's something off, it can't just be straight up The Watchmen, but it's Watchmen-adjacent? I'm expecting something way more complicated
I can sort of see it, secret wars was big and awesome and the reboot that followed doesn't seem any different than what came before other than miles and a few histories being different.

One thing I'm liking about rebirth is DC is getting away from the whoring of the Justice League brand. I love the league but the Titans, JSA, Legion, Squad, and the Outsiders makes the universe much brighter.

It's a complaint I've had with the 15 different avengers books going on right now.

Yup. The additional Avengers books add nothing to the scope of the universe. They just are different teams with different adventures. They're not specialized for certain threats like New or Secret used to be. X-Men are even worse. Just a random slosh of mutants in three different buckets.

It's why All Star Wolverine and Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are such flagship books right now. They're from the perspective of smaller characs who can look around and be like "Holy fuck, this universe is WILD, man."'All these dipshit grown ups are like "ehhhh, let's do this for no reason" "ehhhh, are you sure we shouldn't do this instead?" Who gives a fuck, breh.

It's also why Ultimates is so brilliant. It's such a massive book. They should make that the only Marvel book for a few months and then have an Annual reintroduce the entire Marvel Universe with Ewing at the helm.

It should also not be understated how important the art is. Rebirth works because the scope story's vision is faithfully represented. When you have a decent or interesting idea (what if AIM were good and had Avengers?) that looks like SFIV fan art and they fight a C'Thun wannabe, your story is gonna have a bad time.

Marvel needs some serious creative recalibration. I do still sincerely hope that Civil War II gets everyone on the same page and in the same big great story. It can happen.
I dunno, it feels like there's something more at play, like,
there's something off, it can't just be straight up The Watchmen, but it's Watchmen-adjacent? I'm expecting something way more complicated

Iunno, mayne.
The bad guy behind it all is 100% Dr. Manhattan and Darkseid War has taken literally every other multiverse level threat off the board. Unless they tie it into Multiversity, but Pax Americana I think kind of asses that possibility out.


Yup. The additional Avengers books add nothing to the scope of the universe. They just are different teams with different adventures. They're not specialized for certain threats like New or Secret used to be. X-Men are even worse. Just a random slosh of mutants in three different buckets.

It's why All Star Wolverine and Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are such flagship books right now. They're from the perspective of smaller characs who can look around and be like "Holy fuck, this universe is WILD, man."'All these dipshit grown ups are like "ehhhh, let's do this for no reason" "ehhhh, are you sure we shouldn't do this instead?" Who gives a fuck, breh.

It's also why Ultimates is so brilliant. It's such a massive book. They should make that the only Marvel book for a few months and then have an Annual reintroduce the entire Marvel Universe with Ewing at the helm.

It should also not be understated how important the art is. Rebirth works because the scope story's vision is faithfully represented. When you have a decent or interesting idea (what if AIM were good and had Avengers?) that looks like SFIV fan art and they fight a C'Thun wannabe, your story is gonna have a bad time.

Marvel needs some serious creative recalibration. I do still sincerely hope that Civil War II gets everyone on the same page and in the same big great story. It can happen.

Good luck getting anyone involved to agree to that.
Black Panther #2
Like...damn. This book is tense. Combining politics and mysticism in an interesting way. I'm really liking this.

All-New All-Different Avengers #9
Okay so this wasn't nearly as bad as the FCBD issue impression gave off. Especially now that it's in context. Not really lookin forward to a storyline focusing on Kid Nova, but whatever. Wait, does that mean they brought in Nadia to immediately sideline her? Fuck that noise.
Yup. The additional Avengers books add nothing to the scope of the universe. They just are different teams with different adventures. They're not specialized for certain threats like New or Secret used to be. X-Men are even worse. Just a random slosh of mutants in three different buckets.

It's why All Star Wolverine and Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are such flagship books right now. They're from the perspective of smaller characs who can look around and be like "Holy fuck, this universe is WILD, man."'All these dipshit grown ups are like "ehhhh, let's do this for no reason" "ehhhh, are you sure we shouldn't do this instead?" Who gives a fuck, breh.

It's also why Ultimates is so brilliant. It's such a massive book. They should make that the only Marvel book for a few months and then have an Annual reintroduce the entire Marvel Universe with Ewing at the helm.

It should also not be understated how important the art is. Rebirth works because the scope story's vision is faithfully represented. When you have a decent or interesting idea (what if AIM were good and had Avengers?) that looks like SFIV fan art and they fight a C'Thun wannabe, your story is gonna have a bad time.

Marvel needs some serious creative recalibration. I do still sincerely hope that Civil War II gets everyone on the same page and in the same big great story. It can happen.
I agree with your points save for sassing New Avengers. They actually used Standoff to take the book in an interesting direction. Plus it's fun as fuck anyways.


Yup. The additional Avengers books add nothing to the scope of the universe. They just are different teams with different adventures. They're not specialized for certain threats like New or Secret used to be. X-Men are even worse. Just a random slosh of mutants in three different buckets.

It's why All Star Wolverine and Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are such flagship books right now. They're from the perspective of smaller characs who can look around and be like "Holy fuck, this universe is WILD, man."'All these dipshit grown ups are like "ehhhh, let's do this for no reason" "ehhhh, are you sure we shouldn't do this instead?" Who gives a fuck, breh.

It's also why Ultimates is so brilliant. It's such a massive book. They should make that the only Marvel book for a few months and then have an Annual reintroduce the entire Marvel Universe with Ewing at the helm.

It should also not be understated how important the art is. Rebirth works because the scope story's vision is faithfully represented. When you have a decent or interesting idea (what if AIM were good and had Avengers?) that looks like SFIV fan art and they fight a C'Thun wannabe, your story is gonna have a bad time.

Marvel needs some serious creative recalibration. I do still sincerely hope that Civil War II gets everyone on the same page and in the same big great story. It can happen.

The big All new All different preview book from last year really should have had some connective tissue to explain how all the books connect toward one another. It's crazy when the flagship Avengers books is the least consequential with the name of it (I contend Waids's book should have been Young or Avengers Academy 2.0).

There's something to be said about the fact that the first major event of the new universe is falling back on the trope of hero vs hero, without the get out of jail free card that Trinty War seemingly had. It's telling when the overall premise of Civil War II is one that was just explained why that doesn't work in Standoff.


Agree, agree and agree on Benjamins point with the art

Greg Land needs to eat

Yeah probably the only thing standing in the way of that
That would just do more harm than good. It makes more sense for Marvel to just replace the books they aren't happy with rather than cancel everything for months with no replacements.

The big All new All different preview book from last year really should have had some connective tissue to explain how all the books connect toward one another. It's crazy when the flagship Avengers books is the least consequential with the name of it (I contend Waids's book should have been Young or Avengers Academy 2.0).

There's something to be said about the fact that the first major event of the new universe is falling back on the trope of hero vs hero, without the get out of jail free card that Trinty War seemingly had. It's telling when the overall premise of Civil War II is one that was just explained why that doesn't work in Standoff.
What happened in Standoff and what's going to happen in Civil War aren't the same thing.
The big All new All different preview book from last year really should have had some connective tissue to explain how all the books connect toward one another. It's crazy when the flagship Avengers books is the least consequential with the name of it (I contend Waids's book should have been Young or Avengers Academy 2.0).

There's something to be said about the fact that the first major event of the new universe is falling back on the trope of hero vs hero, without the get out of jail free card that Trinty War seemingly had. It's telling when the overall premise of Civil War II is one that was just explained why that doesn't work in Standoff.

Standoff to me is the perfect example of "small" comics. I'm really less concerned about the engine of Civil War II and more of how it's going to gel universe. It could be the same exact philosophical discussion as Standoff (and it's already pretty close) but if it tells it from a wider, riskier lense, I'm all for it. Right now, honestly, knowing what we know, do you have any idea how it's going to shake out? I don't.

It's weird because Spencer's SamCap is really big, it's risky and there's huge stakes. Sam is trying to develop his own legacy and standing up against everyone because of what he believes in. Nothing about Standoff was ever not predictable.


Greg Land needs to eat

That would just do more harm than good. It makes more sense for Marvel to just replace the books they aren't happy with rather than cancel everything for months with no replacements.

What happened in Standoff and what's going to happen in Civil War aren't the same thing.

Standoff was about hoarding cosmic cube pieces and using pleasant lie as a way to imprison people who shield doesn't agree with perms alto and without a trail. What's the ideological difference between that and CAroal wanting to violate Ulyusses rights and use his ability to pre judge perplexed before they commit the crime like minoroty report.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Yup. The additional Avengers books add nothing to the scope of the universe. They just are different teams with different adventures. They're not specialized for certain threats like New or Secret used to be. X-Men are even worse. Just a random slosh of mutants in three different buckets.

It's why All Star Wolverine and Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel are such flagship books right now. They're from the perspective of smaller characs who can look around and be like "Holy fuck, this universe is WILD, man."'All these dipshit grown ups are like "ehhhh, let's do this for no reason" "ehhhh, are you sure we shouldn't do this instead?" Who gives a fuck, breh.

It's also why Ultimates is so brilliant. It's such a massive book. They should make that the only Marvel book for a few months and then have an Annual reintroduce the entire Marvel Universe with Ewing at the helm.

It should also not be understated how important the art is. Rebirth works because the scope story's vision is faithfully represented. When you have a decent or interesting idea (what if AIM were good and had Avengers?) that looks like SFIV fan art and they fight a C'Thun wannabe, your story is gonna have a bad time.

Marvel needs some serious creative recalibration. I do still sincerely hope that Civil War II gets everyone on the same page and in the same big great story. It can happen.

No thanks. If anything I want things even more compartmentalized. I just want to read X-men books without having to worry about what is going on in the rest of the Marvel universe. I'd also like X-men books that don't suck so I guess I'm just completely SOL. Well Extraordinary X-Men is decent but the other two don't interest me at all.


Standoff was about hoarding cosmic cube pieces and using pleasant lie as a way to imprison people who shield doesn't agree with perms alto and without a trail. What's the ideological difference between that and CAroal wanting to violate Ulyusses rights and use his ability to pre judge perplexed before they commit the crime like minoroty report.

Where are you getting that Ulysses' rights are being violated?
No thanks. If anything I want things even more compartmentalized. I just want to read X-men books without having to worry about what is going on in the rest of the Marvel universe. I'd also like X-men books that don't suck so I guess I'm just completely SOL. Well Extraordinary X-Men is decent but the other two don't interest me at all.

If you have to "worry" about what's going on the rest of the universe, then the universe isn't working. It should just feel like there's a wider story going on.

You don't need to watch Ant-Man to enjoy Civil War, nor do you have to watch Guardians, but if you watch them all, you get the sense of a larger picture.
Power Man and Iron Fist #4
Yeah this went to the warm and fuzzy place. Emotional, brehs. If a heart has strings, they have been tugged. Super excited for the next arc. Book is still strong. Though I still feel like Danny is way too dumb. Then again I've never really read anything with him in it, so I have no idea how intelligent he usually is.

Karnak #4
Still reigning as my favorite ANAD book. Creepy ass cathedral/chapel/church built on shady dark ancient shit? Fucking 10/10. Karnak has a sick fight against weird abyss monsters? Fucking 10/10. Karnak talks shit? Fucking 10/10.


Wonder how the other Lois is going to react to the old/new Superman taking over from the old/nu Superman. Next Wednesday is going to be great.


Wonder how the other Lois is going to react to the old/new Superman taking over from the old/nu Superman. Next Wednesday is going to be great.

Had to laugh about this as I heard it.
Imagine when everyone is like, who is that new Superman and he is still Clark Kent *g*


Marvel uploaded a teaser for Marvel Now Fall 2016 on Comixology today. It looks like new books will be launching after Civil War 2.

I thought the minority report side wants him to use his power for them, and they're fighting over the dude. Could be wrong though.
They're fighting over him, but I don't think we've heard anything about his stance other than the fact that
he will be joining the Inhumans and training with them
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