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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


Fatale - Book Five: Curse the Demon

It's over. And I feel empty. The ending was pretty much perfect, because it leaves the reader unsatisfied, but concludes the narrative in a very complete way. There is no real victory, only the feeling of having survived and being able to move on... for some anyway. It's about as Lovecraftian as you can get while still giving the protagonist some sort of marginal win.

That said, I am puzzled by something. It was great to finally see the flashback to 1906, but revisiting the WW2 incident, it seemed to suggest that Hiroshima was the result of a successful sacrifice of a consort in Japan. Does this mean there is more than one consort around the world at any given time? And every convergence it is a race to win favor? Is this... Cabin in the Woods? :p

Solid series. Would recommend to everyone who likes Lovecraft and noir.


Dont want to read the longer texts for Fatale because of Spoiler, but are there the legit Old Ones in this book or are these once again these stupid made-up ones?


Dont want to read the longer texts for Fatale because of Spoiler, but are there the legit Old Ones in this book or are these once again these stupid made-up ones?

The gods are never named in the story. Their nature and origins are irrelevant to the context of the story itself. Only that the world has layers, and that bad things happen.


The gods are never named in the story. Their nature and origins are irrelevant to the context of the story itself. Only that the world has layers, and that bad things happen.

Ah, then I understand how Fatale works, was a little bit surprised when I flipped through the pages and didnt saw anything familiar, even while the covers hinted to a lot of calamari-god-related content ;)


OK, the new Black Panther book^^ Thought this one had been about the Priest Run, would have participated then^^

I think there is a BP essential thread that talks a lot about Priest Run.

I figured the best way to get people hyped is talk about a Ongoing series
DC is doing a Darwyn Cooke CMX sale. It's curious DC frontiers discount isn't more. I swear they've had that on sale in the past when I bought it with 99 cent issues. Still each issue sold is essentially 2 issues of content.

No clue what any of this Frontier stuff is. Worth a look?

I really liked ANAD Avengers #1 :(

It's kind of whatever in terms of a slow burner, but I will certainly be keeping up with it now that it has made it over to MU. I don't think I'm spoiling anything to say that almost nothing happens in the first three issues. I do love the team composition, though. Especially Miles and Nova.

Just read Vision #1. Holy shit that took a turn. Brilliant book.

It gets better. And better. And better. Tom King really leverages his CIA training when it comes to dealing with the psychological unraveling of his characters. You will leave each issue feeling like you've been subjected to his advanced interrogation techniques, a literary waterboarding if you will.
volume 1 just got reprinted and is on sale for 50 bucks

Volume 3 is on sale for 72 bucks.

volume 2 is not on instock tradess at the moment but Amazon has it for 90 bucks.

Vol 1 reprint is on IST now, vol 2 reprint is later this year, and the first printing of vol 3 came out in February or March.
Thank you gentlemen. I love how its 49.99 so you have to buy something else too if you want shipping.

Edit: jesus fuck ist was really trying to kill peoples wallet this week

Rip 401k

Double edit: picked up the Uncanny Omni and Rumble vol 2

Looked longingly at the other specials for a while
On the X-Men front, most people have said the essentials, but Im also gonna give a shoutouts to Brian K Vaughn's short-then-extended run on Ultimate X-Men. He was supposed to just be a relief pitcher doing a four issue story until Bryan Singer(yes, that Bryan Singer) was to come on board and write the book. Course, that kept getting delayed(and eventually didnt pan out), so BKV stayed on board for 20 issues. There are a few stand-alone arcs that get tied together in a big Magneto story at the end. BKV is quite good about telling accessible stories about young people feared and hated because they're different, so the cast feels likable and well-rounded for the first time in the series after Millar and Bendis' caricatures. It also has some very fine artwork from Brandon Peterson, Andy Kubert, and especially Stuart Immonen, who did a year's worth of issues with him.

Seek out the other X-Books first, but if you're still in the mood for some breezy well constructed X-Men team books, give BKV's Ultimate X-Men run a try, I think you'll like it.
I'm not sure what I'm going to read next. I have Deadly Class, but have been slow on it. I have Chew up to I think 7th trade or so, I'm still in the middle of Snyder's Batman and just got to Death of the Family.

After catching up on Marvel and DC I'm lost... Any other new 52 recommendations outside of Batman?


I just checked out what's included in the third Claremont omnibus and y'all should jump on that before it goes out of print and you're not stuck waiting for a reprint in a few years. It has the all of the Brood stuff, God Loves Man Kills, that four issue Wolverine miniseries he did with Frank Miller, and the Magik miniseries. That's a ton of great stuff.


On the X-Men front, most people have said the essentials, but Im also gonna give a shoutouts to Brian K Vaughn's short-then-extended run on Ultimate X-Men. He was supposed to just be a relief pitcher doing a four issue story until Bryan Singer(yes, that Bryan Singer) was to come on board and write the book. Course, that kept getting delayed(and eventually didnt pan out), so BKV stayed on board for 20 issues. There are a few stand-alone arcs that get tied together in a big Magneto story at the end. BKV is quite good about telling accessible stories about young people feared and hated because they're different, so the cast feels likable and well-rounded for the first time in the series after Millar and Bendis' caricatures. It also has some very fine artwork from Brandon Peterson, Andy Kubert, and especially Stuart Immonen, who did a year's worth of issues with him.

Seek out the other X-Books first, but if you're still in the mood for some breezy well constructed X-Men team books, give BKV's Ultimate X-Men run a try, I think you'll like it.
Well you sold me on it at least. Will give bkv's run a read


I just checked out what's included in the third Claremont omnibus and y'all should jump on that before it goes out of print and you're not stuck waiting for a reprint in a few years. It has the all of the Brood stuff, God Loves Man Kills, that four issue Wolverine miniseries he did with Frank Miller, and the Magik miniseries. That's a ton of great stuff.
Damn I will pick this up this Friday then.


My goal this month is to have bought 22 HC comics, so far I am at 12. IST taking forever to ship my next batch. Should of just waited till friday
Grayson was anazing! Almost as an CIA Agent wrote it

I may go back and read all of it to get a better feel for it. I really liked what I read, but it was pretty bumming to see someone else come in to finish it out because it's been kind of meh the last couple issues.

Can't remember if it was 15 or 16 but the issue with Dick singing and them going after all the Spyral agents may be one of my favorite single issue comics I've read.


Jughead gets new team and adds Sabrina.
I was catching up on Venom: Space Knight this morning and a question came up...

...shouldn't Flash know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man? The whole reason Eddie Brock knew was because the symbiote knew. Why not Flash?

Please tell me this isn't a One More Day thing


Alright kids, need some help In my IST cart I got
Gotham Central Vol. 1-2 (New printing)
Batman & Son (New Printing) [I had sadly misplaced my TPBs of Morrison's Batman book =_=)

Currently considering
Showcase Jonah Hex Vol. 2 (my postal office would charge me double for this one =_= )
Jack Kirby's OMAC
Alt. any book that is like USD 20 or less I can take instead
Do people actually read Archie? I see it brought up and hear about stuff from it, but I feel like I never hear anyone talk about actually reading it.
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