Oh hey, yet another Marvel book that I'll be tempted to pull, now. lol
Yeah, well, maybe, shut up.
Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.
At least that is what I remember.
So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.
Sounds really dumb
when is this fucker Sam Alexander going to die ?
The latest Journey into Mystery featuring Sif if you haven't read it already. Second trade should have all of BRB issues.Actually, speaking of BRB, are there any good books with him? I already adore the guy, but I've been very curious.
And... Sif? Really? Damn girl you a freak.
Has anyone read DC's "Cosmic Odyssey"? If so, how is it?
And Loki (2004)!Thor: God of Thunder .99 Comixology sale - first 5 issues
also Thor The Mighty Avenger
and some JMS I guess
The story of Loki, Ruler of Asgard, as told by Loki (or possibly Rob Rodi) and illustrated by God of Thunder's Esad Ribic.
Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.
At least that is what I remember.
So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.
It doesn't have enough Beta Ray Bill.I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?
I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?
Reread the Hyperclan story from Morrison's JLA. If there's any justice in the world, it will be the inspiration for the Justice League movie.
(It's gonna be John's "Origins," I know.)
the perils of pre-ordering and and being behind: Not liking Mind the Gap through the first 4 issues, having ordered it through issue 16.
I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?
It doesn't have enough Beta Ray Bill.
Skip it, it's LAAAAAME
I am in the minority here because I like it (and have a signed copy of the hc to boot), but I'm also a huge Johns fanboy. It was a fun punchy story, but some of the characters ( Wonder Woman especially) are written nothing like they are in their solo books. It's nowhere near his best work though. If you want to see him hitting on all cylinders in the N52, check out the Shazam trade or his run on Aquaman. Otherwise read his early GL stuff (Rebirth through Sinestro Corps) or his Flash stuff.
Has anyone read DC's "Cosmic Odyssey"? If so, how is it?
Is....is that Kara?
I guess it isn't the first time something like this has happened. I mean, Sodom Yat and Mon-El both were Green Lanterns, Mon-El for only a short time, and they are Daxamites with Kryptonian level powers.
Still, I always find it weird when you take a S-class level powered character and give them a ring; Seems like overkill.Guess it's just a different power set.
I can only imagine this is a short lived thing; But it'll be... interesting, if it is an actual attempt at a new direction with the character.
when is this fucker Sam Alexander going to die ?
Red Lantern Kara reminds me that I wouldn't have minded this as an Elseworlds story.
How bad could it really be?