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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.


I read the first sentence and assumed it was about Pete being cuckolded by Gobby.



Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster

Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster

Sorry to hear that, Echo. Best wishes for you and your family. Hope your luck changes.
YOOOOOOOOOOOO Look at the beautiful blue DCBS variant of the Deadly Class HC. I didn't really like the regular cover but I love the DCBS one.

Ooooh. When does that come out?

Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster

Shit. Sorry to hear that, man. Best wishes. Hope everyhing turns out well.


well not really...yet
Made a badass find at the local half price books today (literally just stopped by on a whim as I passed it by). A hardcover version of Year One published 11 years ago, in pretty much completely perfect shape, as if it just came out.

Was excited as currently afaik, the only version of Year One available is the one with the shitty new re-coloring job...

Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster
Good luck and stay strong. My dad went through that whole rollercoaster last year and it was tough for everyone involved. Hope everything turns out well for you.
Echo...it's time you became your avatar. Ultron always had good health i think?

I'm working on it

Made a badass find at the local half price books today (literally just stopped by on a whim as I passed it by). A hardcover version of Year One published 11 years ago, in pretty much completely perfect shape, as if it just came out.

Was excited as currently afaik, the only version of Year One available is the one with the shitty new re-coloring job...

I have that one! I love it. It's always out on my coffee table
Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster

Sorry to hear that :( I hope for the best

Also I can't get over that Marvel is still charging $5 for every issue of Guardians of Infinity


I want to buy Overwatch even though i'm awful at the game and still can't aim. I also want to play as the sniper. Heart's willing! I also want you guys to be my teammates.


Made a badass find at the local half price books today (literally just stopped by on a whim as I passed it by). A hardcover version of Year One published 11 years ago, in pretty much completely perfect shape, as if it just came out.

Was excited as currently afaik, the only version of Year One available is the one with the shitty new re-coloring job...

The current TPB has the 2005 recoloring that the hardcover there does, AFAIK. I bought it new on Amazon last year and it did, anyway.

Nice find, though!
Even before herogasm. Sure, there are some very few and rare moments of good fun like Love Sausage, but fuck, the book is even more crass than Dicks or The Pro.

Which is a shame, because the twist at the end of the superman-bro arc was somewhat interesting. Sure af wasn't worth the mess, tho, and what came after it... yeesh.


Even before herogasm. Sure, there are some very few and rare moments of good fun like Love Sausage, but fuck, the book is even more crass than Dicks or The Pro.

Which is a shame, because the twist at the end of the superman-bro arc was somewhat interesting. Sure af wasn't worth the mess, tho, and what came after it... yeesh.

I don't think we're even talking about comics anymore, people just making up names and pretending they are books. Love Sausage...
I don't think we're even talking about comics anymore, people just making up names and pretending they are books. Love Sausage...

Post of the thread so far

Read some comics just now.

Vision #7 was good. It was a great look at his previous relationship with Wanda and I really enjoyed that. It was a little weird seeing Walsh kind of imitating Walta but I wonder if part of that was just the coloring. Still, a very good issue.

Starfire #12 was a sweet conclusion to the series. I still like Power Girl more but this was a fun little run.
Welp, Blackest Night finished.

... it really was just a zombie apocalypse.

Welp, guess i can now safely say that anything green lantern related certainly isn't for me.
I didn't read one comic today and I haven't even really started UC4. Saw Civil War today. I'm really turned off by Captain America for some reason but the movie was still highly entertaining. They nailed Spidey, Black Panther was fun, Antman was great.

I don't feel like I can start anything else until I read this non-picture book I started. SW Bloodline. It's entertaining but my brain can handle about a chapter then I have to put it down and process. So the actual act of reading a book is slow to me.


Welp, Blackest Night finished.

... it really was just a zombie apocalypse.

Welp, guess i can now safely say that anything green lantern related certainly isn't for me.

Blackest Night was my check-out point for Green Lantern. I carried on for awhile, but it was a mistake. Nothing but Brightest Day and crossover mediocrity.


fuck yes MY comics have Shipped!

Wonder Woman was definitely on back order. I should of got the Teen Titans Earth one but oh well


I want to hurry and get my Kingdom Come Deluxe. :( Over 100 pages of back matter.


Bought last night on IST, still not picked nor scanned. Feels bad.
Finally got around to The Wolf Among Us game, and the Fables universe is just fascinating. Decided to get Volume 1...and I'm not really feeling it. The game had an urgency to it and just kind of threw you into the world, leaving the more extensive world building to the extras menu. The comic so far, not really impressed


Finally got around to The Wolf Among Us game, and the Fables universe is just fascinating. Decided to get Volume 1...and I'm not really feeling it. The game had an urgency to it and just kind of threw you into the world, leaving the more extensive world building to the extras menu. The comic so far, not really impressed

I read the last volume of Fables and didn't like the way it ended so I decided not to buy the hc versions.

The first volume was great stuff. I mean the first volume is set up in a way similar to the game with a murder.
Just ordered all of Zenith. I was planning on getting Uncharted 4 this month but... I dunno, I'm not in the mood for it I guess. Been eyeing this series for a while and I figure I should go for it before it goes OOP or something. I've seen how much some of those 2000AD books go for now and I'd rather avoid it.

Hopefully I like it. I like Morrison so it'll be interesting to see more early work from him.
Here. We. Go.

Secret Six Vol. 4: Caution to the Wind

This run of comics has been, since I started reading it, one of my favorite runs in all of superhero comics. It's been naught, but a pure joy from beginning to end. I love it dearly, and to finally have to review it's swan song is both a joy for getting to read it, and a sorrow because it's the end. This volume is a beautiful thing.

To begin: the last volume ends with the Six divided, with Deadshot (Floyd Lawton), Black Alice, Ragdoll (Peter Merkel Jr.), and Scandal Savage pursuing Catman (Thomas Blake) as he seeks revenge against a bunch of fuckheads who killed his kid. Bane, who has kicked Scandal out of the group, has taken over leadership and has created a new Six along with Jeannette. This volume begins with Bane and Jeanette's squad of Giganta, Dwarfstar, King Shark, and Lady Vic. They get recruited by Spy Smasher under contract from the US government, because the government is an evil bunch of fucks, to conquer Skartaris (a mystical dimension akin to the Savage Land). Waller recruits Scandal's team, which has found Blake living in a zoo with lions since he got his revenge and has apparently reverted to living with cats instead of people like the beginning of the series. Waller plants a liason on this squad named Tremor, and sends them into Skartaris to fight Spy Smasher's squad. This is due to Waller finding out that the US is conquering Skartaris as a backup because they plan on having the USA nuked. Or something. Anyways, the teams fight each other and somehow liberate the land. Waller fucks up Spy Smasher's plans and the teams both walk out with the promise of total immunity, provided they agree to being in Waller's back pocket as a reserve. Oh, Waller also gives Giganta the knowledge that Dwarfstar killed her boyfriend, the Atom (Ryan Choi) and she fucks him up.

There's a crossover part with Vandal Savage attempting to kill Luthor, who hires the Six (Bane, Scandal Savage, Ragdoll, Catman, Black Alice, and Jeannette) to be fodder against Vandal Savage. Vandal's plan doesn't work, he fucks off, Luthor fucks off, and the Six goes back to their regularly scheduled program. Scandal and Liana go on a double date with Bane and Liana's friend Spencer. Then Scandal decides to use the Get out of Hell card from Money for Murder, only to discover it was taken by Ragdoll so he could resurrect Parademon. She kind of kills him in her rage, and the Six (King Shark, Bane, Jeannette, Scandal, Catman, and Deadshot) are lead to the gates of Hell by Black Alice. They go to get Ragdoll, only to find that he's come to lead the armies of Hell for Lady Blaze. Catman fucks off with Etrigan to find out his dad is being subjected to endless torture by being ripped apart by Catman's mom in the form of a lion. The rest fight Ragdoll's armies, but are eventually subjected to torture at the refusal of joining. Save for Catman, who was away from the whole thing, and Scandal, who is trying to convince Knockout to shake off her brainwashing (she's Ragdoll's wife). Basically, stuff happens and they all leave with Knockout. Parademon decides to stay, because he's an asshole who likes Hell.

During their stint in Hell, Liana was kidnapped by some weirdo who pours hot sauce into his eyes. He thinks he can "rehabilitate" her because she's a dirty girl i.e. she fucks. Scandal, Jeannette, Bane, Deadshot, and Catman show up -- having been told by Lady Blaze that Scandal's other love's soul was in danger of entering Hell -- and royally fuck this dude up. He's killed. The team (consisting of the aforementioned five plus Knockout, Ragdoll, and King Shark) has some downtime. Deciding that they're a sort of family, they chill. Bane fucks, and after doing so decides he wants to rule Gotham. He leads the team to Gotham where they have a standoff against literally all of the heroes, who were signaled to them by Penguin -- he was taken prisoner by them earlier so they wouldn't have competition and would have control over the criminal underworld. There were interludes where the Six did whatever they wanted. King Shark, Deadshot, Catman, and Ragdoll fuck up a mobster; Jeannette takes Scandal and Knockout to marry Liana at the hospital. The villains make their stand by getting jacked up on Bane's remaining Venom supply and getting wrecked. They're all imprisoned and Bane narrates an epilogue, stating that the team was making him weak by giving him something to care about, and now he can destroy Batman.

This was a great ending...for the most part. I loved this volume, but I do have a problem with a couple things, minor though they may be. They're mostly character-based, being that I wish we had gotten more time with Bane's recruits. Namely Lady Vic and Giganta, since Dwarfstar got what he deserved and King Shark gets good time as is. I also wish there had been more time spent on Knockout and Scandal's relationship renewal as well, since that seemed like an interesting road to go down. That said, the plots were good and interesting. The Skartaris arc was fun and had some badass moments ("You don't fuck with the Wall") and the Hell arc, while weird, ended up having some really interesting character moments. Plus, the Liana stuff was fucked up, but had a satisfying conclusion. The Caution to the Wind arc was a really interesting way to end things. The Six (which King Shark gleefully points out has long become an arbitrary number) charging into Gotham, realizing that they aren't heroes, but villains. They never were heroes, even if they tried to be some fucked up family of misfit and misunderstood heroes, they were just deluding themselves. Maybe Scandal, but even then she's still willing to kill, which goes against Liana's beliefs. Not only that, but Knockout also loves to fight and beat the fuck out of people which, again, goes against Liana's beliefs. None of them could really live happily, and it's an interesting, if depressing, ending to see.

Not everything about this is depressing, however. The characters all go through very strong arcs, which has been the case for the entire series. Blake basically goes completely nuts, and slowly comes back to his old self. He even becomes happy knowing that his dad is suffering at the hands of his mother. Ragdoll, revealing that he has no soul and frustrated that he's becoming sane due to caring for others, tries to fill the emptiness inside him. This doesn't work, and he gets massively depressed that the only two people who liked him ended up abandoning him: Parademon preferred hell and Black Alice said she couldn't get dragged into the Six's last stand, her father having recovered from cancer and her realizing she didn't give it to him (she did, Deadshot just "convinced" the doctor to say she didn't). Scandal is mostly just struggling with her emotions: she tries to kill Bane, even though she doesn't want to, taking out her daddy issues on him as he plays the role of her surrogate dad. Then she meets Vandal again and attempts to murder him...again. She then has a conflict with her romantic past in her desire to revive Knockout, but in order to do so she's pretty much had to fuck over her entire family, which is also something she strongly desires. Deadshot and Jeannette don't really have much. Floyd just pretty much goes full sociopath aside from his adorable bond with Alice coming from him having his own daughter, and Jeannette surrenders herself to an eventual death, which plays into her desire to just remain in hell. King Shark is King Shark, only wishing. Not much else to that. Knockout's arc comes all the way back around after she died, which would have more impact had those Birds of Prey issues been collected (means I have to read a lot of Birds of Prey now). Parademon's decision to remain in Hell makes sense for that character.

Bane has the most interesting arc to me, as he was always this character that you knew did fucked up things, but he had this sort of "noble warrior" thing going for him. That whole thing comes back to bite him in the ass. During Skartaris, he makes a vicious decision to enslave an entire nation (really more dimension, but it's the same base principle) even though he can relate to it having been imprisoned against his own will. His arc as a surrogate father comes to a close when Scandal basically kills him, which ultimately cleanses her daddy issues, though he still acts as one for the rest of the story. Continuing with the "noble warrior" arc, having attempted becoming a tyrant, he goes to Hell and realizes that's where he's destined to be: in Hell, a top a pile of broken bodies under the delusion of having been a righteous man. This revelation, coupled with his desire to protect others, forced him to make the ultimate decision: break the Bat. He wishes to feel strong again, giving up on the notion of being a noble warrior and believing that caring for others makes him weak. Truly the most interesting arc of all.

All in all, this is an amazing book, and one that I will cherish for a long time. Broken ass characters with interesting arcs brought to life by chemistry and dialogue as colorful as the art. Interesting plot lines bring forth good action and cool character moments. A great book that got the great ending it deserved.

Bad day today. Had my follow up ultrasound and the news is not good. Lymph node situation is worsening. Several enlarged on the left including two large ones, and now a large one on the right. And they're getting bigger fast. Radioactive iodine isn't going to cut it. Next stop: neck biopsy

Somebody get me off this shitty rollercoaster

Hang in there, buddy. You're going to kick this bullshit's ass.

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