Actually Terminator 2 is pretty bad, too many terminators.
That's cool that you're arguing the merits of it being called a horror movie, but arguing that Aliens shouldn't be called film is blatant baseless bashing.
Alien and Aliens are two entirely different movies in terms of genre and concept, why even compare them. Why not just love them both for what they are! Also go read the comics!!!!
I'm contemplating on whether to watch Alien 3.
this "actually aliens is bad" may just be the worst series of posts in ComicsGAF 2016 history
pretty strong contender tbh
Do it, but only so you can watch the Making Of documentary after.
Do it, but only so you can watch the Making Of documentary after.
Didn't he blame someone else for Resurrection?Oh Alien3 the bastard no-one lovedAnd then you can watch Alien Resurrection and understand my loathing of Joss Whedon.
I've never cared about Radiohead. Ever. Never.
I read/caught up on so many floppy comics in the last two days I think I'm back on the ales kot train after Material 3 and 4 from (last year??) and Wolf 5 and 6
not sure if it was some kinda comics induced delirium or what though
Didn't he blame someone else for Resurrection?
I've never cared about Radiohead. Ever. Never.
I thought you said you were white???
the BvS defense force thanks you for your sacrifice on the altar of undefensible movie opinions
I read/caught up on so many floppy comics in the last two days I think I'm back on the ales kot train after Material 3 and 4 from (last year??) and Wolf 5 and 6
not sure if it was some kinda comics induced delirium or what though
Lmfao am I in a Radiohead video?
Opinions on the internet change readers minds by brute force. Film at 11.
I read/caught up on so many floppy comics in the last two days I think I'm back on the ales kot train after Material 3 and 4 from (last year??) and Wolf 5 and 6
not sure if it was some kinda comics induced delirium or what though
Can we go back to hating on things that actually deserve the hate, like Star Wars/Trek?
this "actually aliens is bad" may just be the worst series of posts in ComicsGAF 2016 history
He probably blamed everyone possible, but end of the day he wrote that horrible monstrosity! If he was so ashamed of it, I'd have thought he'd pull his name from it.
What the fuck is a Radiohead anyway
Material was so damn good. rip
Hows the new artist on Wolf
hey real genuine advice?
if you wanna get why Material stopped at #4, read The Surface
it makes Ales Kot's whole thing super clear
She went from interesting but not written very well, to everything I dislike in a characterYou are going on a list.
I love you so much. So, so much. I'm so upset they have just disappeared. Especially during the recent nuhuman stuffBeast should have brought back the young Inhumans.
Matt Taylor is a really good poster artist. His Lost in Translation print is pretty freaking greatI like him more than the previous guy but neither really make me wanna get up in the morning
What. The. Fuck.
What. The. Fuck.
DC's gag that HQ just had to fuck all those Joker cosplayers lets you know a lot about DC
Matt Taylor is a really good poster artist. His Lost in Translation print is pretty freaking great
but his reasoning for leaving the book cracked me up. He had to stop because he didn't think drawing comics was as hard as people told him it was going to be so he planned his schedule very poorly.
DC's gag that HQ just had to fuck all those Joker cosplayers lets you know a lot about DC
Matt Taylor is a really good poster artist. His Lost in Translation print is pretty freaking great
but his reasoning for leaving the book cracked me up. He had to stop because he didn't think drawing comics was as hard as people told him it was going to be so he planned his schedule very poorly.
But to wash it out your mouths
Awwwww, that's adorable. Where is that from?
I managed to put off buying any Valiant, but I did see that I already had Archer and Armstrong #1 through Comixology.
It was pretty good. Good art good start to the story. It seemed like it carried over the Hulk/Amadeus relationship in a way. Does it stay good?
I'm two hours in and loving it so don't kill your hype just yet.Oh no. Why you trying to kill my hype, man?
I managed to put off buying any Valiant, but I did see that I already had Archer and Armstrong #1 through Comixology.
It was pretty good. Good art good start to the story. It seemed like it carried over the Hulk/Amadeus relationship in a way. Does it stay good?
I managed to put off buying any Valiant, but I did see that I already had Archer and Armstrong #1 through Comixology.
It was pretty good. Good art good start to the story. It seemed like it carried over the Hulk/Amadeus relationship in a way. Does it stay good?
Does it though, cause thats by the same team that makes the oh so popular Hijinks book.
Harley is in need of a new creative team or fresh blood at this point.
I'm two hours in and loving it so don't kill your hype just yet.
Yup, it's pretty consistently great.
I remember reading the free issue on CMX last year too. It improves from #1, actually. Give it a shot. Quick read, self-contained in #24 issues for the run. Great fun. Van Lente has very good comedic timing. And the humour is actually situation and character based more than random slapstick stuff.
I think all of Valiant is on scribd. You can try the 15 day trial and that should give you enough time to read all of A&A.
Yep, stays good the whole way.
Is shingi's pic from that Bombshells series? Harley looks like her statue.
Gonna look into Scribd. That'd save me a ton of money, and I could try the other things.
I know that people hate Venditti, does that carry over to X-O Manowar, or is it more based on his DC work?
But, this? With this character? In this context? With those implications?
It's beyond fucking gross, and holy moly how did anyone give it a pass when people yelled at the Suicide Squad trailer for having the same imagery as the new 52 book of the same name.
I know that people hate Venditti, does that carry over to X-O Manowar, or is it more based on his DC work?