I can't get into Crossed. Too extreme for me to be honest.
Nick Derington art is nice. His sketches are all pretty ace. He'd kill it on FFhttp://www.gerardway.com/post/144161604300/a-gentle-roar
Nick Derington art is nice. His sketches are all pretty ace. He'd kill it on FF
Same. Though I read the first trade of Crossed +100 by Alan Moore, which takes place 100 years after the outbreak, and it's pretty interesting reading. The dialogue is fucked beyond all recognition of modern speech, though. So it takes a bit to get used to.
Read fuck it, made me hate Moore. Dude is beyond out of fuck touch.
this is intentional.
Millar/Quitely Authority is rad as shit but gets less and less rad every arc because Quitely draws less and less of it, even though he gets replaced with very capable artists like Chris Weston and Art Adams
yea, the early stuff seems to be mix of both (leaning towards parody), insofar that it's basically a Conan the Barbarian story played straight other than the fact it stars a goofy looking aardvark
True, but that Jack Kirby presents the Avengers vs The Authority is dope
also that one issue Grant Morrison ghost wrote. You can tell he wrote it because the characters stop sounding like Mark Millar characters and also Religimon, the marketable non-denominational faith product
Man, fuck everything. The symbiote really did forget who Spider-Man was because of fucking One More Day? Fuck that. Disney Infinity canceled???? Fuuuuuck that.
That doesn't even make any sense.
Man, fuck everything. The symbiote really did forget who Spider-Man was because of fucking One More Day? Fuck that. Disney Infinity canceled???? Fuuuuuck that.
I'll never forgive him.You should ignore much of Joe Q's Spiderman meddling :V
also that one issue Grant Morrison ghost wrote. You can tell he wrote it because the characters stop sounding like Mark Millar characters and also Religimon, the marketable non-denominational faith product
That is SO Morrison.
Also, is that Capullo?
Holy crap that final line in Uncharted 4:
"You know Nate, we really are Uncharted."
Nope, it's Arthur Adams
the Nobrow Press FCBD book is awesome
also it's weird that a Gilbert Hernandez/Darwyn Cooke comic came out at the end of last year and literally no one read/talked about it
the Nobrow Press FCBD book is awesome
also it's weird that a Gilbert Hernandez/Darwyn Cooke comic came out at the end of last year and literally no one read/talked about it
Well it seems I have a few minutes so I'd like to take a moment to sell you guys on Weavers.
This book is really fucking cool. I don't think I've ever read a book with Dylan Burnett on art before but he's got chops. The monstrous elements of the book are creepy and gory and the reactions of our main protagonist to them are believable and relatable. They really sell you on the story.
With Spurrier writing the book it should come as no surprise that it is a fun, engaging read. The gist here is the most powerful criminal organization is actually controlled by these symbiotic (parasitic?) spider monsters/aliens/interdimensional beings/whatever. But the abilities they grant to their hosts are rarely spider-like (the one exception is the many eyes the more powerful members of the mob possess); they are gruesome and freaky. We experience all this through the eyes of the mobs latest unwitting recruit; he's barely a sketch at this point but I can't wait to learn more about his motives.
Anyway, highly recommended. It's Sopranos meets Lovecraft.
Is it a Spider-Man book? I believe it's a Spider-Man book. If anyone wears a headband Marvel should sue.
I see Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre is on sale. I have never read Watchmen and only watched the movie but I see this was written by Darwyn Cooke but more importantly the art is all by Amanda Conner. It is beautiful. But is it worth picking up as a standalone story?
how's Art Ops? Allred is one of my favs but i didn't hear much good about that, and it's not like i'm starved for Allred booksTwilight Children?
It was solid, a cool mystery with great art. I think I was the only one hear buying it.
I think I'm also the only pulling Art Ops.
harsh but probably fairpersonally, i'm probably never buying another Darwyn Cooke comic ever again and after Slayground i'm not particularly fussed about reading another one either
I don't think i have ever or plan on wasting my money this badlyI literally bought all of Before Watchmen in floppy singles.
I literally bought all of Before Watchmen in floppy singles.
No it's not. It's interesting formally (both books Cooke worked on try and keep the 9-panel grid), but the story is super-forgettable, and there's one bit of super-iffy symbolism that you may or may not object to.
personally, i'm probably never buying another Darwyn Cooke comic ever again and after Slayground i'm not particularly fussed about reading another one either
Is this a Zombine vs Guarnido situation?
nah, its because he was the chief scab of the Before Watchmen crew
Seriously why does this matter for people?Also, have heard he's quite the d bag
Seriously why does this matter for people?
amazing lol
Some people don't like to support d bags by purchasing their books. Plenty of nice and talented people to support instead.
Is there anything substantial to this or just whispers you heard?