Hey Y'all
Crazy I know but managed to get a few comics read over past few days
BP - The Crew #2 - Pretty gutted to hear this is getting cancelled, its been a slow burn as often is with Coates comic so far, but after the first few issues I'm really starting to get into the feel and tone of this. Enjoying the themes of history/legacies affecting the people now and changing neighbourhoods and times, with some black history and racial tension thrown in there. I know Marvel have pretty much sent this series out to die, but I'm suprised with the issues its covering this series hasnt had more support. I think maybe the slow burn story telling Coates does maybe isnt always as flashy and what comic fans go for.
Titans - First Lazarus Contract Issue- This was okay, not much happened to be honest, I mean more was given away in the issue description in previews than actually happened here ha. I'll give the next issue a go in teen titans to see if it picks up.
Ultimates By Ewing - Got the first series issues of this really cheap so though I'd give it a go. Really enjoyed the big cosmic themes they were going for with some great art in a lot of the issues. I haven't read Civil war 2 but felt like the tie in issues worked pretty well on there own as part of the story. I hope they stick with the current Galactus status quo for a while, find it a pretty interesting twist on it.
Now a couple of questions if I can call on the extensive comic gaf knowledge:
Is the second series of Ultimates (Ewing) any good? Really liked the first series but I remember a few comments on here that second series hasnt been as good so far
If I was going for one supergirl series which current on should I go for. Main series or the mini series? (Being super is it?) The better half randomly said yesterday she'd like to read a supergirl series.
Also thanks to whoever put up the link for the Doom Patrol bookplate edition a few pages back, I was straight on that