whooo~!!! JEKKI in da house!!!
what's goin on my spooky spectators of spellbooks specializing in the spectacular!!
I got a recommendation for yallz!!
Halloween may be over, but the season for goth and macabre never takes a rest!
thus I present one of the best things I've read in a while!!
this book is brilliant! what looks like a children's book is actually a collection of many 1-3 page tales about a 13 girl who jus dont give a fukk!
it's great!!! and I really hope some ppl in this thread check it out!!
other things I read:
Harbinger - Children of the 8th Day. This is the first 4 issues of the 90s series. I once heard old valiant stuff referred to as the worst comics of the 90s. This series isnt bad lol, but it isnt too great and is seriously 90s. An easy read regardless and I'll definitely look forward to hunting down more issues.
Phonogram - Rue Britannia. This series was terrible lol. No idea what it was about too, but I'm sure even if u replaced all the music references with music I care about like Slick Rick and NWA I still wouldnt like it.
Sandman - Preludes & Nocturnes. First 8 issues, picked it up from the comixology sale. I loved it!!! I picked up the first 28 so now I'm excited to see where the next 20 will take me!
Hellblazer - Hard Times. still trying to get thru the 30 issues of Hellblazer I picked up during the old comixology sale. As with all Hellblazer I've read up to this point, it's amazing!! I've loved everything I've read in this series so far and I swear once I finish the issues I bought, I'll be on a mission to read all 300 issues!
gotta ease up on trade reading for a bit now... focusing my reading attention on the new Phoenix Wright game now =P