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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Batgirl #25
Batman #25
Constantine #8
Forever Evil Arkham War #2 (Of 6)
Green Lantern Corps #25
Justice League Of America #9
Justice League Of America's Vibe #9
Nightwing #25
Suicide Squad #25
Superboy #25
Superman Wonder Woman #2
Worlds' Finest #17

Next week is a big week!
Listopolis, home of the List of Steel:

All-New X-Men #18 (might as well stick with it until the GOTG crossover)
Avengers Arena #17 - BOOK OF THE WEEK
Captain America: Living Legend #3 of 4
Marvel Knights X-Men #1 of 5
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5
Superior Spider-Man #21

Batman #25
Injustice: Gods Among Us Annual #1
Justice League of America #9
Superman/Wonder Woman #2

Deathmatch #11 (Boom)
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #11 of 12 (IDW)
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #3 of 4 (IDW)
Rocketeer/The Spirit: Pulp Friction #3 of 4 (IDW)
The Manhattan Projects #16 (Image)
The Walking Dead #116 (Image)
Unity #1 (Valiant)


That's an adaptation of LEGO marvel super heroes right?

If you mean is Marvel Superheroes Maximum Overload is just an adaption of the Lego videogame, no it isn't, it's a totally different storyline. It's only 23mins long and it's funny as hell.
So I pick up some of these #1 for $1 and Hundred Penny Press books because I figure they're a good way to check out books I might not normally buy but ignite in me a mild curiousity.

I just put down Transformers More Than Meets the Eye #1 and it was so good! Haha! Oh my goodness I can't believed I enjoyed a Transformers anything. I've never liked anything Transformers and I am of the Transformers generation. But it was a fun read. I kind of had to check that I knew who was who sometimes. "Is that the guys from the last page? No, the guy from the last page had a diamond shape between his eyes. This guy has the pointy red eyebrows." But still, I could totally see myself reading this series and having fun getting to know these characters.

Between this and Trillium, East of West, Legends of Red Sonja and Grindhouse, it was a great week.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Manhattan Projects: Vol 2 was fantastic as well. I love so much all the stuff with
Yuri Gagarin and Laika
. That was fun to see them come into the fold.


List Art Online

Justice League Of America #9
Superman Wonder Woman #2
Thor God Of Thunder #15
Three #1
Umbral #1


Great OP!
Haven't been reading comics for about a year and am trying to get back into it. Going to try to read digitally since there are no comic shops near me.


So I pick up some of these #1 for $1 and Hundred Penny Press books because I figure they're a good way to check out books I might not normally buy but ignite in me a mild curiousity.

I just put down Transformers More Than Meets the Eye #1 and it was so good! Haha! Oh my goodness I can't believed I enjoyed a Transformers anything. I've never liked anything Transformers and I am of the Transformers generation. But it was a fun read. I kind of had to check that I knew who was who sometimes. "Is that the guys from the last page? No, the guy from the last page had a diamond shape between his eyes. This guy has the pointy red eyebrows." But still, I could totally see myself reading this series and having fun getting to know these characters.

Between this and Trillium, East of West, Legends of Red Sonja and Grindhouse, it was a great week.

I've been super curious about the current Transformers books. I've heard they're really great comics but I've never checked them out. There's two comics, right? More Than Meets The Eye and Robots In Disguise, I believe? I've heard good things about them. Do you think you'll stick with it?
About to dive in.

I've been super curious about the current Transformers books. I've heard they're really great comics but I've never checked them out. There's two comics, right? More Than Meets The Eye and Robots In Disguise, I believe? I've heard good things about them. Do you think you'll stick with it?

From what I read in the back matter of MTMTE, the two are sister series. I was more interested in MTMTE because of the good things I've read about it here, including the pages people have posted. I wish I'd jumped aboard day one. As it is now, I would have to start in trade. While I certainly look forward to reading it one day, I have too big a backlog of collections to be able to justify picking it up now. But I would certainly recommend it to the curious.


From what I read in the back matter of MTMTE, the two are sister series. I was more interested in MTMTE because of the good things I've read about it here, including the pages people have posted. I wish I'd jumped aboard day one. As it is now, I would have to start in trade. While I certainly look forward to reading it one day, I have too big a backlog of collections to be able to justify picking it up now. But I would certainly recommend it to the curious.

Oh ok, thanks for the info. Come to think of it, I've definitely read more about MTMTE than RID. Yeah I might add it to my list of books to pick up one day, from the previews I've seen it looks interesting!
MTMTE and RID are the best Transformers comics since the Marvel UK strips in the 80s. Last Stand of the Wreckers is well worth picking up as well. It's pretty much self contained.

You're about to have a great comics experience KoruptData. Grant Morrison on Batman is great stuff.


Lists :)
Comixology's list of releases for this week is pretty messed up (there's eight or so titles on mine that aren't actually out this week) but hopefully that won't cause too many problems for my LCS (they use it for pull lists).
Archer & Armstrong #15
Batman Lil Gotham #8
Coffin Hill #2
FBP #5
Three #2
Umbral #1
Unity #1
X-Men Gold
2000AD Prog.1858

I also need to pick up last weeks:
Captain Marvel #17
Cyber Force #7
Hinterkind #2
Suicide Risk #7
Trillium #4
Uber #7
X-Men Legacy #19


So. Sitting thinking to myself here, about all the nightwing rumours that have flew around lately, and not that I think they would go through with this, buuut. Is it just me that seeing a pattern that could unify half the conflicting rumours in one conceivable thing? So far we have

- James Tynion will write Nightwing
- Nightwing may die
- Dick Grayson may have to give up being Nightwing, or fake his own death
- Nightwing's book may be cancelled
- Talon will be cancelled following Tynion leaving the book.

Technically you can kind of see where all these things could be true in various ways if Dick Grayson gives up Nightwing and his identity for the time being, and takes up the mantle of the Talon, becoming the *grey son of gotham* he was meant to be. Technically, DC could go as far as psyching us out and *killing* him, just to resurrect him. He had that tooth filling thing for long enough that they could spin it that it would do the job and bring him back. Those pesky owls have been mega popular, and it would give both Dick and the owls an even bigger spotlight.

Maybe I'm just mumbling. I literally just sat staring at my batbooks and came up with it, kinda sad haha. Anyone have any thoughts? It's a little far fetched but it kind of could tie all the information that's been pushed through bleeding cool etc. Would this be hated haha?
Anyone else surprised by how much Jason Aaron previewed future story arcs in Wolverine & the X-Men #29? (The cover with old Logan looking over the school.) He basically reveals the Battle of the Atom, the reemergence of Nightcrawler, the trial of Jean Grey, and maybe some other stuff that I can't figure out. (I was just reading through this issue for the first time yesterday, catching up.)

I know he likes to do this kind of thing -- he did it in his older run on Wolverine as well. It's pretty cool that he does it (reading back on it at least), but I'm sort of surprised they let him include so much stuff repeatedly.


I can already tell that this is the Grant Morrison I've been looking for. I don't like his Superman, I didn't like Arkham Asylum but just about to wrap up Batman and Son in one sitting, I can tell I'm reading something special.
Anyone else surprised by how much Jason Aaron previewed future story arcs in Wolverine & the X-Men #29? (The cover with old Logan looking over the school.) He basically reveals the Battle of the Atom, the reemergence of Nightcrawler, the trial of Jean Grey, and maybe some other stuff that I can't figure out. (I was just reading through this issue for the first time yesterday, catching up.)

I know he likes to do this kind of thing -- he did it in his older run on Wolverine as well. It's pretty cool that he does it (reading back on it at least), but I'm sort of surprised they let him include so much stuff repeatedly.


Wondering if The Apocalypse Crusade has to do with Uncanny Avengers. Jason Aaron and Rick Remender coordinate a lot of things together, and I heard a rumor about them doing an event in 2014 with Romita Jr.


I can already tell that this is the Grant Morrison I've been looking for. I don't like his Superman, I didn't like Arkham Asylum but just about to wrap up Batman and Son in one sitting, I can tell I'm reading something special.

I wish I could experience this run again for the first time, it is SO GOOD.
Wondering if The Apocalypse Crusade has to do with Uncanny Avengers. Jason Aaron and Rick Remender coordinate a lot of things together, and I heard a rumor about them doing an event in 2014 with Romita Jr.

Probably, and I've just realized that "Sabretooth's secret plans" likely is the whole Killable arc going on in the main Wolverine title now. And the new Brotherhood might be the whole Lady Deathstrike thing in the X-Men book.


I've been super curious about the current Transformers books. I've heard they're really great comics but I've never checked them out. There's two comics, right? More Than Meets The Eye and Robots In Disguise, I believe? I've heard good things about them. Do you think you'll stick with it?

Yeah, there's two of them. The start of both series work as a good jumping on point for new readers. I jumped on with the both at issue #1 and had very little knowledge of TF comics beforehand. Still worked really well for me.They both start at a similar point and then diverge into their own thing. RID is based on Cybertron and looks at the political upheaval that takes place after the dust has settled from the end of the previous ongoing title (there was only one at that point). Lots of politicking and all that stuff. MTMTE follows a group of Transformers stuck on a ship together voyaging through space in search of some old-ass Transformers. It's also really funny but still packs an emotional punch. Lots of interesting concepts are introduced and explored too Tends to be most peoples' favourite of the two.

Well worth checking out either but definitely MTMTE. I'd also echo the recommendation for Last Stand of the Wreckers. That gives you an idea of the sort of thing you can expect from MTMTE. Same writer worked on both.
Just returned from the Vancouver Comic Con. It's weird here, instead of one big yearly event, they seem to have them bimonthly. So they are quite small. I mean, there is the huge yearly Fan Expo but that's a more general thing. Anyway, I went with the intention of getting my Sheltered #1 signed, knowing Ed Brisson and Johnnie Christmas would be there. Holy crap, in addition to accomplishing that I ended up buying:

Murder Book vol 1, 2, and 3. by Ed Brisson with art by various including Johnnie Chistmas, Jason Copland and Simon Roy.
UXE written and drawn by Colin Lorimer
Glory vol 1 & 2 by Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell
Kill All Monsers written by Michael May with art by Jason Copland

Ooops. Welp, at least everything was fairly priced. And it was nice to put money directly into those (mostly) local artists' pockets. Got it all signed, too, of course (by those in bold). If any of y'all have read any of those titles I listed above and have thoughts to share, I'd appreciate hearing them.

Jason Copland said he did the art for this month's Daredevil. I wished him luck with the reception, knowing how fans love Samnee. He sad that when he handed in the work, they didn't ask for any changes and that everyone seemed happy so that's all he needs. He knows how fans on the internet can be. He had on display a print of a peice he did of a Dinosaur as Daredevil, like, flying through a downtown setting. It was pretty rad. So if that's any indication, Daredevil #33 should be fine.
Omg at the "The Clown at Midnight." Morrison knew that no art could touch the vision he had for that story. One of the best Batman stories I've ever read and it barley had any art.


So, the past few months I've really been getting into comic books. I've also had some interesting experiences with the perception people have of comic books, and some owners. I'm writing a series about it, and I just finished the introductory piece. I'm not sure if it's cool to link to it, but if not I can remove it. You can find it HERE. If that's not cool, I can just post the text, but don't want to clog up the page.

Has anyone else had issues with dealing with the stigma of being a "comic book nerd?" One of my co-workers mentions that he saw me at the comic book store on free comic book day at least once a month. The funny thing is he was also in line, but he claims he was only there because he saw a line for free things while his oil was getting changed.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Omg at the "The Clown at Midnight." Morrison knew that no art could touch the vision he had for that story. One of the best Batman stories I've ever read and it barley had any art.

I've never heard anything positive about that issue, but I fucking love it. It's brutal and brilliant, and the art is terrible. It's an interesting experiment that works for Morrison's Batman run.
Guess one thing that I'm confused about and maybe I'll find out in the next book is after the "The Clown at Midnight", the story jumps to Damian battered and Talia having him and ordering his organs to be removed and replaced. Did I miss something or is this supposed to be a mystery to me?


I've never heard anything positive about that issue, but I fucking love it. It's brutal and brilliant, and the art is terrible. It's an interesting experiment that works for Morrison's Batman run.

I actually just read it and it was the first thing morrison wrote that I thought was above average. But I'm always a sucker for Joker psychology explorations.
Man what the hell, Batgirls Wanted story is getting bumped again now for Year Zero shit?ughghghg

Sonic The Hedgehog Mega Man Worlds Collide Volume 1

Batgirl #25
Batman #25
Batman Li'l Gotham #8
Forever Evil Arkham War #2
Green Lantern Corps #25
Justice League Of America #9
Nightwing #25
Suicide Squad #25
Superman Wonder Woman #2
Worlds' Finest #17

All-New X-Men #18
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #5
Superior Spider-Man #21

maybe X-Men Gold #1


whooo~!!! JEKKI in da house!!!

what's goin on my spooky spectators of spellbooks specializing in the spectacular!!

I got a recommendation for yallz!!

Halloween may be over, but the season for goth and macabre never takes a rest!

thus I present one of the best things I've read in a while!!


this book is brilliant! what looks like a children's book is actually a collection of many 1-3 page tales about a 13 girl who jus dont give a fukk!

it's great!!! and I really hope some ppl in this thread check it out!!


other things I read:

Harbinger - Children of the 8th Day. This is the first 4 issues of the 90s series. I once heard old valiant stuff referred to as the worst comics of the 90s. This series isnt bad lol, but it isnt too great and is seriously 90s. An easy read regardless and I'll definitely look forward to hunting down more issues.

Phonogram - Rue Britannia. This series was terrible lol. No idea what it was about too, but I'm sure even if u replaced all the music references with music I care about like Slick Rick and NWA I still wouldnt like it.

Sandman - Preludes & Nocturnes. First 8 issues, picked it up from the comixology sale. I loved it!!! I picked up the first 28 so now I'm excited to see where the next 20 will take me!

Hellblazer - Hard Times. still trying to get thru the 30 issues of Hellblazer I picked up during the old comixology sale. As with all Hellblazer I've read up to this point, it's amazing!! I've loved everything I've read in this series so far and I swear once I finish the issues I bought, I'll be on a mission to read all 300 issues!

gotta ease up on trade reading for a bit now... focusing my reading attention on the new Phoenix Wright game now =P


I've seen a few recent issues of "Robots in Disguise". I was surprised how gorgeous the art was. Not the usual stuff we get from IDW.
I read the three volumes of Murder Book that I picked up at the Vancouver Comic Con today. I enjoyed them, which is a bit of a weird thing to say after reading a book such as that, but I did. On the back of volume 3, there is a quote from Gail Simone which reads: "... Grungy, rough, and often heartbreaking, this is what crime comics should be." I don't know much about crime comics but this read really well to me. It was an easy read and riveting. I actually liked this quite a bit more than Brisson's Image ongoing, Sheltered.

Anyway, all of the stories are available for free on Brisson's Murder Book website. I encourage you to check them out if you are interested in crime comics. They are definitely intended for mature readers. It's dark stuff at times and at other times it's pitch black.
Good stuff. I really enjoyed Glory. Ross Campbell has a talent for drawing all kinds of different body types. I would also suggest checking out Campbell's own graphic novel series - Wet Moon.

Thanks for the feedback. Keatinge mentioned that Glory brought him attention from Marvel and other publishers. His career trajectory basically changed after working on that book. So I'm not surprised to hear that it's quality stuff. One of the things that sold me on it was that it features mostly female characters and, yeah, how badass they are drawn. I've read some Wet Moon and it didn't sit quite right with me, but you know these things, it could have been my head space at the time.
I've read some Wet Moon and it didn't sit quite right with me, but you know these things, it could have been my head space at the time.

Wet Moon is a bit of an odd duck. It's basically a drama about young adults living in the boonies, and some of the characters are pretty out there. Including a set of conjoined twins joined at the head. But it's a refreshing take on just how different people can be from one another.
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