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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


I caved and bought 11 loot boxes for Overwatch. Got a few skins for different characters I don't really use but got the pink imp costume for Mercy so all is right in the world. Got enough currency to unlock the bkack skin for D.Va as well so I'm retiring from buying boxes.

Welp. Just ordered Overwatch off Amazon with same-day shipping. My family is playing it. My friends are playing it. Never felt so left out of video games' talk. X_X

Got it on PC though. Because fuck using Dualshock.


Welp. Just ordered Overwatch off Amazon with same-day shipping. My family is playing it. My friends are playing it. Never felt so left out of video games' talk. X_X

Got it on PC though. Because fuck using Dualshock.

I use a dualshock and i aim just fine*. I'm still resisting the urge to buy lootboxes.

*as long as i don't pick any characters that need to aim.
theres some cute stuff with Kate and Wade tho

He got the best part in his avatar:

Rat Queens Vol. 3: Demons
So this was a book that, for the first two volumes, I really, really enjoyed. Like, I couldn't wait for the next volume to drop. Now? I could probably wait.

When last we left our wayward adventurers, they had just saved Palisade from Cthulu monsters. Cut to now, where they are trapped in a goblin cave, which they manage to escape from. We find out that the reason they are journeying (after they stop into a town to rest, refuel, and get drunk), that Hannah got a distress call from her dad, Gerard. He apparently staged a coup with a bunch of students against the Council of Nine (this was actually shown at the beginning of the book), a bunch of douchebags that run Mage University. Hannah wants to go find him, but of course the last time she was at the school she fucked all of the things up, and so they don't like her anymore. Cut to upstairs, where a bounty hunter is fended off by Violet after she attempted to take Betty. Betty, we learn, is the last free member of the Five Monkeys, a guild that was framed for a terrible crime that Betty swears they didn't commit.

Anywho, the Queens go into a cave called "Dank Cave," where we learn a little about Hannah's history. During this time, the demon Hannah made a pact with shows up, Hannah tells it to fuck off, and then it sends Hell Shades to kill them. The matchup of Scary-Ass Demon Shadows to Rat Queens is 10-0, respectively. Anyways, they get saved and brought to Mage U, where we see everyone enjoy themselves. Dee goes to the library to find power to help her kill Cthulu and meets her brother, who tells her that no one likes Hannah and that she's an evil demon bitch. Also, Dee informs him that everything their cult preaches is actually real. Violet and Betty go sledding (fucking godlike) and land in a dragon cave. The dragon, named Daniel, and Betty bro out over their love for candy, while Violet grabs a mysterious sword from Matt's "garbage" pile (to him, candy is the real loot and the rest is just garbage). After grabbing the sword, it gives Violet a vision of a warrior fighting a demon sorceress, both of which look like predecessors or descendants of Violet and Hannah, respectively. Eventually, Betty and Violet go back to the town and meet up with Dee and her brother, as well as Hannah.

Hannah, during the time between arriving at Mage U and going to the meet up with the rest of the crew, visited a professor at the university named Finch. Finch, an interdimensional traveller, is about to leave the school permanently, but decides to provide one last favor for Hannah: giving her access to the afterlife to visit her mother's soul. Hannah learns about her father and mother's true pasts, and the reasons why her dad was involved with the university in the first place. Hannah returns, only to be ambushed by Mage U guardsmen. Tizzie saves her at the last second, and delivers one last message from Gerard to Hannah, with him telling her not to save him and let him stand trial. Hannah gets super upset and leaves to go back to the rest of the group, while Tizzie just leaves (apparently Tizzie's dad and Gerard were fucking bros). After meeting up, Dee interrogates Hannah about the events that happened in the past. During this time, Betty shares the full extent about what happened with her guild, and in respect Hannah shares what happened with her. Believing the group is kicking her out (not the case) Hannah storms out and gets a makeover, going full demon mode (only way I can describe it). She comes back to the group, who tries to reason with her, but gets captured and imprisoned by MU guardsmen, with her under the belief that the Queens set her up. Betty and the Queens decide to leave, since if love couldn't save Hannah, then what's the point. It's revealed that Dee's brother was acting under the influence of the same demon that Hannah made a pact with, and said demon throws Dee's bro off a cliff. Apparently said demon wants to be inside Hannah really bad. Months later after Hannah was imprisoned, it's revealed that Gerard was executed, and the demon says he'll get her out if she makes a pact with him, a pact he'll make if she forsakes the Queens. She does this, and we see Vi, Dee, and Betty on a ship, sailing off to who knows where.

Writing wise, this was a good volume. I enjoyed the characters as I always do, and while Sawyer, Dave, and Braga weren't present, aside from the Braga one-shot that was actually really good and I liked it a lot, the Queens were always enough to satisfy me. As they should, since they are the main characters. I also really liked where the plot was going, as it lead to some trippy ass magical shenanigans. Interdimensional fuckery is best fuckery. That being said, though, the art is not great. Tess Fowler does create some good imagery, but her cartoonish style doesn't fit what I've come to expect from the Queens. Her style works in some cases, such as action and humor, but any attempt at serious emotion and I'm immediately met with a severe disconnect. This sucks, because there are some heavy scenes in here that should have elicited way more from me than they did. Even then, her action scenes are decent and the humor is really in the writing. Politics of the whole thing aside, I'm not upset about her not drawing Rat Queens anymore. Her art was serviceable. No more, no less.

Overall, I was disappointed, and it saddens me that a book that may never come back has to be suspended on this note. As for the politics of the scenario: I honestly don't know how I feel. All I know is that I didn't like Fowler's art and it damaged my enjoyment of the book.
You know he was and this shit storm stopped it.

I actually don't know. I have no idea what the fuck happened other than Fowler not being on the book anymore.
Mission accomplished. All 12 read. Tom King delivered what he set out to do in 10/10 fashion. Story was a great space opera in the DCU that explores themes of war, the duality of man, religion, and politics. You all should read it if you haven't.
Mission accomplished. All 12 read. Tom King delivered what he set out to do in 10/10 fashion. Story was a great space opera in the DCU that explores themes of war, the duality of man, religion, and politics. You all should read it if you haven't.

Already read it. Think it's going to fall short of Vision as a complete work, but Omega Men is still really solid. Great book.

Also, did you know that Tom King was in the CIA?
Mission accomplished. All 12 read. Tom King delivered what he set out to do in 10/10 fashion. Story was a great space opera in the DCU that explores themes of war, the duality of man, religion, and politics. You all should read it if you haven't.

Planning on it when the trade's released. Vision's made me want to read everything he works on.


If i give in to the Omega Men hype and buy the trade i think i'm just going to be disappointed like with Lemire's Green Arrow and Soule's Red Lantern. Never trust dc hype.



Why does he wear the mask!?
Yes. Knowing a bit about some of the transformers (in my case just remembering some of the names from 25 years ago) helps, but it's not really needed.

Also, I agree with Poodlestrike that the crossovers are mirthless diversions from an otherwise excellent series.

They don't really have any good Android tablets of that size. Samsung made a few a couple of years ago (one with a stylus, and one without), but they're a bit dated now.

I'd say that if you want to go bigger than 10.5 inches then iPad Pro is the only real logical choice at this point. For me a 10.5 inch Tab S works perfectly though and is very close to the real size of comic pages. With that said, if money were no object I'd get an iPad Pro.
Think I'll stick to my 10 inch android tablet, can't justify the iPad price
The trial against The Joker for stealing Captain America's shield in the city of Iquique, Chile. Batman, Supergirl and Superman as witnesses, Daredevil as the prosecutor.

The smart move for the Joker would have been to claim that one of the other Jokers was responsible.


Man I really hate how some people write Scottish characters, reading through the first arc in Johns Flash and McCulloch Mirror Master is dropping ye and ta like nobodies business. Everybody in comics talks like a 65 year old man from Glasgow but without cunt being every fifth word.

Was surprised to see that Cold and Mirror Master already know that Wally is the Flash.
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