Almost done with SW tie ins
House of M #4 - well that was shit. And utterly pointless as in the end nothing changed lol.
Age of Apocalypse #4-5 - Book lost me when Sandoval left. Fucking Jean to the rescue hooray >_>
X-Tinction Agenda #4 - I dont care about anything going on in this book.
Civil War #5 - even if I liked the
angle from last issue, I feel like this mini lost steam ages ago. Shame because it had a great start.
Secret Wars Journal #4-5 - this continues to be great until the end, and the short story format from various domains of battleworld works great. Hell I would read a ongoing of that. Theres a fucked up night nurse story and a super cute story with what I can only describe as "the adventures of a PR doombot"
Spider-Verse #4-5 - this was a strange book, with strange art, that mainly served to set up web warriors, so I guess in that sense it succeeded. It feels like nothing happens in it, I can't explain it, I don't even think its bad per se. Spider Ham was funny at least.
E For Extinction #3-4 - yo this book man. One of the best tie ins in my opinion of which is basically a parody of Morrison's New X-Men, down to the Quitely-like art. I love how they wrote it like that because if they played it straight they could never replicate Morrison's style. "Aw Jeanie" indeed Logan.