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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


And the whole thesis of the book, hope & optimism (or really nostalgia) winning over darkness, seems tonally deaf considering Johns masterminded the whole darkness part. Everything he's refuting in the book is stuff he created. The tone of "it was somebody else" doesn't work for me.

See that's the one thing I have the biggest problem with when we discuss Rebirth. Geoff Johns couldn't do darkness stranded deep in an unlit cave with nothing but Smiths records.

Violence? Sure, all the time, to an alarming degree in fact. But darkness? Nah. Like, at the end of the day, his comics always end up with heroes saving the day, and making the world a better and brighter place. No one compromises in Geoff Johns comics. Heroes never lose. They get knocked down, but always with the implication that they'll rise back up. Yeah, sometimes arms get torn off, and zombie babies get barfed blood at, but, it's just visual spectacle, it's just "here's this messed up idea, look at how weird and twisted it is".

The darkness in Watchmen comes, in part, from its complete and thorough look at all the ways in which superhero fiction doesn't work and is unhealthy, from the unchecked American nationalism to the weird sexual attitudes. There's none of that in Johns' body of work. It's always affirming that, no matter what, whatever the odds may be and however many gallons of blood they'll barf at you, superheroes will win because they are cool and good.


So I just bought Unlimited. It's so crazy. How many titles do you guys/gals get per month? I ended up putting 30 different titles in my library and was very quickly overwhelmed. I've now reduced it to about 10 and I almost think that's too much.


So I just bought Unlimited. It's so crazy. How many titles do you guys/gals get per month? I ended up putting 30 different titles in my library and was very quickly overwhelmed. I've now reduced it to about 10 and I almost think that's too much.
As in the cmx one?

I would just keep all the titles in your library to save you the time of trying to search for them again.

I have
Lone wolf and cub 1-4
Love and rockets
Scott pilgrim volume 1
All of valiant volumes 1
Samurai jack- you can read just about the whole series for free and then pay 6 bucks to finish is a steal

I gotta read all that at least before


See that's the one thing I have the biggest problem with when we discuss Rebirth. Geoff Johns couldn't do darkness stranded deep in an unlit cave with nothing but Smiths records.

Violence? Sure, all the time, to an alarming degree in fact. But darkness? Nah. Like, at the end of the day, his comics always end up with heroes saving the day, and making the world a better and brighter place. No one compromises in Geoff Johns comics. Heroes never lose. They get knocked down, but always with the implication that they'll rise back up. Yeah, sometimes arms get torn off, and zombie babies get barfed blood at, but, it's just visual spectacle, it's just "here's this messed up idea, look at how weird and twisted it is".

The darkness in Watchmen comes, in part, from its complete and thorough look at all the ways in which superhero fiction doesn't work and is unhealthy, from the unchecked American nationalism to the weird sexual attitudes. There's none of that in Johns' body of work. It's always affirming that, no matter what, whatever the odds may be and however many gallons of blood they'll barf at you, superheroes will win because they are cool and good.

Don't forget
baby Darseid


Also, yo Gary Frank, learn how to draw Asian people. That shit got close to racist caricatures. I'm reading Totally Awesome Hulk and it's all Korean-American art team understands how to draw a variety of Asian people.

i mostly agree with everything you said but especially this: it's one thing to have this kind of nebbish undersized ubernerd character who can barely spit out a coherent sentence, but it's another to have him drawn with coke-bottled glasses and what looks suspiciously close to slant eyes and buckteeth

two generations of weird stereotypes combined is, as the kids say, not Good Optics
Forever Evil was when I dropped all of the DC books I was reading except Batman. My interest sank like a stone through Villains Month (which was by and large terrible comics with very few exceptions) and was totally dead before the event was finished.

I am glad I read at least some of it though, now that I'm reading Darkseid War, as it is referenced rather heavily in this event.


As in the cmx one?

I would just keep all the titles in your library to save you the time of trying to search for them again.

I have
Lone wolf and cub 1-4
Love and rockets
Scott pilgrim volume 1
All of valiant volumes 1
Samurai jack- you can read just about the whole series for free and then pay 6 bucks to finish is a steal

I gotta read all that at least before

Opps I should have specified. Marvel Unlimited.


Forever Evil was when I dropped all of the DC books I was reading except Batman. My interest sank like a stone through Villains Month (which was by and large terrible comics with very few exceptions) and was totally dead before the event was finished.

I am glad I read at least some of it though, now that I'm reading Darkseid War, as it is referenced rather heavily in this event.

I get why, but, really, Justice League got REALLY GOOD after Forever Evil. Getting Luthor in the mix was dope as hell.
Johns isn't dark. All the dismemberment, superheroes beating up and torturing people, setting fire to zombie babies is fine because the "good guys" are good and win in the end with the power of angsty written-by-14-yo exposition and hope. I don't know how Johns is going to help the DCU in any fashion. He seems the type of person who would write the Papa Kent in a cyclone emotional moment and think super beings punching themselves through buildings for 15 minutes if interesting. Which is what Zach Snyder was giving us anyway.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Spencer should be fucking ashamed of himself.

not about the spoiler thing, because he created a new meme ;_;


I don't know how Johns is going to help the DCU in any fashion. He seems the type of person who would write the Papa Kent in a cyclone emotional moment and think super beings punching themselves through buildings for 15 minutes if interesting. Which is what Zach Snyder was giving us anyway.

I mean, you can look at Rebirth. Dude is great at populism, and finding the parts of his characters that are gonna hook people in. Which is the big problem of BvS. It's a great movie, but it's impenetrable to a lot of people. Doing something about that by getting Johns in is exactly the right call.
What happened in Cap? I don't read it so feel free to spoil me.

Cap was Thanos all along.


On a more serious note...

Cap says "Hail Hydra" on the last page.
it was boring and ugly and ruined my favourite shit comic (jla) but i did like that justice league

Forever Evil was when I dropped all of the DC books I was reading except Batman. My interest sank like a stone through Villains Month (which was by and large terrible comics with very few exceptions) and was totally dead before the event was finished.

I am glad I read at least some of it though, now that I'm reading Darkseid War, as it is referenced rather heavily in this event.
I mean, I didn't like any of the tie-ins that I read: Justice League Dark and Constantine had that garbage-ass Blight storyline and Suicide Squad was bad before that, but the tie-in was when it went really bad. Still, I really liked Forever Evil. The chemistry between the villains was great and I felt like it had some really just plain badass moments. Didn't find it boring at all.
What happened in Cap? I don't read it so feel free to spoil me.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 spoilers:

Basically Cap is on a mission to hm capture Zemo and save a scientist and we're getting flashbacks to his youth when a nice woman saved him and his mother from his abusive dad. Cap gets on a fleeing plane and is saved from Zemo by Jack Flag who snuck on board. Cap apologises to Flag who he hadn't planned on being there and tosses him out of the plane presumably to his death. Flashback to the nice woman taking Steve and his mother to a Hydra recruitment rally. Modern Steve says "Hail Hydra".
I do find it hilarious that Marvel managed to get all that coveted "mainstream buzz" on the day of DC's big relaunch.

Taking a page from the Blizzard playbook.


semen stains the mountaintops
When did Instocktrades get so fast at shipping?

The last order I made in November 2014 took forever to ship, the order that I made last night already has half circles.


semen stains the mountaintops
Wonder how long this blowback from Cap will last? A week?

Chapter 2: You guys misheard me, I said "hey, Hydra, you're the bad guys so I'm going to fight you since I'm a good guy. You know, good guys, like the opposite of the bad guys, like not part of Hydra".


Wonder how long this blowback from Cap will last? A week?

Everyone will be back to proper Overwatch turret killing strategy soon. Also, who picks Bastion on the attacking team? WHO!?

After spider-man's deal with the devil thing i no longer really care about what cape books do to get attention, it's just a bunch of nothing.
Wonder how long this blowback from Cap will last? A week?

Nope. Nick Spencer doubled and tripled down on it in a interview today:


This is something that is gonna have a profound effect on the Marvel universe. I’ve seen a lot of people say things like, “Oh, it’ll be wrapped up in the arc,” or “Give it six months.” And I can tell you, that’s not the case. This has real lasting repercussions that are gonna be with us for a while.

He and Brevoort basically don't understand or care why it upset people, and are steamrolling on.
Nope. Nick Spencer doubled and tripled down on it in a interview today:


He and Brevoort basically don't understand or care why it upset people, and are steamrolling on.

It doesn't really matter if it wraps up quickly or not; it's just a story. someone messed with the timeline or he's doing a double agent shtick or something . This is like people getting upset over the Da Vinci Code all over again - it's fiction, goddammit
It doesn't really matter if it wraps up quickly or not; it's just a story. someone messed with the timeline or he's doing a double agent shtick or something . This is like people getting upset over the Da Vinci Code all over again - it's fiction, goddammit

Some people might think that, and I get it. But to some it's not. This sums up why some people are upset, especially Jews:

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