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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
lawd Manhattan Projects, 3 more issues to go but... this was SO GOOD. And lo,
at the end of the Oppenheimer Civil War, with Robert finally having won the battle, he gets shot in the face by time-travelling Albert 'The Barbarian' Einstein.

Yeah this is definitely one of the best Image series I've read


lawd Manhattan Projects, 3 more issues to go but... this was SO GOOD. And lo,
at the end of the Oppenheimer Civil War, with Robert finally having won the battle, he gets shot in the face by time-travelling Albert 'The Barbarian' Einstein.

Yeah this is definitely one of the best Image series I've read
Glad you enjoyed it. I might give it a re-read myself.
free comic book day was a bust. everything was pretty much taken except for this lumberjanes thing. grabbed that knowing nothing about it.


I'm gonna say it: The MCU will never have the balls to adapt the King/Walta Vision run because, if Civil War is any indication, they're really really afraid of doing something big and complicated that might paint its marquee characters in a bad light.

It couldn't even pull the trigger on Tony being completely wrong about everything.

Tony was never wrong not in the comic nor the movie.


At 2pm EDT orders open up for the new Radiohead album. Just as FYI for those interested.

Also, happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers in comic GAF. All 0 of them.

Howard The Duck is amazing, that is all.

free comic book day was a bust. everything was pretty much taken except for this lumberjanes thing. grabbed that knowing nothing about it.

You won


Tony was never wrong not in the comic nor the movie.

He was absolutely wrong in the comics. He veers into supervillain several times through that event and gives zero shits to what his actions do to the people around him. Total asshole that had to have his memory wiped so they could move him forward from the shit heap event.


he's pretty fucking wrong in the movie too. I'm glad that Civil War gave us the end of Rogers arc from Mad Men though.


Tony was never wrong not in the comic nor the movie.

except for the part where he kills the audio on the surveillance feed in the Raft to get Zemo's location from Falcon, thus acting outside of the law, thus proving Cap right, in that you need to stay independant from The Man to get things done right. And since that particular ideological conflict is what the film is nominally about, Tony is completely wrong.

The movie doesn't acknowledge it, or tries to see how to work from there, because it thinks, in my opinion erroneously, that we'll think less of Tony as a character and a movie franchise if he's shown to be completely wrong, because that would go against its central belief that The Avengers are inherently good and right.

It's one of the many things that, to me, make the movie a lot less interesting, or essential, because it's afraid to say something, no matter how mild. Compare and contrast with Winter Soldier, which says "mass surveillance and the idea of security above individual liberties is very close to fascism, so maybe don't fetishize it so much huh Joss Whedon". Even with the cop-out of "Actually HYDRA did all the bad things", there's still something there, a core belief, and the closest thing to it I found in Civil War is "Shit happens, and you gotta take responsibilty for it maybe?", which, that's super thin.

(I'm not even gonna go into comparing it to BvS, because, while I know some day you will see the light on how this movie is Actually Good, I also know that day is not today)
Oh wow. For some reason I assumed the Teen Titans Geoff Johns omni art was older style like his early Wally West Flash and Hawkman stuff. I really don't know anything about it so I didn't even know when the run took place. Anyway, flipping through it, the art is amazing!

I'm actually reading through it right now for the first time, after having read Peter David's Young Justice
Which was solid, but not anything to write home about. It was fun seeing the characters grow, but no story was really defining for me
. So far I like it, but not in love with it.

I always thought the Tim/Kon shipping was a fan invention, but after reading it, man there are some under tones. Feel like Kon is more emotionally attached to Tim than Cassie. I still don't see the Hal/Sinestro that some people push. Maybe Sinestro is obsessed with Hal but it's pretty one way.


Fatale - Book Three: West of Hell

Didn't expect the narrative format to take a break to tell episodic tales across history to give more context to the larger scheme of things, but I'm glad they did. I love short story formats for scifi and fantasy worlds, and this nailed it so well. The first story is classic Lovecraft and ends terribly for everyone involved, while the second story reminded me of vintage European horror comics. Obviously a strong inspiration for Brubaker and Philips.

The last two stories though... oh man. It was like being taken back to Secret Avengers all over again. The Wild West and WW2 being connected by a character who exists across time trying to solve a conspiracy beyond human imagination. I wonder if his run on Secret Avengers served as a prototype for parts of Fatale. Mmmmm.


He was absolutely wrong in the comics. He veers into supervillain several times through that event and gives zero shits to what his actions do to the people around him. Total asshole that had to have his memory wiped so they could move him forward from the shit heap event.

Nah he was right in the comics, he was just turned into a mustache twirling Villian so Cap would be right.

Same thing happened in Hickman's Avengers run, when Cap and Shield confronts them about destorying planets during the incursions.


Saint Nic
FCBD was a huge success by me. Got one of everything, plus a few things from last year that the store owner found in the back. Got every comic available for 2016. Friend snagged the last copy of Alpha King, so I'll be borrowing that at some point.

Also, I need some suggestions for stuff similar to Saga. Any suggestions?


except for the part where he kills the audio on the surveillance feed in the Raft to get Zemo's location from Falcon, thus acting outside of the law, thus proving Cap right, in that you need to stay independant from The Man to get things done right. And since that particular ideological conflict is what the film is nominally about, Tony is completely wrong.

The movie doesn't acknowledge it, or tries to see how to work from there, because it thinks, in my opinion erroneously, that we'll think less of Tony as a character and a movie franchise if he's shown to be completely wrong, because that would go against its central belief that The Avengers are inherently good and right.

It's one of the many things that, to me, make the movie a lot less interesting, or essential, because it's afraid to say something, no matter how mild. Compare and contrast with Winter Soldier, which says "mass surveillance and the idea of security above individual liberties is very close to fascism, so maybe don't fetishize it so much huh Joss Whedon". Even with the cop-out of "Actually HYDRA did all the bad things", there's still something there, a core belief, and the closest thing to it I found in Civil War is "Shit happens, and you gotta take responsibilty for it maybe?", which, that's super thin.

(I'm not even gonna go into comparing it to BvS, because, while I know some day you will see the light on how this movie is Actually Good, I also know that day is not today)
While it's true that Iron Man did have to go outside of the law, that's only because Cap made things so much worse. It still doesn't make oversight a bad thing though. For all his talk of Agendas Cap let's his Bucky Agenda cloud his Judgement and potentially got people killed.

I like BvS, there are parts I'm not a fan of but overall it was solid.


It's only something like 24 issues.

The lack of respect DC had for Unknown Soldier is disgusting. Where is my Omnibus at? I'm tired of these TPB's.


The Volume 3 thing confused me :D

Nah he was right in the comics, he was just turned into a mustache twirling Villian so Cap would be right.

Same thing happened in Hickman's Avengers run, when Cap and Shield confronts them about destroying planets during the incursions.

...he was wrong during the incursions too? Only persons that were correct during that event were namor and doom, and doom had the xtreme leet wallhack of being Owen's Chosen One.

Tony is usually depicted as being right about the conclusion, but completely wrong about how to get to the conclusion, mostly because he fails to realize how grossly incompetent he himself is, thus, negative zone concentration camps, or, how ewing once pointed out, dude was director of shield for years, with amazing tech and, infinite funds and a global reach, and how did he help advance humanity? He didn't. Quite the opposite, in fact.


...he was wrong during the incursions too? Only persons that were correct during that event were namor and doom, and doom had the xtreme leet wallhack of being Owen's Chosen One.

Tony is usually depicted as being right about the conclusion, but completely wrong about how to get to the conclusion, mostly because he fails to realize how grossly incompetent he himself is, thus, negative zone concentration camps, or, how ewing once pointed out, dude was director of shield for years, and how did he help advance humanity?

He was I mean he helped make the bomb, now he didn't push the button to keep his conciese, but I hated how Cap was spouting we could save everyone in face of the Infinty Guatlet breaking.
He was I mean he helped make the bomb, now he didn't push the button to keep his conciese, but I hated how Cap was spouting we could save everyone in face of the Infinty Guatlet breaking.

The real irony about cap is how he's totes cool with killing scores of people in intergalactic war, but destroying a nega-earth because if you don't, both get destroyed? BRIDGE TOO FAR, SEZ I.


He was I mean he helped make the bomb, now he didn't push the button to keep his conciese, but I hated how Cap was spouting we could save everyone in face of the Infinty Guatlet breaking.

Except they meet a group that did just that? You know, the whole "Great Society, fake Superman saying Everything Lives" thing?


The real irony about cap is how he's totes cool with killing scores of people in intergalactic war, but destroying a nega-earth because if you don't, both get destroyed? BRIDGE TOO FAR, SEZ I.

Cap has been a self righteous thug for awhile now. Look at Avengers vs X-men.
Except they meet a group that did just that? You know, the whole "Great Society, fake Superman saying Everything Lives" thing?

You do recall that the great society mentioned that they couldn't keep doing it, yes? They also shattered their own version of the infinity gems in much the same way as 616

They even had Doctor Not-Fate blow up nega-earths that weren't inhabited.

I mean, the groups wrassled precisely because they couldn't come up with a way to save both earths.
I dreamt I bought some absolutes, got them in the mail, didnt take off the shrink wrap, put them on the shelf and said yeah thats the good stuff.

Why did it feel so real
Comics? Comics!

Archie #8
Batman #52

Lots of good looking Marvel releases this week
...that I'll read in six months on MU.


Its almost 30 degree and I love that I can finally drive to McDonalds again and eat a soft ice and a milk shake without feeling bad.

Still continue to stay inside


Hmmm... Manhattan Projects is $1.99 per issue digital on Image's site. Any chance there'll be another sale soon where they're at 99 cents? :p
Anyone reading the current Archie reboot?
I've taken 4-5 year break from comics but I still buy trade paper backs all the time without reading them.

So I've been sick this week and final decided to start working on my backlog and I started with Archie and I love the book the characters,art,story are great.

Jugghead steals the show he's my favourite current character.
Anyone reading the current Archie reboot?
I've taken 4-5 year break from comics but I still buy trade paper backs all the time without reading them.

So I've been sick this week and final decided to start working on my backlog and I started with Archie and I love the book the characters,art,story are great.

Jugghead steals the show he's my favourite current character.

Yeah, it's been a really fun run so far. It was my first time buying any Archie comics but I've really enjoyed it.
Hmmm... Manhattan Projects is $1.99 per issue digital on Image's site. Any chance there'll be another sale soon where they're at 99 cents? :p
Soon? Hard to say. But it will be on sale digitally before the end of the year probably at least twice. Image at the end of the year always does a publisher wide sale. They also put most of their series on sale multiple times a year.
I'm in a theater about to watch a movie called Civil War? Haven't heard much buzz about it but I hope it's good. Been a while since I've seen a film about this historical event.


let us niggas have our power fantasy characters ok

I legit love this dude. Ask Brashear what powers he has and he'll add two more just because. I'm going to work on a cool thread about how they're starting to prep him for MCU, and what they can do to nerf/centralize his powers. I think Ultimates is heading in the right direction. His new costume is dope as fuck.
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