Schindler's List is the worst movie of all time. They couldn't even afford color.
They had enough for the little girl's coat though.
Schindler's List is the worst movie of all time. They couldn't even afford color.
it's not even that I hate sex or jokes or sex jokes, it's, okay
here's a good sex joke from a recent DC comic
They had enough for the little girl's coat though.
it's not even that I hate sex or jokes or sex jokes, it's, okay
here's a good sex joke from a recent DC comic
No but for real I love Alien more than Aliens, but I still appreciate the additional lore. I can never get enough lore. Like, Alien 3 was shit, but at least I got to see what that prison planet was like.
I wish someone would make a movie about other things in this universe.
I think its pretty rare for a capes book to have an honest portrayal of a sexual relationship. like we get a little sex, here and there, mostly played for laughs, but honestly, that time Kitty and Peter got it going in Astonishing X-Men was one of the few times in comics where it made sense that the characters actually wanted to fuck each other.Between this and the Deadpool movie there's a super interesting conversation to be had about how sexual we want our corporate comic book super heroes to be, and it's a super interesting question to explore in things that are not the ongoing series "SEX" from Image.
But, this? With this character? In this context? With those implications?
It's beyond fucking gross, and holy moly how did anyone give it a pass when people yelled at the Suicide Squad trailer for having the same imagery as the new 52 book of the same name.
I've never cared about Radiohead. Ever. Never.
Alien is so superior in every way. Aliens took a genuinely frightening masterpiece and turned it into jump scare shlock.
Prometheus is also flawed, but is again better than Aliens.
Kitty and Piotr for lyfeI think its pretty rare for a capes book to have an honest portrayal of a sexual relationship. like we get a little sex, here and there, mostly played for laughs, but honestly, that time Kitty and Peter got it going in Astonishing X-Men was one of the few times in comics where it made sense that the characters actually wanted to fuck each other.
Edit: Oh right, may as well cap it off: Prometheus is also flawed, but is again better than Aliens.
The only thing that's missing right now is people saying how mediocre Nextwave was again. Then the war begins, a war without end.
Kitty and Piotr for lyfe
Which Peter?I think its pretty rare for a capes book to have an honest portrayal of a sexual relationship. like we get a little sex, here and there, mostly played for laughs, but honestly, that time Kitty and Peter got it going in Astonishing X-Men was one of the few times in comics where it made sense that the characters actually wanted to fuck each other.
Which Peter?
So Peter #4 then.It'd be Quill. Colossus is Piotr.
That would require someone else having actually read it.
I didn't like Vision #1 as much as i was hoping for, but i will keep reading. While i liked the tone, i didn't particularly care about what was going on. They're just a bunch of robots. It felt like a somber epilogue at the end of a movie I never actually watched.
You truly hate everything dont you? :3
Prometheus better than Aliens? Now I've heard it all.
If i could make everyone read it...
I love sillymonkey. Soon I will sing love songs to him like I do to Freeza from time to time.I like comics-gaf, barely a mistake on most days.
Blacksad shadow within
This story was better than the stories in fatale. Like damn I can't even describe how good this first story was.
Lol nah nothing like that.Be honest it made you consider being a Furry. I know I thought about it like I thought about becoming a criminal after I watched The Departed.
Lol nah nothing like that.
But man the art in blacksad is hands down some of the best I have seen in my 4 years of collecting comics
Caught up on today's posts. What got into you all? Aliens bashing? Radiohead bashing? And then it really spiraled out of control.
Caught up on today's posts. What got into you all? Aliens bashing? Radiohead bashing? And then it really spiraled out of control.
I didn't like Vision #1 as much as i was hoping for, but i will keep reading. While i liked the tone, i didn't particularly care about what was going on. They're just a bunch of robots. It felt like a somber epilogue at the end of a movie I never actually watched.
I just finished Vision #1 and adored it. One of the best new single issues I've read in some time. I've yet to read something by Tom King I don't like.
And Batman in a few weeks...
It's really awesome. Dude worked for Disney. Too bad he's a dick.
The Uncharted fever is upon us once again.
Read doctor Strange #2 on MU. I don't know why it didn't occur to me until halfway through issue 2 that this series is really an extension/evolution of Aaron/Bachalo's Wolverine & the Xmen series. That precious series had a house of chaos and weird and they took that and just amped it up even more. Fun stuff
I hate so much that I have to work and can't just be playing it right now all the time.
Adulting sucks.
Aliens > Adulting > Prometheus
I know, someone said something positive about Prometheus. What. the. fuck?
Read doctor Strange #2 on MU. I don't know why it didn't occur to me until halfway through issue 2 that this series is really an extension/evolution of Aaron/Bachalo's Wolverine & the Xmen series. That precious series had a house of chaos and weird and they took that and just amped it up even more. Fun stuff
Never got the hate for Prometheus. It has its flaws, but the way people here talk about it you'd think it would be utter dreck.
Who cares, when the fuck is Frank Ocean gonna release another instant classic
Who cares, when the fuck is Frank Ocean gonna release another instant classic
It's not a terrible film, but for me it joins the Matrix sequels and The Hobbit films as movies that were so crushingly disappointing that I can't watch them and get any enjoyment out of it.
Yes, very! Now there's something I can be positive about! Here's hoping it's at least substantial enough that we get a good look at the actual game engine and whatnot since we've already done some solid waiting on news, and doesn't end up like those reveals where we just get, like, a few seconds of walking around the opening town...Nevah.
Anyone else excited about the Pokemon news coming tomorrow.
Those Ocean 13 movies got really tiresome, i don't need another.