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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


Fatale - Book Four: Pray For Rain

This was fucked up. It was so fucked up it actually made me mad, and that's saying a lot considering how fucked up the series is in general. I think more than anything else, this story arc really showcased how dangerous Jo can be when completely untethered. Without the accumulated knowledge over the decades forming her basic judgement, she becomes an elemental creature that destroys everything from within. It's pretty heartbreaking seeing how everything unravels, knowing that in this instance it was no one fault, but rather a stroke of bad luck. But knowing how Fatale's world works, it probably isn't a matter of luck, but rather fate. If the message is that humanity is completely helpless against the forces of nature, and that no matter how much we try, just a small ounce of that elemental force can ruin everything we have worked so hard for, then message fucking delivered. Lol.

It's fitting that this is the penultimate arc, because I think before this, the narrative has labored to develop Jo's character and history to allow the audience to sympathize with her and see things from her perspective, and now before the grand finale we get one small look at what she truly can be without all that restrain. Frightening.

Oh, I do have one question though. Who the -fuck- is Darcy in regards to the band? She was always hanging around Tom, but she doesn't seem to be part of the band, but she doesn't really seem to be Tom's girlfriend or anything. Yet she lives with them, so she clearly doesn't have some other job somewhere. What gives? The fact that she's the only woman in the group draws attention to her, but the story never developed it beyond that! Wtf!
I think Dock Ock as Pete's robot has made me really hate Dock Ock. I'm tired of the whirr's and clicks, I'm tired of the pining for Anna Maria, I'm tired seeing the dumb ass face in the head.

I actually came around on ASM and liked where the first big arc ended up, but it ended with so much robot Ock that it ended up pissing me off.


Pizza Dog
Man, remember Avengers Arena? Remember when it was made worse by Avengers Undercover not too long after?

Thankfully, Nico was saved by A-Force. Bless her soul.

I loved Arena. As someone relatively new to Marvel at the time (I started reading properly around when Now! began, although I had read Runaways at the time) I didn't have a strong connection to the characters, but I enjoyed the way it played out and I was genuinely interested in where it was going and who would be killed off next. Undercover was disappointing though.

Cammi was the bomb in Arena though, especially with this art:


Whatever happened to her?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just finished TPB Vol 4 of Hitman. Just amazing.

Also, JC, that means I just read the Christmas issue. It was indeed great. I think I liked the issue before it even more though. When Tiegel and Tommy finally do the deed and then he goes out on the fire escape when her parents get home. And then the fire escape collapses. So he jumps on the pipe. And then the pipe falls over. And he lands in the room with the drug dealers who think it's a hit. And then he talks them down and is about to leave, then the guy busts in the door with McDonalds for everyone and the gunpowder keg ignites and everyone dies. That scene killed me.

But the best part about Hitman is the human side of things. Nobody does human relationships and dialogue like Ennis.
Avengers Arena was a good series. Undercover started well, but it got cut in issues twice, that affects things.

I think Cammi is in the new Drax series.


duckroll and Cap 3 made me go back and re-read Ed Bru's Captain America run.
It's better than I remember from when I last read it and I still found it great from the first time I did read it all those years ago.
Great pace, good character interaction, awesome art by Epting and some good action and fights.

BTW what's the name of the Ultimate Edition/whatever that collects Morrison's Batman run?
Ah thanks for the advice, maybe I'll just hold off for now.
I mean if you're still interested, watch it. I think it's a really good show, though it suffers from the first half of S1 being extremely slow. And the usualy tv problems of sets, props, and SFX/VFX looking a bir cheap at times. I think it's one of the better superhero shows out there right now. Just don't watch it for the Inhumans angle
But the best part about Hitman is the human side of things. Nobody does human relationships and dialogue like Ennis.

Nobody. He has the best characters/dialog in North American comics.

That why it annoys when he does all the shock jockey inner 13 year old jokes or juvenile machismo masturbation, cuz he's better than that. Hitman hits one of those sweet spots, because of the restrictions of the DC universe, he can do all his fantastic character dynamics and ideas about masculinity/human bonding/what makes you a hero, and can only infer a rape joke off-panel.


Nobody. He has the best characters/dialog in North American comics.

That why it annoys when he does all the shock jockey inner 13 year old jokes or juvenile machismo masturbation, cuz he's better than that.

he honestly has one of the dumbest senses of humour in comics. I don't mean the stuff that comes out of conversations, which is often funny & warm & human, but the part of him that, for example, finds people with physical disabilities inherently funny -- is so incredibly fucking dull to me

also the casual homophobia (which tbf comes and go, and tends to be more prevalent in his early stuff) can be eye-rolling. it just blows my mind that Ennis can make fun of how closed-minded homophobes can be and also in the next page indulge in a rape joke that's "excusable" because it's about two dudes or whatever


...Finished off the final omnibus of Geoff Johns Green Lantern. And holy crap did that ever fall apart at the end! Like, geeze, that was... not good. I was okay enough with everything (especially the Hal/Sinestro hanging out stuff) up until right around when Simon Baz showed up, and then it kind of all went wrong. Like... why would you try to do a "new rookie coming in and learning the ropes" story alongside the big super giant finale arc? Like, that did NOT mesh together in the slightest. And yeah... I guess "props" for introducing a new minority character, but the way his arc goes just feels SO tone deaf and forced and just... not well done. Like the polar opposite of Ms. Marvel. I actually kind of feel bad for the guy, being stuck with such a poor introduction (in which he, you know, also kind of just disappears at the end of it for the most part).

Outside of that, it just feels so incredibly half-baked in every regard. Like, time is spent on the OMAC-knockoff Third Army crap and then it just fizzles after doing literally nothing. And then it's like "ooh, the First Lantern" but then... he has like zero depth or anything interesting going on whatsoever. He's like "mwahaha I am a God and I'm going to rewrite reality, aren't I so evil?!" But... we know like literally nothing about him of substance and the character barely even has a personality or anything to make him worth giving a damn about, so he's pretty much a thing to throw big "look at this cool thing character x is doing" at to end things off.

Oh, and this one really bugs me, but tell me if I'm forgetting something due to it being some time between omnibi: Did... Geoff Johns just kind of stop giving a damn about writing Cowgirl? Like, there's one sole, lonely reference of "weren't you dating her?" in the omnibus, and then she's literally never mentioned again and it goes into full on Hal/Carol shipping. Maybe the breakup did happen and it just wasn't memorable enough for me to remember, though. Still felt kind of awkward.
...Finished off the final omnibus of Geoff Johns Green Lantern. And holy crap did that ever fall apart at the end! Like, geeze, that was... not good. I was okay enough with everything (especially the Hal/Sinestro hanging out stuff) up until right around when Simon Baz showed up, and then it kind of all went wrong. Like... why would you try to do a "new rookie coming in and learning the ropes" story alongside the big super giant finale arc? Like, that did NOT mesh together in the slightest. And yeah... I guess "props" for introducing a new minority character, but the way his arc goes just feels SO tone deaf and forced and just... not well done. Like the polar opposite of Ms. Marvel. I actually kind of feel bad for the guy, being stuck with such a poor introduction (in which he, you know, also kind of just disappears at the end of it for the most part).

Outside of that, it just feels so incredibly half-baked in every regard. Like, time is spent on the OMAC-knockoff Third Army crap and then it just fizzles after doing literally nothing. And then it's like "ooh, the First Lantern" but then... he has like zero depth or anything interesting going on whatsoever. He's like "mwahaha I am a God and I'm going to rewrite reality, aren't I so evil?!" But... we know like literally nothing about him of substance and the character barely even has a personality or anything to make him worth giving a damn about, so he's pretty much a thing to throw big "look at this cool thing character x is doing" at to end things off.
Pretty much how I felt. The Hal and Sinestro stuff was god tier and then Baz shows up and everything went to shit right quick. Still, the final battle had Atrocitus doing his damndest to put in some work, which made me happy. My only guess is that Johns was severely rushed near the end. I'm going to assume DC wanted him off that book and on something else. Seemed odd for someone who seemingly does a lot of meticulous planning throughout their story and then rushes the end like that


Fatale - Book Four: Pray For Rain

This was fucked up. It was so fucked up it actually made me mad, and that's saying a lot considering how fucked up the series is in general. I think more than anything else, this story arc really showcased how dangerous Jo can be when completely untethered. Without the accumulated knowledge over the decades forming her basic judgement, she becomes an elemental creature that destroys everything from within. It's pretty heartbreaking seeing how everything unravels, knowing that in this instance it was no one fault, but rather a stroke of bad luck. But knowing how Fatale's world works, it probably isn't a matter of luck, but rather fate. If the message is that humanity is completely helpless against the forces of nature, and that no matter how much we try, just a small ounce of that elemental force can ruin everything we have worked so hard for, then message fucking delivered. Lol.

It's fitting that this is the penultimate arc, because I think before this, the narrative has labored to develop Jo's character and history to allow the audience to sympathize with her and see things from her perspective, and now before the grand finale we get one small look at what she truly can be without all that restrain. Frightening.

Oh, I do have one question though. Who the -fuck- is Darcy in regards to the band? She was always hanging around Tom, but she doesn't seem to be part of the band, but she doesn't really seem to be Tom's girlfriend or anything. Yet she lives with them, so she clearly doesn't have some other job somewhere. What gives? The fact that she's the only woman in the group draws attention to her, but the story never developed it beyond that! Wtf!
Best out of the 5 volumes. darcy was just an estranged gf.

Fatale doesn't do a good job of explaining shit outside of the main characters


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Gotham Central Omnibus and Lil' Gotham Vol 2 ORDERED.

So excited.

Nobody. He has the best characters/dialog in North American comics.

That why it annoys when he does all the shock jockey inner 13 year old jokes or juvenile machismo masturbation, cuz he's better than that. Hitman hits one of those sweet spots, because of the restrictions of the DC universe, he can do all his fantastic character dynamics and ideas about masculinity/human bonding/what makes you a hero, and can only infer a rape joke off-panel.

He does so many comics where he just wastes his absolutely top-tier talent.


But the best part about Hitman is the human side of things. Nobody does human relationships and dialogue like Ennis.

I agree that he does human sides wonderfully, just read his Spiderman story from Web of Spiderman.
....but 'nobody'? Eh I'm afraid my bias disagrees.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I agree that he does human sides wonderfully, just read his Spiderman story from Web of Spiderman.
....but 'nobody'? Eh I'm afraid my bias disagrees.

Who would you say is his equal or better? I'd love to read 'em.


...Finished off the final omnibus of Geoff Johns Green Lantern. And holy crap did that ever fall apart at the end! Like, geeze, that was... not good. I was okay enough with everything (especially the Hal/Sinestro hanging out stuff) up until right around when Simon Baz showed up, and then it kind of all went wrong. Like... why would you try to do a "new rookie coming in and learning the ropes" story alongside the big super giant finale arc? Like, that did NOT mesh together in the slightest. And yeah... I guess "props" for introducing a new minority character, but the way his arc goes just feels SO tone deaf and forced and just... not well done. Like the polar opposite of Ms. Marvel. I actually kind of feel bad for the guy, being stuck with such a poor introduction (in which he, you know, also kind of just disappears at the end of it for the most part).

Outside of that, it just feels so incredibly half-baked in every regard. Like, time is spent on the OMAC-knockoff Third Army crap and then it just fizzles after doing literally nothing. And then it's like "ooh, the First Lantern" but then... he has like zero depth or anything interesting going on whatsoever. He's like "mwahaha I am a God and I'm going to rewrite reality, aren't I so evil?!" But... we know like literally nothing about him of substance and the character barely even has a personality or anything to make him worth giving a damn about, so he's pretty much a thing to throw big "look at this cool thing character x is doing" at to end things off.

Oh, and this one really bugs me, but tell me if I'm forgetting something due to it being some time between omnibi: Did... Geoff Johns just kind of stop giving a damn about writing Cowgirl? Like, there's one sole, lonely reference of "weren't you dating her?" in the omnibus, and then she's literally never mentioned again and it goes into full on Hal/Carol shipping. Maybe the breakup did happen and it just wasn't memorable enough for me to remember, though. Still felt kind of awkward.

Pretty much how I felt. The Hal and Sinestro stuff was god tier and then Baz shows up and everything went to shit right quick. Still, the final battle had Atrocitus doing his damndest to put in some work, which made me happy. My only guess is that Johns was severely rushed near the end. I'm going to assume DC wanted him off that book and on something else. Seemed odd for someone who seemingly does a lot of meticulous planning throughout their story and then rushes the end like that

All the Third Army and First Lantern stuff was being written when corporate was coming down on Johns to pay more attention to his executive duties and less attention to writing comics. I always figured that whatever long term planning he had in place (like tying Volthoom to Earth 3 and the Crime Syndicate) was pretty quickly scrapped to wrap everything up and end on a definitive note.

It's worth pointing out that the first year of N52 stories were the result of him reworking already announced story arcs. The Sinestro stuff was going to be part of a Sinestro: Secret Origins series by him and Reis, and the Indigo Tribe arc was originally going to run after War of the Green Lanterns concluded.
All the Third Army and First Lantern stuff was being written when corporate was coming down on Johns to pay more attention to his executive duties and less attention to writing comics. I always figured that whatever long term planning he had in place (like tying Volthoom to Earth 3 and the Crime Syndicate) was pretty quickly scrapped to wrap everything up and end on a definitive note.

It's worth pointing out that the first year of N52 stories were the result of him reworking already announced story arcs. The Sinestro stuff was going to be part of a Sinestro: Secret Origins series by him and Reis, and the Indigo Tribe arc was originally going to run after War of the Green Lanterns concluded.
Makes sense. I figured some shit had to have gone down, because it just didn't make sense to me how that run ended like that.


Who would you say is his equal or better? I'd love to read 'em.

Emphasis on 'bias' in my post mate, and also note that I never stated equal or better ;), but I think it's improper to say that only Ennis does relationships and related characterizations quite well.
Going back to it though, James Roberts' Transformers MTMTE has some great characterization in it, and now that I think about it, Mike Mignola (for one) has done some wonderful moments too-

And who knows there may even be other comic book writers who fit the bill that we don't know of~
With the whole Spider-Man in the MCU thing and reading Spider-Woman I have kind of wondered what has stopped Marvel from bringing out Spider-Woman in the MCU? As far as I can tell she didn't show up first in Spider-Man and has honestly had not much to do with Spider-Man so I can't imagine that Sony would have the rights to it. So what would be holding Marvel back from just throwing her in the next group of Avengers or something?


With the whole Spider-Man in the MCU thing and reading Spider-Woman I have kind of wondered what has stopped Marvel from bringing out Spider-Woman in the MCU? As far as I can tell she didn't show up first in Spider-Man and has honestly had not much to do with Spider-Man so I can't imagine that Sony would have the rights to it. So what would be holding Marvel back from just throwing her in the next group of Avengers or something?

Same reason Ghost Rider, Blade, Moon Knight, Nova haven't gotten shit either, too busy.
With the whole Spider-Man in the MCU thing and reading Spider-Woman I have kind of wondered what has stopped Marvel from bringing out Spider-Woman in the MCU? As far as I can tell she didn't show up first in Spider-Man and has honestly had not much to do with Spider-Man so I can't imagine that Sony would have the rights to it. So what would be holding Marvel back from just throwing her in the next group of Avengers or something?

Pretty sure she's part of the Avengers rights. Does the team need another superspy named after a spider? I imagine brand confusion is an issue too now that they have Spider-Man.

I'd love to see her though.
Same reason Ghost Rider, Blade, Moon Knight, Nova haven't gotten shit either, too busy.

Pretty sure she's part of the Avengers rights. Does the team need another superspy named after a spider? I imagine brand confusion is an issue too now that they have Spider-Man.

I'd love to see her though.

Yeah, I guess my thinking was just if they felt slighted by not having Spider-Man rights what was stopping them from having her in the first set of Avengers. Just say fuck you to Sony and we have our own Spider-person.

Just the naming and avengers tie-ins just made me wonder. Just a random dumb questions.
Uncanny Inhumans 7 was kinda lame. The art is still top-notch but I feel the series has been spinning its wheels with this Quiet Room arc. Looking forward to something new next issue.


With the whole Spider-Man in the MCU thing and reading Spider-Woman I have kind of wondered what has stopped Marvel from bringing out Spider-Woman in the MCU? As far as I can tell she didn't show up first in Spider-Man and has honestly had not much to do with Spider-Man so I can't imagine that Sony would have the rights to it. So what would be holding Marvel back from just throwing her in the next group of Avengers or something?

Same reason Ghost Rider, Blade, Moon Knight, Nova haven't gotten shit either, too busy.

Pretty sure she's part of the Avengers rights. Does the team need another superspy named after a spider? I imagine brand confusion is an issue too now that they have Spider-Man.

I'd love to see her though.

Ooooh, which ridiculous origin story would you want them to adapt? Spider blood serum with accelerated aging and deaging with a side of the High Evolutionary telling her she's actually a super evolved spider or being exposed in utero to a laser containing spider DNA? Both feature flip flopping between Hydra and SHIELD.
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