Never. DC is anti-facial hair or something. Still salty at 'stacheless Deadshot
All-in on Amazing X-men. So good. I lost it on the abe lincoln/houdini line
Easily the best book this week.
...I'd probably read a Stacy-X ongoing about the sex trade in the Marvel Universe.offensive? that could only mean a stacy-x ongoing.
"X-Men"I bought it, it's my first ever X-Men book. Excited to read it.
What X-Men book is the all girl book?
Seriously? Lol
Anyone seen this?
Adrian Alphona concept art of Ms Marvel's family. I thought his rough cover looked a bit odd but I really like this.
Anyone seen this?
Adrian Alphona concept art of Ms Marvel's family. I thought his rough cover looked a bit odd but I really like this.
Never. DC is anti-facial hair or something. Still salty at 'stacheless Deadshot
I heard there's a no mustache policy at DC.
Aww yisss. . .
Over 1,000 pages!
EDIT: beaten by Wag, like a fist punching thru the time barrier!
He's grandfathered in, plus it's not like he's seen a whole lot outside of batgirl.
Kyle is really important in the comic for what it's worth.
Jamie McKelvie again! said:![]()
Hey so you know theres a new Ms Marvel series coming up, right? Written by G Willow Wilson and drawn by Adrian Alphona? Well, I had the honour of designing her costume, and here it is! The idea was to mix in a bit of her own style, a bit of Captain Marvel (her hero), and a little of the classic Cockrum Ms Marvel costume.
In Anthology Comic News: Batman Black & White #3 has a Paul Dini / Stéphane Roux Harley & Ivy story and I know y'all are down with that so this is your heads-up, it's also got plenty of other goods but y'know, know your audience and all that.
I don't think I've seen any Adrian Alphona before. I like that.
Interesting development in Forever Evil pertaining to Capt Cold..No more meta gene
Ultimate Cataclysm or whatever was terrible. What the hell was I thinking.
Yep, but I won't be able to read it until tomorrow. Anyone have any impressions?Did anyone pick up Alex + Ada?
Yep, but I won't be able to read it until tomorrow. Anyone have any impressions?
Skimmed it after I picked it up but I'm happy about this. I hated the meta-human 'twist'.
Another event I guess?
i thought the issue i read was a bit boring.Get Nextwave Agents of Hate instead, it's whacky fun.Anyone have thoughts on the Pet Avengers? Girlfriend wants me to find a few trades to buy, so I'm curious to know if they're at least fun reads since she isn't expecting to be blown away with serious content when it involves Lockjaw and Frog Thor.
My issue with Ultimate Cataclysm was that nothing seemed to happen. I read the book in two minutes and was confused I got to the end already.
Another great East of West issue, I think the series is underrated, barely see any talk of it.
That cover made it really really hard to not pick up Green Arrow today
I liked that the cliffhanger was the same thing that had already been happening for 10 pages.
idk what this could be, apparently Legacy might be ending soon or something and this could replace it? suppose we'll have to wait and see