When your boss buys everyone else presents from his trip but you, does that mean he likes you the most?
That means it is time to update your resume
When your boss buys everyone else presents from his trip but you, does that mean he likes you the most?
That means it is time to update your resume
When your boss buys everyone else presents from his trip but you, does that mean he likes you the most?
When your boss buys everyone else presents from his trip but you, does that mean he likes you the most?
When your boss buys everyone else presents from his trip but you, does that mean he likes you the most?
Did he overtly not give you something? Or did you hear from everyone else that he got them something?
Flip flops, sandals, beachy stuff, Millar comics, stuff like that.
I would have more respect for the dude if he didn't do it mad sneaky. Like, "don't look at my hand which is super low to the ground right now with a bag in it."
They want to leave you on a deserted island with only Millar comics.
Flip flops, sandals, beachy stuff, Millar comics, stuff like that.
I would have more respect for the dude if he didn't do it mad sneaky. Like, "don't look at my hand which is super low to the ground right now with a bag in it."
After seeing Civil War I am completely in love with Black Panther. What are his best books to start with? Should I just go with the new one Ta Nehisi Coates just put out?
After seeing Civil War I am completely in love with Black Panther. What are his best books to start with? Should I just go with the new one Ta Nehisi Coates just put out?
My suggestion would be these three books. If you enjoy them (), you can start reading the new one.You will
Namor was a bigger dick than Panther in Hickman's NA run.
Coriolanus will come for my head.
Why would he, that is an accurate statement
Just start with the new oneAfter seeing Civil War I am completely in love with Black Panther. What are his best books to start with? Should I just go with the new one Ta Nehisi Coates just put out?
Namor was a bigger dick than Panther in Hickman's NA run.
Coriolanus will come for my head.
Vision #7 is one of the best single issue stories I've ever read. Incredibly moving story.
Silk's entire run has been a series of bad decisions. I'm not surprised that Gwen is done with her.
I've never argued that namor wasn't a dick.
I've always argued that he was right... as far as Time Runs Out stuff goes.
Which is why even reed told tchalla to stop being a lil babby about it. And his father told him to stop being a lil babby about it. And every single black panther told him to stop being a lil babby about it. And he bawled his eyes out because he couldn't stop being a lil babby about it.
I mean, trying to argue that tchalla was correct with his behaviour is like trying to argue that reed was correct in telling victor to get fucked at that dinner table.
Gaaaaahhh dammit this reminded me that I forgot to look for any back issues at my store today. I doubt they'd have all 7 in stock though. I really want to continue reading this series now after #1.
I've never argued that namor wasn't a dick.
I've always argued that he was right... as far as Time Runs Out stuff goes.
Which is why even reed told tchalla to stop being a lil babby about it. And his father told him to stop being a lil babby about it. And every single black panther told him to stop being a lil babby about it. And he bawled his eyes out because he couldn't stop being a lil babby about it.
I mean, trying to argue that tchalla was correct with his behaviour is like trying to argue that reed was correct in telling victor to get fucked at that dinner table.
Silk's entire run has been a series of bad decisions. I'm not surprised that Gwen is done with her.
Gwen is being a shit head to her. Nit surprising as Gwen is a shit person.
Gwen is being a shit head to her. Nit surprising as Gwen is a shit person.
I just read the first two issues of Ultimate Comics Avengers (the omnibus only cost me $15 so I figured I'd get it), and man, I hate everybody in it. They're all arrogant jerks. Is it like this for the whole series or just at the beginning?
Millar and Yu?
It was a mistake. Nothing but trash.
Birdie calling a comic trash is like Mr. Rogers calling you a failure.
Silk kinda earned it. She's going around acting as though she deserves trust that she hasn't yet earned- you see this in Spider-Man & Silk where she pretends as though she doesn't have to explain anything to him when it's his stuff she's stealing.
False alarm guys I got a present.
Plot points and events can get refracted through different sensibilities as the years go by. The wince-inducing hamminess of the 1985 V&SW series reads differently when it gets recast as a veneer covering psychological trauma. But, that darker turn gets spun around again when subsequent writers make a point of redeeming Wanda.
Wait there are two books?If I remember correctly, one or two of you like this series...
In the first issue of Spider-women Gwen and Jess were being horrible about her behind her back and she overhears it. It was just sad bitching.
Wait there are two books?
Megahex dudeI need more funny comic in my lfe