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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Okay guys, mission successful on ebay, and thus have made myself a basket on amazon with my winnings. Still running hot off of Batman month so delving a bit further in DC than I normally do. Have a basket sitting here on amazon consisting offf:

I, Vampire vols 1-3
Frankenstein vols 1 & 2
Dial H vol 1
JLD vol. 2 (I'm supposing I don't need to read vol.1 to start Lemire's run)

Does this sound wise?

Dial H is brilliant, the second (and final...) trade comes out in February. It's great stuff. I've not read the others but I believe I Vampire was drawn by Andrea Sorrentino, he of the new Green Arrow, so at least you know it'll look good.
Dial H is brilliant, the second (and final...) trade comes out in February. It's great stuff. I've not read the others but I believe I Vampire was drawn by Andrea Sorrentino, he of the new Green Arrow, so at least you know it'll look good.

Haha, I think it gravitated to my brain after you mentioned it to me last week! I was looking at his books too. Sitting here debating I, Vampire or the two Flash hardcovers though. Very torn haha. Sorrentino's art is legitimately stunning but the ar tin Flash looks mindboggling too. I know I, Vamp has a rushed third act, while Flash makes me hum, I saw a few previews that are maybe a little wordy on the internal monologue for me. Then again, it's hard to get a grip on whether the inner narration is valuable or not, from just previews. If I had independent books to catch up on, I think I'd just avoid the indecision and go for those haha, but I'm good that way, so just sitting here debating.

EDIT: Also, I don't knowe if the point is Flash has like a million thoughts going on, and it's a reflection of his powers and mindstate/personality, which could be really interesting. Again, hard to pick up in previews.
Legends of Red Sonja #1 was a fun read! Between that and Simone's regular Sonja run I'm becoming a real fan of the red devil.

That's in my read pile. Haven't gotten to it yet.

Did manage to pick up Rat Queens #2. My store redeemed itself. Still feeling like we've been dropped into the middle chapter of a story so I don't really know what is going on; Really feels like they'd benefit from giving us some origin story/s and some world building. Aside from that, it was fun. Writer just needs to strike a slightly better balance with the gags and tropes. Art is still great though.


man they really need to get some kind of collection so it gets easier to tell people to get it

They have that Absolute Batman and Robin collection, but it feels overpriced for the content included. With the Barnes and Noble promotion I could get most of the books for about $140 but it still seems like a lot to throw down :(



LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload is on Netflix streaming and it's really quite good. Check it out.


I just finished watching Thor: The Dark World, and I'm genuinely surprised they haven't reintroduced Jane Foster into the Thor comics as the astrophysicist and similar character the Portman plays in the movies. Seems like Thor already gained momentum when the first movie released, and with how big the character has become now and the new series, it's as good time as ever to bring Foster back in.

Jane was in issue #12 of Thor God of Thunder, currently going through chemo for cancer, and Aaron said she'll be back for more issues in the future as well. As for her job, they're not going to change her being a paramedic, that would be a little out there. As crazy as the idea of a long lost African American son of a master spy who suddenly shaved his head, lost an eye, grew a beard and is Infinity Formula charged....well, shit.


Jane was in issue #12 of Thor God of Thunder, currently going through chemo for cancer, and Aaron said she'll be back for more issues in the future as well. As for her job, they're not going to change her being a paramedic, that would be a little out there. As crazy as the idea of a long lost African American son of a master spy who suddenly shaved his head, lost an eye, grew a beard and is Infinity Formula charged....well, shit.

Crazy comic book origin aside, having new and younger SHIELD agents actually deals with the issue that the most famous names from SHIELD were still people from WW2.

It's much more difficult to argue that the Marvel U needs more scientists. Even more so an astrophysicist when Iron Man has, you know, spent a year in actual space.
Long Halloween(and Dark Victory and Hush) are those Batman stories everyone recommends, then I pull them aside and say, "Don't read them, they're shitty mysteries cribbing from better source material that get by on Tim Sale/Jim Lee's artwork, read Batman: Mad Love instead"

I liked those books a lot when I read them, but I was just getting into comics at the time, and those were some of the first Batbooks I read. I don't think they'll hold up if I read them again. Especially Hush, which I thought got pretty mediocre even then


Haha, I think it gravitated to my brain after you mentioned it to me last week! I was looking at his books too. Sitting here debating I, Vampire or the two Flash hardcovers though. Very torn haha. Sorrentino's art is legitimately stunning but the ar tin Flash looks mindboggling too. I know I, Vamp has a rushed third act, while Flash makes me hum, I saw a few previews that are maybe a little wordy on the internal monologue for me. Then again, it's hard to get a grip on whether the inner narration is valuable or not, from just previews. If I had independent books to catch up on, I think I'd just avoid the indecision and go for those haha, but I'm good that way, so just sitting here debating.

EDIT: Also, I don't knowe if the point is Flash has like a million thoughts going on, and it's a reflection of his powers and mindstate/personality, which could be really interesting. Again, hard to pick up in previews.

Unrelated but I also love China Miéville's novels as well. Fantastic author.

The internal monologue thing reminds me of Stephen King's intro in the first American Vampire HC. He says that he got a few pointers from Snyder about scripting and he said that speech bubbles and internal monologue's are a bit old school, and that's kind of what Flash reminds me of. I've never read a Silver Age comic but that's kind of what I imagine they read like. If you're not sure, maybe put them off for a while and go with I Vampire if it's cheaper.


Crazy comic book origin aside, having new and younger SHIELD agents actually deals with the issue that the most famous names from SHIELD were still people from WW2.

It's much more difficult to argue that the Marvel U needs more scientists. Even more so an astrophysicist when Iron Man has, you know, spent a year in actual space.

My problem is that Fury Jr. is a terrible hamfisted character whose only ability is to be a musclehead grunt and shoot his own agents with non-lethal weapons. He has 0 personality, compared to his "father", who has been shown to work in shades of grey really well.

I have nothing against introducing newer agents because of Fury and Dugan's ridiculous ages (the latter I personally think should be killed off anyways), but making a SLJ lookalike is not the way to go. What Marvel should have done was focus mainly on Coulson as the new rising field agent (make him different than his more reserved movie version), and not had another Fury to complicate things.

Also, in God of Thunder Aaron also introduced a professional female SHIELD scientist (I forgot what she does exactly) in #12 who will also be around Thor for future issues, so he kind of addressed your point. Coming up with new people is much better than relying on an old name I personally believe.
Unrelated but I also love China Miéville's novels as well. Fantastic author.

The internal monologue thing reminds me of Stephen King's intro in the first American Vampire HC. He says that he got a few pointers from Snyder about scripting and he said that speech bubbles and internal monologue's are a bit old school, and that's kind of what Flash reminds me of. I've never read a Silver Age comic but that's kind of what I imagine they read like. If you're not sure, maybe put them off for a while and go with I Vampire if it's cheaper.

THE KING HAS SPOKEN. ;) haha. Don't get me wrong though, I actually really appreciate thought boxes or narration if it's valuable and it works, there's so many perfectly good things you can do with prose on images or prose against images as such, juxaposing thoughts versus visual actions etc., it's just often in comics you see narration and it's a writer blarbling out the exact plot happening on page, perhaps with more melodrama. I'm a huge fan of show don't tell, but if the use of that kind of stuff can enhance or even make the storytelling, I'm cool. I might actually put off the frankenstein/JLD stuff right now, and get I,Vamp, Flash, and Dial H haha.
There's no classy way to say this, but the new issue of Daredevil: Dark Nights really appeals to me as a huge Misty Knight fan. Thank you, whichever one of you at Marvel ignored the last several decades of feminism and wrote it for me.


THE KING HAS SPOKEN. ;) haha. Don't get me wrong though, I actually really appreciate thought boxes or narration if it's valuable and it works, there's so many perfectly good things you can do with prose on images or prose against images as such, juxaposing thoughts versus visual actions etc., it's just often in comics you see narration and it's a writer blarbling out the exact plot happening on page, perhaps with more melodrama. I'm a huge fan of show don't tell, but if the use of that kind of stuff can enhance or even make the storytelling, I'm cool. I might actually put off the frankenstein/JLD stuff right now, and get I,Vamp, Flash, and Dial H haha.

Sounds like a good plan! I've read the first two Flash HCs and the first Dial H trade and really enjoyed them (especially Dial H) so those seem like good choices to me.

Hey Eldren, did you ever read more Invincible Iron Man? Thoughts?

I just finished issue 26 today, I'm halfway through the second omnibus. It's good, I like the corporate business side of Stark, but I'm not sure about the art. Sometimes it's great, like the Iron Man suit itself looks really good, but I don't like how Larroca draws faces. Characters can look like completely different people from one panel to the next and it makes it really hard to stay immersed in the story. I don't think the colouring helps either, people have really odd flesh tones.

Once I finish this omnibus I'll give Iron Man a rest for a while and start digging into my backlog, but I'll definitely come back to the series eventually to see how it finishes. Hopefully Marvel will have released another omnibus by then so I can keep things consistent. If not, the hardbacks aren't too expensive these days.


Haha, I think it gravitated to my brain after you mentioned it to me last week! I was looking at his books too. Sitting here debating I, Vampire or the two Flash hardcovers though. Very torn haha. Sorrentino's art is legitimately stunning but the ar tin Flash looks mindboggling too. I know I, Vamp has a rushed third act, while Flash makes me hum, I saw a few previews that are maybe a little wordy on the internal monologue for me. Then again, it's hard to get a grip on whether the inner narration is valuable or not, from just previews. If I had independent books to catch up on, I think I'd just avoid the indecision and go for those haha, but I'm good that way, so just sitting here debating.

EDIT: Also, I don't knowe if the point is Flash has like a million thoughts going on, and it's a reflection of his powers and mindstate/personality, which could be really interesting. Again, hard to pick up in previews.

Dial H is wonderful. Really good stuff. I still bear the scars from its cancellation :(

Flash is okay. Art is majestic. Story and words not so much. I wouldn't go all out for the hardcovers unless they were oversized and even then only at a good price.


No Scrubs
So my Death of the Family trade came today and I noticed the change in the book. It's three narration boxes. It's the page we were all complaining about when Batman takes his gloves off and escapes the ropes. Basically it just makes sure you know what's going on there. It looks like Snyder took all of our complaints to heart and fixed it.


So my Death of the Family trade came today and I noticed the change in the book. It's three narration boxes. It's the page we were all complaining about when Batman takes his gloves off and escapes the ropes. Basically it just makes sure you know what's going on there. It looks like Snyder took all of our complaints to heart and fixed it.
Finally, the nightmare that was Glove-Gate is over.


No Scrubs
Finally, the nightmare that was Glove-Gate is over.

Yup. Three lines, not even 10 whole words added to the book. I do like what they did with the slip cover though.

You know, reading it again, I think we're all going to remember this story a lot more fondly than our initial reactions would lead you to believe. It's solid as hell and a compelling read. It grows on you.


So does anyone else feel that Zero Year is the best N52 event thus far? Everything I've read has been quality. Action #25 (and I don't even read superman), GA #25, and Detective #25 were all compelling reads, and the main Batman arc has been really good. I'm really looking forward to what they do with Nightwing too. Just overall a big jump over both City of Owls and Death of the Family, and what I've read of Forever Evil.
I've been reading all of DC New 52-getting all caught up to speed because Forever Evil is so cool. I'd never read Hellblazer before, but I'm curious as to what people think of John Constantine in the New 52 Universe. I really love his character, but I have no frame of reference as to how he may have been portrayed before going "mainstream". I love Justice League Dark and how Constantine has become a major player in the DCU.


So does anyone else feel that Zero Year is the best N52 event thus far? Everything I've read has been quality. Action #25 (and I don't even read superman), GA #25, and Detective #25 were all compelling reads, and the main Batman arc has been really good. I'm really looking forward to what they do with Nightwing too. Just overall a big jump over both City of Owls and Death of the Family, and what I've read of Forever Evil.

Yeah, best Nu52 'event'.

I cannot wait until they ruin it.


Has anyone used Tc Bulk for comic supplies? I ordered a bunch of short boxes through them and the lids they sent are absolutely awful. I can't get them to properly stay in place ;_;


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Finally bought the Punk Rock Jesus GN. That book might be my favorite of the year.
You know, reading it again, I think we're all going to remember this story a lot more fondly than our initial reactions would lead you to believe. It's solid as hell and a compelling read. It grows on you.

I honestly loved it. I can't talk to how it was received initially obviously, but reading it through in 2 sittings last week, I thought it was another wonderful story by Snyder. A bit more to the point and concise than the Owls saga, what with it only being 5 issues. Some great high points, very sobering quiet points and lots of brilliant nods to the past. I won't say more since I know there's people in the thread waiting on the book to read, but yea, thought it was great.


I honestly loved it. I can't talk to how it was received initially obviously, but reading it through in 2 sittings last week, I thought it was another wonderful story by Snyder. A bit more to the point and concise than the Owls saga, what with it only being 5 issues. Some great high points, very sobering quiet points and lots of brilliant nods to the past. I won't say more since I know there's people in the thread waiting on the book to read, but yea, thought it was great.

I loved it personally.


My problem is that Fury Jr. is a terrible hamfisted character whose only ability is to be a musclehead grunt and shoot his own agents with non-lethal weapons. He has 0 personality, compared to his "father", who has been shown to work in shades of grey really well.

I have nothing against introducing newer agents because of Fury and Dugan's ridiculous ages (the latter I personally think should be killed off anyways), but making a SLJ lookalike is not the way to go. What Marvel should have done was focus mainly on Coulson as the new rising field agent (make him different than his more reserved movie version), and not had another Fury to complicate things.

Also, in God of Thunder Aaron also introduced a professional female SHIELD scientist (I forgot what she does exactly) in #12 who will also be around Thor for future issues, so he kind of addressed your point. Coming up with new people is much better than relying on an old name I personally believe.

I guess I haven't been paying sufficient attention to any of those books, so I'll just go with your opinion in all those points. :)

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Finally bought the Punk Rock Jesus GN. That book might be my favorite of the year.

I picked it up from Murphy at Comic-con and just finished reading it recently. The artwork is stellar and the plot is interesting but it feels like it moves at an unreasonable pace and the relationships in the book suffer for it. Murphy can totally write, and there are some great and genuinely touching character moments.

There are really heave "religion fucking blows" overtones but it's definitely a solid read. I was looking for some original pages from it, specifically the ones with Thomas and Gwen on the bike, and holy fuck, those were pricey or sold.


Okay guys, mission successful on ebay, and thus have made myself a basket on amazon with my winnings. Still running hot off of Batman month so delving a bit further in DC than I normally do. Have a basket sitting here on amazon consisting offf:

I, Vampire vols 1-3
Frankenstein vols 1 & 2
Dial H vol 1
JLD vol. 2 (I'm supposing I don't need to read vol.1 to start Lemire's run)

Does this sound wise?

I, Vampire is soooooo good. It's a shame it wasn't more popular. Beautiful art, great writing.
Top 5 comics of the week. Slow to read my stash trying to knockout my PS3 backlog before the PS4 hits.

5. Action Comics - didnt do it for me the first read but reading again I really appreciated it.

4. Batman/Superman

3. Green Arrow

2. Forever Evil

1. Detective Comics


Edit 11/13 list!




Lists R' Us

Adventure Time: Candy Capers #5
Batgirl #25
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #1
Rocket Girl #2
Superior Spider-Man #21

Pretty small week, thankfully.


11/13/13 list

Batman #25
Forever Evil Arkham War #2
Manhattan Projects #16

Slim week for me. I can finally breathe after the past few weeks where I was picking up 5-10 books a week. It's probably also the first week where I won't be picking up anything Marvel. :/
I, Vampire is soooooo good. It's a shame it wasn't more popular. Beautiful art, great writing.

I bought it. In the end I shaved off frankenstein vol.2 since it was mostly written by Kindt anyway, and grabbed Demon Knights vols. 1 & 2, kept the other stuff the same. I know most of these books aren't around now but still, pretty excited to checking out some more of the dark and I kind of like that these dark books don't last super long, a few volumes and there's an entire run.
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