Her smile looks odd in some panels but not that one. I'm gonna make it my avatar.
ComicsGAF being wrong about stuff is nothing new. Runaways for life. <3
Lol. This book was barely Runaways.
ComicsGAF being wrong about stuff is nothing new. Runaways for life. <3
Just read Justice League #49.
Noooooo @ Bardaleaving the battle. I hope we get a side story about her trying to free her people on Apokalips though. Watching her solo everything would be absolutely brilliant.
Lol. This book was barely Runaways.
COMICS! |OT| June 2016 We're always wrong (except for Freeza).
Still better than the majority of the tie-ins.
I agreeSounds good. Let's go with this.
It's true. Most of Secret Wars' tie-ins were pretty blah in hindsight. Still some good stuff there, though.
We have a good chunk of good to decent tie-ins before even considering Runaways if I want to be fair.It's true. Most of Secret Wars' tie-ins were pretty blah in hindsight. Still some good stuff there, though.
Spurrier X-Force > Remender Uncanny X-Force. One of the many facts of life that ComicGaf refuses to accept and thus, shall never be credible.
That is an opinion a person could have
After what I've read of Cry Havoc, I'm very much doubting Spurrier's apparent god-writer powers.
Hey man, Bendis is writing Invincible Ironman so... you know.
Or is he? Probably a shadow writer lol
After what I've read of Cry Havoc, I'm very much doubting Spurrier's apparent god-writer powers.
Bendis has always been a good solo character writer
Up to this point, Legion has had trouble controlling his powers.You see, Legion doesnt just have one or two powers he has thousands of them, from telepathy to reality-bending to plasma-explodo-whooshiness (to quote the character himself). The problem is, every one of those powers manifests itself as a different personality inside his head, and every one of those powers constantly vies for control of Legions mind. Hes always had problems controlling them, but given the recent passing of his dad and the resulting psychic trauma, the inmates in Legions head are running the psychic asylum. Right now, Legion needs those powers.
In this time of frustration and desperation, Legion concocts a simple, yet powerful mantra that helps him gain control, however momentarily: I Rule Me. This becomes Legions war cry, a way for him to access his powers and drown out the noise, as he says.
Good, but formulaic. Bendis stories are often paint-by-number affairs.
One of my favorite books coming out right now.
I have no problems with that
I haven't read much of Spurrier but his book with Legion in it was really really well written in a way few comics tend to be. Im kind of a sucker for stories centering on characters that win and lose to their mental illnesses.
ComicsAlliance had a pretty good piece on it.
Was Cable in Remender's run too?
And who is Phantomex?
I hate you
Was Cable in Remender's run too?
And who is Phantomex?
Those were serious questions. I just got back into comics last summer. I've read nothing from Marvel between 2005 and Secret Wars.
Will we? I love Spurrier's run, but I still feel Remender's is better. It has some core emotional moments that Spurrier's lacks. Although, Spurrier gets mad points for making Cable and Fantomex the scummiest motherfuckers on the planet.Me and BK will fight you Messi
don't forget that it was one of our own who made the Batgirl cover threadclicking on OT comics threads not made by ComicsGAF members
IN 2016
Spurrier X-Force > Remender Uncanny X-Force. One of the many facts of life that ComicGaf refuses to accept and thus, shall never be credible.
Will we? I love Spurrier's run, but I still feel Remender's is better. It has some core emotional moments that Spurrier's lacks. Although, Spurrier gets mad points for making Cable and Fantomex the scummiest motherfuckers on the planet.
Spurrier X-Force > Remender Uncanny X-Force. One of the many facts of life that ComicGaf refuses to accept and thus, shall never be credible.
This would be correct if Remender's run on Uncanny X-Force wasn't the single greatest X-Men comic in history.
But it is.
This would be correct if Remender's run on Uncanny X-Force wasn't the single greatest X-Men comic in history.
But it is.
OMG I totally forgot it was free comic book day today dammit.
You are a madman.
He's performing a public service
There were never Reboots.
Look at it like TV show seasonsAh, I see. What are the different Vols about?
Look at it like TV show seasons![]()