my name is ed
#TeamCap spent the whole movie being wrong
Spoken like some that has never had a best friend brainwashed into an assassin
#TeamCap spent the whole movie being wrong
I'm in a theater about to watch a movie called Civil War? Haven't heard much buzz about it but I hope it's good. Been a while since I've seen a film about this historical event.
Also, I need some suggestions for stuff similar to Saga. Any suggestions?
the shamrock shake from mcdonalds should be year-round. it's a travesty how it's only available during a limited time.
Soon? Hard to say. But it will be on sale digitally before the end of the year probably at least twice. Image at the end of the year always does a publisher wide sale. They also put most of their series on sale multiple times a year.
Spoken like some that has never had a best friend brainwashed into an assassin
Soon? Hard to say. But it will be on sale digitally before the end of the year probably at least twice. Image at the end of the year always does a publisher wide sale. They also put most of their series on sale multiple times a year.
So everything I wished the last couple of seasons of Dr. Who had ...
-- Good timey-wimey scripting
-- No fawning over the Doctor
-- Interesting companion with his/her own story arc and character progression
---- Quicker progression of the main arc without fillerAsian companion
I seem to get in Ivar, Timewalker. Enjoyed the first four issues, looking forward to the next 8.
Romanova had that happen and still went #teamstark.
So everything I wished the last couple of seasons of Dr. Who had ...
-- Good timey-wimey scripting
-- No fawning over the Doctor
-- Interesting companion with his/her own story arc and character progression
---- Quicker progression of the main arc without fillerAsian companion
I stopped watching last fall after Arya's second episode.
Giving Black Mask a shot. Grabbed We Can Never Go Home along with the first issue of 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank. Excited to try them out.
How'sYungYoung Terrorists?
Honestly this latest season was the most cohesive since season 5. It's a great statement about its characters. Okay it has that two-parter where the dildo aliens are ISIS, but, that's the only outright bad thing in that.
A good start that has been marred by a long wait for issue two. Apparently it's coming this month.
Issue one is long though. I think it's 80 pages
Hey, but guys, Hitman is really really good
Giving Black Mask a shot. Grabbed We Can Never Go Home along with the first issue of 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank. Excited to try them out.
How'sYungYoung Terrorists?
Done with Manhattan Projects. It reads more like an ending of Act 1 instead of a series end. I'll probably get vol 6 down the line, but that seems more like a spin-off than a direct follow-up.
I legit love this dude. Ask Brashear what powers he has and he'll add two more just because. I'm going to work on a cool thread about how they're starting to prep him for MCU, and what they can do to nerf/centralize his powers. I think Ultimates is heading in the right direction. His new costume is dope as fuck.
It's a direct continuation of the Yuri/Laika story. I'm still bummed we never got to see more of the Manhattan Projects multiverse, it looked good and crazy.
Manifest Destiny
East of West
Deadly Class
80 pages is about a 4 issue arc if you think about it.
Or it's like half of a novel. A novel is a book with words and no pictures. Old people read them.
Are you certain? This sounds like it's terrible.
I am reading a novel right now.
I am reading a novel right now. The Miseducation of Cameron Post.
Try the comics. The movies are fun but they don't compare to them.I want the final Hellboy movie
Right, and also, they are Library EditionsTry the comics. The movies are fun but they don't compare to them.
I'm reading Blood Meridian and Star Wars: Bloodlines. Someone please give me another book with Blood in the title.
I heard X-Men starts a week earlier here around?
#TeamEurope stays winning again.
Still dont gives shit about that movie, I hope I wont be forced to watch it
By cousins wanted to see CV this weekend and wanted to take me with them but forgot it as it seems :/Yeah I saw that too. Meh. You guys can have that one.
I think I'm going to go see Civil War again by myself Monday morning
It looks like Starbrand & Nightmask ends with #6 in a couple weeks here? That's too bad, I really like this book.
it should be known by now that looking at comic sales will only cause painApril
223 Starbrand and Nightmask 4 $3.99 Marvel 6,678 units sold
I'm kinda impressed that they didn't cancel it sooner, tbh
Shame, i quite like the characters.
ultimates selling sub 30k? wtfffffffffff