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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Yeah, well, maybe, shut up.

SORRY. It's been awhile since I payed any attention to him.

I think it's understandable for some people to not really know much about him though. He can be kind of obscure unless you pay attention to the weird places that he shows up.

And... Sif? Really? Damn girl you a freak.


Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.

At least that is what I remember.

So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.

Sounds really dumb


Beta Ray Bill took the place of Silver Surfer in the not very good Planet Hulk DTV movie, which seemed odd to me.

I hope BRB shows up in the GotG movie, we need more alien horsemen with magic hammers in movies.



not sure if i'm ready to buy the whole JMS Thor run that i was planning on getting eventually, but Instocktrades only has one of the volumes soooooooooooo


Actually, speaking of BRB, are there any good books with him? I already adore the guy, but I've been very curious.


Actually, speaking of BRB, are there any good books with him? I already adore the guy, but I've been very curious.
The latest Journey into Mystery featuring Sif if you haven't read it already. Second trade should have all of BRB issues.

Also check out his origin, they're reprinting Simonson's run in trades right now. First trade has the BRB stuff. Started the show with a show stopper.


the perils of pre-ordering and and being behind: Not liking Mind the Gap through the first 4 issues, having ordered it through issue 16.




Quick rundown of my readings of the week:

Megaman #30
Where the main Sonic book is slow, this series is at a fast pace. The art won't impress everyone, but the writing and characterizations in this issue were good. Metalman does not fuck around-

Transformers Dark Cybertron #1
Woah, Starscream
changes into his Armada design!
Mostly a set-up issue but I enjoyed it. Also I just now notice that Cyclonus' design may resemble a samurai.
Effin' Swerve though


Yo where's that 2nd image from?
ah yea guys go read that last Journey into Sif trade so they keep making...dammit

Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.

At least that is what I remember.

So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.

I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?
I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?
It doesn't have enough Beta Ray Bill.


No Scrubs
I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?

Skip it, it's LAAAAAME


Reread the Hyperclan story from Morrison's JLA. If there's any justice in the world, it will be the inspiration for the Justice League movie.

(It's gonna be John's "Origins," I know.)

Those first 40 issues that Grant Morrison (and Mark Waid on fill ins)/Howard Porter did were absolute gold. I have all the single issues and I'm stil going to pick up the trades because I love that run so much.


So this week I picked up Detective #25, Green Arrow # 25, and Batman Black and White #3. Detective #25 was really just totally awesome, highly recommend to anyone who's a fan of Gordon. Green Arrow #25 was okay. It opened very sloppy, with Ollie just showing up out of the blue from the island and immediately being whisked away to Gotham within like a page of returning. I think it would have worked better if they did something like Ollie was on the boat back from the island and heard over a radio while he was on the boat that his mother was trapped in Gotham, and then busted ass to Gotham. Although I've yet to start it yet, Batman Black and White #3 has a really awesome cover and closes with a Dini story, so I've got hopes it'll be worth a read ;P


I know y'all are having an exhilarating time discussing the character intricacies of good ol BRB but quick poll: How do we feel about Geoff Johns' first volume of Justice League (New 52) and do we feel this work represents his general style and quality of work?

I am in the minority here because I like it (and have a signed copy of the hc to boot), but I'm also a huge Johns fanboy. It was a fun punchy story, but some of the characters ( Wonder Woman especially) are written nothing like they are in their solo books. It's nowhere near his best work though. If you want to see him hitting on all cylinders in the N52, check out the Shazam trade or his run on Aquaman. Otherwise read his early GL stuff (Rebirth through Sinestro Corps) or his Flash stuff.
It doesn't have enough Beta Ray Bill.

Skip it, it's LAAAAAME

I am in the minority here because I like it (and have a signed copy of the hc to boot), but I'm also a huge Johns fanboy. It was a fun punchy story, but some of the characters ( Wonder Woman especially) are written nothing like they are in their solo books. It's nowhere near his best work though. If you want to see him hitting on all cylinders in the N52, check out the Shazam trade or his run on Aquaman. Otherwise read his early GL stuff (Rebirth through Sinestro Corps) or his Flash stuff.

This is the part of the magic trick where I reveal I already read it :( haha. After Glass Rebel mentioned that sale the other day I saw it was only like £1.50, which is an extremely inconsequential way of figuring out if you like a book enough to buy the trades, much better than buying a trade and not liking it, so I went for it.

And I did not like it all all :/ I guess the plot itself and the art is exactly what you would have expected, so I wouldn't waste time critiquing that too deeply, I knew what I was letting myself in for, and I'm perfectly okay with what took place and how it looked. The dialogue though...hmm. Extremely exposition heavy, everyone making statements about themselves to each other without really conversing, and without really even sounding like themselves even. Outside Of Green Lantern years ago, I've never read Johns. I hear Johns is good people, he seems to get good reviews. The writing here seems atrocious though. So I asked to try and figure out if this was a purely me thing, or if this stands as a significant outlier in his work, because you'd think a guy who is so well received and works so many high profile books would have any kind of ear for the dialogue these characters would use, and be able to work plot details and character history into the plot without them stating it in blocks of quippy text to each other every time.

Just basically the dialogue and characterisation killed the whole thing for me. I keep hearing good stuff about forever evil, and he's really one of the few *great* writers I seem to have entirely missed (probably due to lack of independent work), but if this is how the guy writes, I don't really want to risk spending money on more JL beyond vol.1, Trinity War, etc.


Johns JL is mediocre and booooooring. I was kinda into that Cheetah Supes issue but that story wrapped up terribly also.


The Johns/Lee Justice League comics read to me like they were trying to do what Morrison and Porter did on JLA (whose influence could also be felt in the Hickman Avengers comic a bit), but it's really bland instead of iconic outside that one moment where Batman unmasks in front of Hal Jordan and Hal goes "who the hell is Bruce Wayne!?" which is pretty great.
I guess it isn't the first time something like this has happened. I mean, Sodom Yat and Mon-El both were Green Lanterns, Mon-El for only a short time, and they are Daxamites with Kryptonian level powers.

Still, I always find it weird when you take a S-class level powered character and give them a ring; Seems like overkill.Guess it's just a different power set.

I can only imagine this is a short lived thing; But it'll be... interesting, if it is an actual attempt at a new direction with the character.


I guess it isn't the first time something like this has happened. I mean, Sodom Yat and Mon-El both were Green Lanterns, Mon-El for only a short time, and they are Daxamites with Kryptonian level powers.

Still, I always find it weird when you take a S-class level powered character and give them a ring; Seems like overkill.Guess it's just a different power set.

I can only imagine this is a short lived thing; But it'll be... interesting, if it is an actual attempt at a new direction with the character.

Green Lantern Mon-El was awesome, I never cared for Sodom Yat though.

They should have given Mera a red ring again.


when is this fucker Sam Alexander going to die ?

With any luck, as soon as Guardians of The Galaxy gets here (and is hopefully a success) Marvel will finally bring back Rich, to prepare for the solo Nova movie. The proper Nova Prime needs a book ASAP.

I won't rest until that punk Alexander is forgotten about and killed. Let's see how his few fans like it when a favourite character is tossed like garbage and Marvel writers ignore him.

Also, even BRB can't get me to pick up a book that should have never existed.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Red Lantern Kara reminds me that I wouldn't have minded this as an Elseworlds story.

How bad could it really be?

The story could be as bad as that art.


not too intrigued by that red lantern cover.

Johns' Justice League reads like a Bendis book if everyone didn't speak like Spider-man. It meanders around and the arcs aren't very good. Only highlight was the Shazam back-up story.
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