ok fine, I'll get the Loki mini and God of Thunder 2,3 and 5
So I've been thinking about whether I want to pick up Pretty Deadly #2, and I read the preview for the second issue to help me decide. And.. I think I want it? I feel like the first issue offered a few puzzle pieces. I don't know what the puzzle will turn out to be or whether I'll even like it but I want to take a look at a few more pieces. I wouldn't even say I'm interested or intrigued so much as I'm curious.
How 'bout you guys? I know a lot of you read the first issue. Who is staying on board and who is jumping off?
So I've been thinking about whether I want to pick up Pretty Deadly #2, and I read the preview for the second issue to help me decide. And.. I think I want it? I feel like the first issue offered a few puzzle pieces. I don't know what the puzzle will turn out to be or whether I'll even like it but I want to take a look at a few more pieces. I wouldn't even say I'm interested or intrigued so much as I'm curious.
How 'bout you guys? I know a lot of you read the first issue. Who is staying on board and who is jumping off?
So I've been thinking about whether I want to pick up Pretty Deadly #2, and I read the preview for the second issue to help me decide. And.. I think I want it? I feel like the first issue offered a few puzzle pieces. I don't know what the puzzle will turn out to be or whether I'll even like it but I want to take a look at a few more pieces. I wouldn't even say I'm interested or intrigued so much as I'm curious.
How 'bout you guys? I know a lot of you read the first issue. Who is staying on board and who is jumping off?
I plan to stick with it, but it's release was overshadowed that week by Velvet. I thought Deconnick might have held back too much for a first issue. I read the preview and look forward tothe main character making her appearence.
Just read the new Action Comics and I didn't think it was anything special. I guess I'll wait for the next release to decide if I'll continue it.
As for MK Spider-Man, I was impressed with it. Every other page being a two page spread wasn't too intrusive, it flowed naturally and was a quick read. Marco Rudy is an artist to look out for in the future.
I saw the preview for MK X-Men and I'm thinking about picking it up as well.
Chad Nevett, writing for Comic Book Resources, reviewed the book, saying "If this is considered one of the better Batman stories available, then it confirms what Ive long thought: the major superhero icons may have stuck around for decades, but they have few truly great stories told about them. The Long Halloween is, Ill grant you, entertaining in that mindless way where a mediocre mystery is drawn out over 13 issues, filled with smaller stories that mostly go nowhere."[8] He goes on to criticize the story's reliance on red herrings and lack of consistent narrative voice.
Long Halloween(and Dark Victory and Hush) are those Batman stories everyone recommends, then I pull them aside and say, "Don't read them, they're shitty mysteries cribbing from better source material that get by on Tim Sale/Jim Lee's artwork, read Batman: Mad Love instead"
So guys, I remember someone's post here on GAF saying something like there are two guys in comics that you don't want to actually piss off: Ghost Rider and Spiderman.
What have they done at their worst? Now that I think of it, what's the worst thing you've seen your favorite comic heroes do, whether justified or unjustified?
I went to Barnes & Noble to check out the B2G1F sale before seeing Thor: The Dark World, and walked out with...
Long Halloween(and Dark Victory and Hush) are those Batman stories everyone recommends, then I pull them aside and say, "Don't read them, they're shitty mysteries cribbing from better source material that get by on Tim Sale/Jim Lee's artwork, read Batman: Mad Love instead"
Any more Spidey arcs that are like this one? I love relationship stuff when done well. I've been thinking of checking out the JMS stuff if it gets the characters right. I can handle a wacky plot if the dialogue and character beats are on point.
No, they were having the sale; I just couldn't find much of anything I wanted to part with money over that badly. Lots of "modern classics" -- in other words, stories from the last couple of years -- and very few time-tested, noteworthy stories I don't already have on my shelves. Plus, every time I look at books at a store it's in the back of my head that I could probably find them online at lower prices, and ridiculously lower prices if I shop for gently used copies.Because they didn't have anything or because it wasn't live at that store?
You should be good to go then. JMS' plots are a bit different the the usual Spidey fare, and they don't always have satisfying conclusion(including the end of his run...but I digress), but he nails the character stuff. I think he wrote the best MJ and Aunt May I've ever read, and his Peter Parker is great. Intelligent, caring, flawed, selfless, funny, the kind of guy you can root for.
Also? This is my favorite John Romita Jr work, inked by Scott Hanna. Just fantastic work throughout; the fight between Spidey and Morlun in the first story arc "Coming Home" is just really great stuff.
Give the first volume a try, I think you'll enjoy it. I don't think MJ comes back into the scene until vol.2, but vol.1 should give you a good idea if you're a fan or not.
Well, I read Spider-Man: Blue in one sitting, and really liked it. Probably my favorite Spider-Man story I've read so far.
I was thinking that it was going to focus more on Peter's relationship with Gwen, but it really is mostly a story about Peter before they were even dating. I kind of felt like this was the first half of a two part story. I would have liked more of an examination of their actual relationship and not just a lead up to the first kiss. Most of the emotional pull of the story was based on implications instead of being shown on the page, but it was written well enough that I felt it.
Any more Spidey arcs that are like this one? I love relationship stuff when done well. I've been thinking of checking out the JMS stuff if it gets the characters right. I can handle a wacky plot if the dialogue and character beats are on point.
Well, I read Spider-Man: Blue in one sitting, and really liked it. Probably my favorite Spider-Man story I've read so far.
I was thinking that it was going to focus more on Peter's relationship with Gwen, but it really is mostly a story about Peter before they were even dating. I kind of felt like this was the first half of a two part story. I would have liked more of an examination of their actual relationship and not just a lead up to the first kiss. Most of the emotional pull of the story was based on implications instead of being shown on the page, but it was written well enough that I felt it.
Any more Spidey arcs that are like this one? I love relationship stuff when done well. I've been thinking of checking out the JMS stuff if it gets the characters right. I can handle a wacky plot if the dialogue and character beats are on point.
Long Halloween(and Dark Victory and Hush) are those Batman stories everyone recommends, then I pull them aside and say, "Don't read them, they're shitty mysteries cribbing from better source material that get by on Tim Sale/Jim Lee's artwork, read Batman: Mad Love instead"
Man, I love this story. It is one of my favorites.
JMS era, before the sins of the past stuff, is really one of the best eras regarding Peter Parker: Married Man. I still think that those stories should be the basis of contemporary status quo, but Marvel obviously disagree with me.
(on the other hand, how would Superior work if Spidey was married?
Those stories are for new comic readers, exciting art and mashing out multiple villains in a single storyline is attractive for beginners. The last thing I would ever recommend to someone just getting into comics is Morrison's Batman. Loeb's Batman stories are for the casual reader.
Sweet, thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out for sure. There's something about a well written spider-man that really just does it for me. I can't wait for Slott to finish his run, I'm really disappointed with how elementary his dialogue is...
Then again, maybe it's just the way he writes Superior? His Big Time arc got rave reviews on Amazon. Viewtiful, what are your thoughts on that run?
Is Slott's Silver Surfer gonna suck? I love the character and the cover/promo Allred art I saw was so Kirby-esque, it was awesome. I want to buy it and love it, but man I really don't like Slott's writing.
Depends. Have you read Slott's Sensational She Hulk? If so did you hate that?
But honestly, Slott is at his best writing Silver age style stories.
It is his not-so-subtle attempt to write Doctor Who comics and since Silver Surfer is no Doctor Who, then all the wit and cute will fall into whoever his companion is. So here is my prophecy:
They'll go into space, weird stuff will happen, Silver Surfer will brood and whoever-companion-is will do all the other emotions, from jokes to panic to fear to love, and on.
Eh, I don't know if it has been drawn out too much. All of the arcs have ended by moving the story forward in an important way.I feel SSM is much more focused but has been drawn out.
That just makes the flaws in the premise more present.
Also Ewing wrote a hell of Spock in his MA.
They gave Surfer his emotions back in his last mini, but I'm sure that'll just be glossed over.
Yeah, but I'm not really just getting into comics. I read all of Sandman and Preacher. I prefer deeper, somewhat dark stuff to pulpy shit.
There was a Silver Surfer mini recently? I totally missed that.
Eh, I don't know if it has been drawn out too much. All of the arcs have ended by moving the story forward in an important way.
Yo where's that 2nd image from?