I read Rebirth! Cross-posting my observations from the Rebirth thread.
1) It's not an ideal "jumping on" point if you aren't super familiar with pre-Flashpoint DC, or even the New 52. There's so little done to introduce characters, as John is rushing to feature as many players as possible and show what's wrong with their current setup. For a guy like me who isn't intimately familiar with a lot of these folks, it's a lot of whatever.
2) Way to much time spent having
travel around and yelling, "ARRRRGGHGAHGHAG THE SPEED FORCE AARARARAGAGH!" I mean, we're talking 20-30 pages of pure fluff. We got the point the first time. By the fifth, it was ridiculous. Not the best writing from Johns.
3) The moment everyone will remember, the crucial moment where Johns goes for the emotional jugular...was a complete success. The reunion was fantastic. Really tugged at the heart strings, even for a guy like me who doesn't give a shit about one of the characters. Great pay off.
4) Very uneven art work. It ranges from shit to fantastic.
5) The reveal of the
as antagonists is just a mess. We knew that going in based on spoilers, but it's shoe horned to hell and back. Not only does it basically make zero sense (Where the hell have they been the whole time? How have they never interacted with these characters previously?), but it really could paint the Rebirth universe into a corner going forward. Do they really want to make those guys a central focal point? Or is Johns just tossing shit at the wall and hoping we all forget them a year from now? I can't see either option being good. If they become central players in the DC universe...haha.
6) If this was book one of a six issue miniseries, I'd be good with it. As the vehicle for rebooting everything to pre-Flashpoint days, it's not very satisfying. The last dozen or so pages of cover advertisements is obviously pushing this book as the precursor to diving in to the other character storylines, but this issue is incomplete. There's no resolution or even hinting at resolution. I'm not confident other writers are going to just pick up the baton and complete this story.