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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.

No clue what is actually going on in Black Widow but I am really enjoying it. That whole page where she's fighting and it's showing the flash backs with the ballerina stuff is pretty damn amazing.

At the end I oddly thought her flashback self stabbed her current time self. I am so damn confused.


All the Third Army and First Lantern stuff was being written when corporate was coming down on Johns to pay more attention to his executive duties and less attention to writing comics. I always figured that whatever long term planning he had in place (like tying Volthoom to Earth 3 and the Crime Syndicate) was pretty quickly scrapped to wrap everything up and end on a definitive note.

It's worth pointing out that the first year of N52 stories were the result of him reworking already announced story arcs. The Sinestro stuff was going to be part of a Sinestro: Secret Origins series by him and Reis, and the Indigo Tribe arc was originally going to run after War of the Green Lanterns concluded.

I see, thanks. That makes some more sense of it, but yeah, definitely sucks.

Also, this comic was my first time seeing skinny Amanda Waller. Forget that happened, ugh. Did that ever get undone, or is she still like that in the comics nowadays?


Uncanny X-Men #600 just hit MU, i had thought the series was over but i guess i'm treated to one more giant issue of terrible out of time x-men.


Uncanny X-Men #600 just hit MU, i had thought the series was over but i guess i'm treated to one more giant issue of terrible out of time x-men.

Take it back you fucking asshole

Young Jean is just the woooorrrssst

You are going on a list.



Signed up for the free month of Marvel Unlimited. I'd like to finally read Ultimate Spider-Man and just finished reading All-New Wolverine and Vision #1. Wolverine was fine but Vision was unexpectedly great.
Signed up for the free month of Marvel Unlimited. I'd like to finally read Ultimate Spider-Man and just finished reading All-New Wolverine and Vision #1. Wolverine was fine but Vision was unexpectedly great.

Unexpected? Dude that book is in virtually everyone's top 5
Happy Birthday shingi70!


I've finished reading Inhumans (1998) and loved it, I sort of hope the movie has elements of these 12 issues in it as it sets up the Inhumans well without dragging things on forever. I was ready to
side with Gorgon over Black Bolt, but man that swerve at the end totally caught me off guard. Namor too.
Great story telling.


Just finished the first trade for Extraordinary X-Men. I enjoyed it, I guess. A decent start, but nothing really clicked with me like I was hoping it would. I'll keep reading it, though. I love the roster, Piotr and Illyana kick ass.

How is the new Uncanny X-Men?
How is the new Uncanny X-Men?



I dunno, I'm still reading it because there are a lot of cool characters on the team. Greg Land was...surprisingly inoffensive? And he's gone now, so that's a big plus.

The first mission/arc was kinda stupid (not to mention drawn out) and now the book is embroiled in Apocalypse Wars, which so far has been a very bleh "crossover" with no interaction between the involved books. The latest issue was pretty good, with some nice callbacks to Remender's Apocalypse stories.

For some reason I'm optimistic. I will probably give it a couple more issues after the crossover.
Ultimate Vision features:
1. Robo-tits
2. Robo-buttocks
3. Astronauts
4. Space Viruses
5. Space Zombies
6. Space Insects that spread space viruses that turn astronauts into space zombies that then mutate into new space insects.

worst mike carey book i've ever read. quit on ish 3.
Ultimate Vision features:
1. Robo-tits
2. Robo-buttocks
3. Astronauts
4. Space Viruses
5. Space Zombies
6. Space Insects that spread space viruses that turn astronauts into space zombies that then mutate into new space insects.

worst mike carey book i've ever read.
quit on ish 3.

Geez, are you sure? It sounds fantastic.
I probably won't stick with MU after the free month so I might have to face the wait for the trades unless my lcs has back issues.

Is the series confirmed to continue without King after he leaves?

Hmmm, that's a good question, I don't think anybody knows yet. Personally, given what happened to Hawkeye once Fraction wrapped up his run, I'd rather they just leave the character alone for awhile.

Sounds like a pass. Thanks.

Oh shit, didn't realize he was on it. Pass for sure, then. I can't support a Greg Land book. Then Marvel might think people like him.

You might consider giving it a shot after Apocalypse Wars. I'll be sure to post impressions of the book after the crossover ends. I think Land is gone for good.


Gotta finish up all my reading. Tomorrow is Uncharted. After that, Uncharted. And then? Uncharted.

Hmmmm, I can't find any news stories to confirm Weaver is joining Uncanny. Ken Lashley is in the solicits through July. I'd be fine with him staying on, honestly, he drew the latest issue and put in great work. Obviously I'd prefer Weaver but I'm okay with Lashley.
idk where y'all got the idea that Weaver is on UXM aside from a Rhaknar post where he asked if it was happening and everyone assumed it was
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