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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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I love how mad Salty Hal Jordan is being.

Also, while I completely understand what they are going for with the new direction with Kyle, specifically that they want to remove him from the picture for awhile to give a) The others a chance to develop a new direction without a badass White Lantern hanging around and b) Allow Kyle to have some adventures of his own, I am going to miss the Kyle x Carol dynamic. It was fun. Not quite sure how well the New Guardians are going to be able to play off of Kyle, themselves. Maybe if some of them start developing personalities like Ganthet or something.
I gotcha--I wasn't tryin' to shove it down anybody's throat, I just love the book and want to spread the love, like herpes.

Not at all man, not at all. I enjoy the banter for sure. That's why I wrote all that too, for context - I might find Batman & Robin one thing, but that's really just me. I do see your thoughts about Snyder and why you might find his stuff less fulfilling. It's funny, because it's some of the stuff he does with the endings of the owls and DoTF that I like so much. That way he
gives you enough for it to be a complete tale but he leaves some stuff in the air, there's still that air of mystery hanging. Not necessarily to come back to but in a kind of "well how do you interprete this? What do you think really happen - who was telling the truth?" kind of stuff. But I can see why some folk might not like that at all.
and especially if your not a horror fan. I LOVE horror, and I think one of the absolute best things that could have happened to Snyder early in his career was being paired with King for the AmVamp. I know they met up and Scott had that opportunity to learn osme stuff from him, and I see it shine through. Stephen King is my favourite writer ever bar none, so that love washes onto Snyder for me, but i I didn't like horror, I doubt I'd like his stuff. Not just because of the genre he often works in, but his ethos and storytelling is very much in that vein too. The "don't show too much ,what's behind the door is scarier, etc.

I am going to go back and reread those Batman & Robin books now though, I have the first two. I think the third hits in December. Going to try fit some new eyes on and read em like it's my first time and see what I think.

Thanks man, I got the first volume and found it so good that I bought Vol. 2 (not on sale ;_;) as well :lol I think I'll stick with Batman for the time being and look into Batwoman when the first volume is up for sale.

No bother, as you can see, your question kicked off some good chat :) if you really like it, you could consider branching out towards more Snyder stuff, rather than more Batman stuff. He wrote 3 volumes of another new 52 book, Swamp Thing, and he's actually doing a Superman book now. Also, american vampireee <3 I actually bought my girlfriend the Batgirl volume 1 after I had a gander at your link so she can give it a go, I'll buy her the HCs if she digs it.



I'm getting constantly pegged with prompts to log in to my Apple ID when starting the app on my iPad Air. Purchasing books has always been slow on the Nexus 7, but now it's happening on both. General performance/scrolling has also slowed down on both systems since the update.

Yesterday on the Air when trying to buy the button would change to 'purchasing'....and stay that way for like 5-10 minutes before finally prompting me with the confirmation popup. Frustrating.

I have restarted the app and the tablets to try and improve it, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Purchasing did finally improve later in the day though.
Oh yea, and since peeps have been rumbling about buy and sell stuff lately, I thought I might link my ebay page for UKers, if that's cool. Got a bunch of stuff up for auction, ending on saturday. Feel free to have a gander!

Read some more

Batman Superman was really good, digging this new story arc already. Action Comics, this issue alone was better than anything done in the first 24 issues. Swamp Thing has been damn good again. I can't wait to see
Alec's return and how he defeats seeder as the avatar
Phantom Stranger was alright, though they're definitely playing things slow, felt like a lot more could have happened in this issue.

Just have Batman BnW, Green Lantern, and Detective Comics left this week.
I dropped All New and Uncanny X-Men. Sick of Bendis' shit. Battle for the Atom was very disappointing. Nothing major has happened in the 30 issues between the two of them, and I care very little for Jean.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I remember someone stating yesterday that the MK Spider-Man art is a bit confusing, but I have found it to be refreshing as I step away from Infinity, Superior, and Battle of Atom. Plus, it's less talky, and quick to execute its actions. I've enjoyed both issues thus far.


How do I read Morrison's Batman? Like what order? Do I need to read anything beforehand?

Batman and Son
The Black Glove
Batman and Robin vol 1
Batman and Robin vol 2
Return of Bruce Wayne
Batman and Robin vol 3
Time and the Batman
Batman Inc
Batman Inc N52 vol 1
Batman Inc N52 vol 2

Enjoy the best run on Batman ever.
I think Nemesis and Forge are both going to be in the book.

I think I see Forge's holographic head in the cover.

And Spurrier tweeted SCIEEEEENNNNCCCCEEE in reference to Nemesis a while back.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Marvel Knights Spider-Man read smooth as butter. The art is beautiful and bombastic and the writing is just pure Peter Parker. It's a bit trippy, as it's two issues in and the overall plot isn't entirely evident, but I highly recommended this to anybody wanting some great fun Spider-Man books with gorgeous art.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
LTTP, but holy shit was the end to Battle of the Atom suck ass. Absolutely nothing happened. It just all fizzled. That end speech by Logan was some Facebook, just got dumped and I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man level hilarity. The member who switched teams didn't do so for any serious reason, that person did because Wolvie was so embarrassing.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm adding so much stuff now. :(

Just signed up for:

All New Invaders
All New X-Factor


And I'm adding even more Marvel and Image titles in the future. I'm also hoping there are some DC titles I can jump on to sometime next year.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Batman and Son
The Black Glove
Final Crisis
Batman and Robin vol 1
Batman and Robin vol 2
Return of Bruce Wayne
Batman and Robin vol 3
Time and the Batman
Batman Inc
Batman Inc N52 vol 1
Batman Inc N52 vol 2

Enjoy the best run on Batman ever.

I think you gotta include Final Crisis for the full experience.
Detective Comics was an awesome Gordon story, hope we see more like that in these pages. Green Lantern ...........there goes Hal Jordan fucking shit up again. Best GL my ass.


Picked up Spider-Man: Blue, Kingdom Come, and Batman: The Black Mirror at B&N for the 3 for 2 deal. Just finished the first chapter of SM: Blue, and loved it. Can't wait to read these! How'd I do ComicsGAF?


Reread the Hyperclan story from Morrison's JLA. If there's any justice in the world, it will be the inspiration for the Justice League movie.

(It's gonna be John's "Origins," I know.)


No Scrubs
Picked up Spider-Man: Blue, Kingdom Come, and Batman: The Black Mirror at B&N for the 3 for 2 deal. Just finished the first chapter of SM: Blue, and loved it. Can't wait to read these! How'd I do ComicsGAF?

You've made some great picks. Especially Spider-Man: Blue (Loeb and Sale together are always great) and Black Mirror (which is the best Dick as Batman story bar none).
Picked up Spider-Man: Blue, Kingdom Come, and Batman: The Black Mirror at B&N for the 3 for 2 deal. Just finished the first chapter of SM: Blue, and loved it. Can't wait to read these! How'd I do ComicsGAF?

Oh yes, there will be blood. You did great by virtue of the Black Mirror purchase. Others are well loved too.

Jedeye Sniv

I think you gotta include Final Crisis for the full experience.

tbh I think that Final Crisis is such a can of worms in and of itself that reading it in the middle of a Batman run is a bit much to ask of a reader. Especially since they did those "Missing Chapter" RIP issues (I think they're in the Time and the Batman trade) that fill in all the gaps. All you need to know about Bats in FC is that he gets caught, gets out and is then zapped by Darkseid - that is literally all that happens to him, I saved you $20.

As time goes on, the more bitter I am as I realise that DC will probably never collect Morrison's run in the optimal format of 3 or 4 nice hardcovers with the series in chronological order (like the Starman omnibii). I would gladly buy it all again. But no, I would bet the farm that the next thing they do to it is put it in one of those retarded 1000 page monstrosities. *sigh*


tbh I think that Final Crisis is such a can of worms in and of itself that reading it in the middle of a Batman run is a bit much to ask of a reader. Especially since they did those "Missing Chapter" RIP issues (I think they're in the Time and the Batman trade) that fill in all the gaps. All you need to know about Bats in FC is that he gets caught, gets out and is then zapped by Darkseid - that is literally all that happens to him, I saved you $20.

As time goes on, the more bitter I am as I realise that DC will probably never collect Morrison's run in the optimal format of 3 or 4 nice hardcovers with the series in chronological order (like the Starman omnibii). I would gladly buy it all again. But no, I would bet the farm that the next thing they do to it is put it in one of those retarded 1000 page monstrosities. *sigh*

Yeah, I never include Final Crisis in the reading list because the Bat relevant plot parts are covered elsewhere. You'd hate to have someone miss the rest of the run because they hated Final Crisis.

I fully admit I would buy a 1000 page monstrosity (and it'd look fantastic next to my Animal Man omni), but yeah, ideally they'd break it down into 3 or 4 oversized deluxe hardcovers. What I wouldn't give for nice 3 or 4 volume sets of Morrison's Batman and Johns' Green Lantern runs.


I'm thinking of picking up a tablet almost purely for digital comics (and some game stuff). Was thinking of going with a Nexus 7. Anyone have any recommendations?


I'm thinking of picking up a tablet almost purely for digital comics (and some game stuff). Was thinking of going with a Nexus 7. Anyone have any recommendations?

I have a Nexus 7 2012. it's okay.

Nexus 7 2013 has HD comics.

yet if you want the best experience Ipad Air is king. or a cheaper 10" android tablet that runs HD comics.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm thinking of picking up a tablet almost purely for digital comics (and some game stuff). Was thinking of going with a Nexus 7. Anyone have any recommendations?

If it's for comics I advise getting the biggest and highest res screen you can afford. Zooming is well and good but it's a bit of a pain in the arse too. Nothing less than 10" for sure.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Dammit Cable & X-force is one of my favourite books at the moment. Nemesis and Forge's rivalry is great fun I think i'll miss that the most.

Was a fun book, unfortunately being poorly served by Larroca. The recent issue done by Sandoval was a welcome change.

Uncanny was a trainwreck really, just seemingly no purpose at all. One should have survived over the other really rather than an awkward fusing of Cable and Psylocke.

Wonder where Colossus will end up. Hopefully the JGS because that feels like such a retro team these days if Nightcrawler makes it back permanently. Or he'll get plonked in prison and make Cyclops look even more the hypocrite.
Gerry Duggan takes over Nova, brings Beta Ray Bill with him (Newsarama)

So Marguerite Bennet is doing one shots for Lois Lane and Joker's Daughter. Huh.


Another Snyder soldier to work taking over the DCU. Is she any good? It's jsut the annual she's written so far right? With these and a Talon one shot lined up, she has to be due a series next reshuffle, DC must see something in her. Books make sense. Snyder on Superman & Batman, Tynion on Talon so she has friends looking over her shoulder a little.

Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.

At least that is what I remember.

So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.
As far as tablets go, I have a Nook HD+ and I think it's great for comics. It's 9 inch, but the screen is great for comics.

Don't sleep on Thor: The Mighty Avenger. It's a superb all-ages title.


Beta Ray Bill is a stupid character that people seem to like for some reason. I think he showed up to Asgard, one day, said "Imma Horse Robot Man and I'm The Last Of My People Fuck Silver Surfer Give Me a Sick Hammer". Or something. Then he pretended to be Thor or something and got angry alot and attacked people like some knight errant.

At least that is what I remember.

So yeah, it's Thor as a horse and he is pretty dumb.
Yeah, well, maybe, shut up.

BRB is alien Thor and that shit is rad. He has a sentient ship that has the word "butt" in its' name. He has the superior hammer. He banged Sif on the reg. BRB is large and in charge.

How is BRB lame but that red space cat that throws up blood is cool? Fuck outta here GH. FUCK OUTTA HERE.
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