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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.

So I decided to check out the first issue of both Archie and Jughead. I really liked Archie and Really disliked Jughead which was kind of a surprised because I love Zdarsky's Howard the Duck.

Also finished Batman Death of the Family. I really liked the last couple issues with the stuff in Arkham being pretty crazy, but I thought the actual ending was kind of anti-climactic. I also realized I hate the depiction and the writing for the Bat-Family in Batman. Damien seems kind of whiney, Jason's sarcasm is traded out for just being a dick, and speaking of Dick...that face!


I will pay to have a movie adaptation of Steranko shoryuken-ing Bob Kane.

Steranko is legit one of the last living dinosaurs of a bygone era that interests the fuck out of me. Dude is charming as fuck and I'm sure he's a total douche in his own right, but man is he an epic storyteller and pretty fucking funny.

Dude is legit a real life Archer character.


okay seriously fuck that Magic Shave ad with Luke Cage in all the goddamn Marvel books it's not just terrible, it's that it's terrible by looking just enough like a regular page from an actual comic that I have to look at it EVERY TIME.


Truth be told I got UC4 just so I can trash talk it when the need arises :V
It has some good moments but upon reflection...eh I'd rather fling Arrows at people's faces in Toom Braider.
Received my Juan Ferrerya New Suicide Squad page today. It survived it's trip from Argentina to Northern KY safe and sound. Love it!




okay seriously fuck that Magic Shave ad with Luke Cage in all the goddamn Marvel books it's not just terrible, it's that it's terrible by looking just enough like a regular page from an actual comic that I have to look at it EVERY TIME.
This must be in the physical issues
Snyder didn't write this issue.


Well that makes it actually weirder. I thought for sure there was an interview where he said he wanted to finish it out and was asked about doing one without Copullo. Maybe I was just confused with questions about his All-Star book?

Nevermind then.


Well that makes it actually weirder. I thought for sure there was an interview where he said he wanted to finish it out and was asked about doing one without Copullo. Maybe I was just confused with questions about his All-Star book?

Nevermind then.

He finished at #51, this is a transition issue from Tynion and Rossmo, and it's dope, but it could've been maybe weirder (like, not their Constantine run weird, but, maybe just a touch weird)


I'm looking up cover girl adam hughes dc statues regularly on ebay, a little too pricey for a mistake.

Suicide Squad art...i like it better before the finishing touches get applied, i'm not a fan of random background colors in panels.


So I somehow managed to miss until I was midway through reading it last night, but it's actually Morrison AND Millar Flash. Anyone have any insight onto how that actually worked? Really bizarre to see both names listed as writer on each of the issues. Either way, I feel like I'm definitely seeing the Morrison a lot more than the Millar in each issue.

Oh, and it's especially great to see the three-parter in here that starts with the work of two other creative staffs. Like, it starts off as such a bland, whatever little throwaway story, and then for the final issue with Morrison/Millar, it abruptly turns into a crazy courtroom drama! Just a really neat and direct contrast to see!
So I somehow managed to miss until I was midway through reading it last night, but it's actually Morrison AND Millar Flash. Anyone have any insight onto how that actually worked?

Supposedly, they used to be great friends and then fell out over something.

Ah, found it, apparently ghost writing was involved:
The source of their falling out is said to be related to Morrison ghostwriting an issue of Millar’s final arc on The Authority. At the time, Millar was incredibly ill, which also caused delays on his other titles, and to pitch in for his friend, Morrison banged out an issue, like it was no big deal. There are multiple sides to the thing, but Morrison’s unsolicited acknowledgment of this deed in an interview is thought to have incensed Millar, who must have thought it was a quiet gesture between friends, and not fodder for comic gossip. Throw in Millar’s mounting mainstream popularity and ability to get literally any project a hit, coinciding with Morrison’s frustrations in finding a footing in Hollywood, and whatever other backstage backstabbing occurred, and you have a feud.



okay seriously fuck that Magic Shave ad with Luke Cage in all the goddamn Marvel books it's not just terrible, it's that it's terrible by looking just enough like a regular page from an actual comic that I have to look at it EVERY TIME.

Yeah, Marvel is blending in the ads with the comics in off way.

The Fix keeps on giving, I would see USA adapting this show.
Black Panther 2...mygawd
ANAD Avengers, All New Wasp is saved by Waid and pulling a Al Ewing.


So I somehow managed to miss until I was midway through reading it last night, but it's actually Morrison AND Millar Flash. Anyone have any insight onto how that actually worked? Really bizarre to see both names listed as writer on each of the issues. Either way, I feel like I'm definitely seeing the Morrison a lot more than the Millar in each issue.

Oh, and it's especially great to see the three-parter in here that starts with the work of two other creative staffs. Like, it starts off as such a bland, whatever little throwaway story, and then for the final issue with Morrison/Millar, it abruptly turns into a crazy courtroom drama! Just a really neat and direct contrast to see!

It worked like any other book with multiple writers, they would collaborate on script, plot, and dialog and go from there. I feel like Morrison broke it down a bit in his book as to who did what, but it sticks in my mind that Morrison did the overall plotting and Millar the dialog. This was back when the two of them were super close, before Millar burned Morrison on writing credits on the Authority issue that was mentioned yesterday.


Supposedly, they used to be great friends and then fell out over something.

Ah, found it, apparently ghost writing was involved:


It worked like any other book with multiple writers, they would collaborate on script, plot, and dialog and go from there. I feel like Morrison broke it down a bit in his book as to who did what, but it sticks in my mind that Morrison did the overall plotting and Millar the dialog. This was back when the two of them were super close, before Millar burned Morrison on writing credits on the Authority issue that was mentioned yesterday.

Interesting. Thanks, guys!


What Midnighter Books is worth a read? He is like GM Owlman in Grayson

Warren Ellis' run on Stormwatch (even though Midnighter doesn't show up until volume 2, you should read the whole thing anyway)
Warren Ellis' run on the Authority
Steve Orlando's recently concluded Midnighter solo book.

There was also a mid 2000's solo title that was originally written by Garth Ennis before Keith Giffen took over and a miniseries team up with Grifter by Chuck Dixon, but you can skip those.


So I ordered that new Wonder Woman earth one book but I think there is a back order.

Been 3 days and the book still hasn't been scanned
Got a pretty good stack of comics, but it always feels a little weird when there isn't anything new to try in there. Any #1s I'm missing out on this week?


So I somehow managed to miss until I was midway through reading it last night, but it's actually Morrison AND Millar Flash. Anyone have any insight onto how that actually worked? Really bizarre to see both names listed as writer on each of the issues. Either way, I feel like I'm definitely seeing the Morrison a lot more than the Millar in each issue.

Oh, and it's especially great to see the three-parter in here that starts with the work of two other creative staffs. Like, it starts off as such a bland, whatever little throwaway story, and then for the final issue with Morrison/Millar, it abruptly turns into a crazy courtroom drama! Just a really neat and direct contrast to see!

I'm not 100% sure how it worked with Flash, but I know with the 4 Swamp Things they did, they came up with the story together and alternated scripting duties so I suspect something similar was done for their other collaborations

e: actually with all things Grant Morrison, the best resource is Deep Space Transmissions:

130 – 138, Nov ’97 – Jun ’98

Co-written with Mark Millar. Interview comments by the pair suggest that Morrison and Millar collaborated closely at the plotting stage, then took turns scripting alternate arcs - Morrison wrote the 3-part 'Emergency Stop' in 130-132 and 'The Human Race' in 136-138, with Millar handling the done-in-one tales in 133-136 and 'The Black Flash' in 139-141. Though Morrison talked about introducing The Black Flash in interviews preceding the storyline (and featured the character in Final Crisis), he receives no credit in issues 139-141, with Millar credited as sole writer.
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