I just recently got back into the big "corporate" comics myself (thank you, Ta-Nehisi Coates).
Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I've just dived in, knowing it would take me a while to find my way. I just went in and talked to the guy who owns my local shop and started with his recommendations (his two suggestions: The Vision and Doctor Strange). Then I went back and picked up current and back issues that were at the beginning of new storylines in other things that looked good. Then I started catching myself up on only the ones I liked. Before I knew it, I've got a stack of 40 new single-issues, a subscription to Marvel Unlimited, and a list of a dozen new books I'm now following.
Favorites of the bunch right now are Doctor Strange, Spider-Gwen, The Ultimates, and Ms. Marvel. As a fellow newbie (or re-newbie?) I say just start with something. If you like it, dig deeper. If not, try something else. Kind of simple really.
Also, Saga is incredible. But that's been running for a while and is worth starting at the very beginning in trades.