That's fair enough man, like I said, I do think it's a good batman book, and I'm glad you enjoy it that much. It definitely does not hit that level for me though. Scott Snyder, in my mind, goes toe to toe with any of my other favorite comic writers. Brubaker, Hill, Mignola, Lemire, I would absolutely have a hard time choosing between him and one of the others if I had to, because his writing quality is so high. I will even read characters I never had an intention of reading because I know his writing is great, like Superman. I have faith he will tell a good story because of his general level of quality, so it doesn't matter that I don't normally naturally gravitate to the idea of Superman. I love good, extremely well written stories, and Snyder writes em. I read so many comic books too that I kind of aspire to keep it that way for all my reads, or I would be spilling way over the 20-25 mark I'm at right now.
I pick up Batman & Robin though and I think "Hey, that was a pretty great Batman book" but the writing does not ascend past that to the point I'd run out and look for more by Tomasi, nor does it displace any of the other books I read to the point where I'd keep on with it if it was just for myself, instead of one of the others. Maybe in time, but not yet. It acts as a good way to read batman between the long...long...loooong waits for the main batman book trades but for me, that's kind of it. I do think it's the level of quality though that the rest of the line could aspire too though, there's a few bat books i wouldn't read for free haha.