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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Stegman has been sentenced to a book about Wolverine not using his claws but guns.

I actually have an instant migraine. "I can't seem to write this character interestingly, so lets fuck with them at an atomic level so theyre totally different." All of this of course while in all other X-Men and Avengers books Wolverine will have the fighting ability of a mentally deranged bear and not a 100 year old samurai war vet.

Marvel what the fuck are you doing. You've suddenly gone incredibly terrible apart from Amazing X-Men, Superior Foes and... well whenever the fuck Hawkeye ships these days.


Yeah, Wolverine with guns is 90's in every terrible way. They're really gonna run the movie cross-promotion to the ground for all it's worth, huh?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I hate when random comic event threads spill out of here onto the rest of the forum and get the normal uninformed pile on, but by fuck does Marvel deserve it right now to the casual bystander:

- SPIDER-MAN is not actually Peter Parker, but Dr Octopus mind-swapped into his body! His family don't know and haven't given a shit for months if not a year! #faceittigeryoujustwonthepotto
- The X-MEN from the 60's are here in present day! They're not going back either, instead they're all trying to date each other at the New Xavier School -- run by the man that killed Xavier; Cyclops! #jeanxx234evar
- WOLVERINE doesn't have a healing factor, doesn't really use his claws much, and now uses GUNS! #nowthatswhaticallsnikt
- IRON-MAN Tony Stark is adopted! His sudden and new brother by name but actually Howard Stark's true son is smarter than him! #iamadoptedman
- The AVENGERS is mainly about a big yellow guy from Mars, his sister-wife, and some other new dudes. Blackbolt too. Sometimes features Captain America pointing at things. #exnihilohnoyoudiiiiiiiiiiiiint
- Everybody fucking hates the FANTASTIC FOUR suddenly. #isitbecauseofthatsongjohnnydidinthe90's

Marvel NOW!!
I hate when random comic event threads spill out of here and get the normal uninformed pile on, but by fuck does Marvel deserve it right now to the casual bystander:

- SPIDER-MAN is not actually Peter Parker, but Dr Octopus mind-swapped into his body! His family don't know and haven't given a shit for months if not a year! #faceittigeryoujustwonthepotto
- The X-MEN from the 60's are here in present day! They're not going back either, instead they're all trying to date each other at the New Xavier School -- run by the man that killed Xavier; Cyclops! #jeanxx234evar
- WOLVERINE doesn't have a healing factor, doesn't really use his claws much, and now uses GUNS! #nowthatswhaticallsnikt
- IRON-MAN Tony Stark is adopted! His sudden and new brother by name but actually Howard Stark's true son is smarter than him! #iamadoptedman
- The AVENGERS is mainly about a big yellow guy from Mars, his sister-wife, and some other new dudes. Blackbolt too. Sometimes features Captain America pointing at things. #exnihilohnoyoudiiiiiiiiiiiiint
- Everybody fucking hates the FANTASTIC FOUR suddenly. #isitbecauseofthatsongjohnnydidinthe90's

Marvel NOW!!
When you put it like that, I wonder how the fuck anyone gets into comics

they don't
Do people really think contemporary artists have time off between their arcs? They switch artists between arcs because modern comic art is almost impossible to pull off 12 times a year, except in rare, Walking Deadian cases.
Nah, they can do this shit, they just don't have the work ethic of a Japanese mangaka.


Did you guys like Amazing X-Men #1? I didn't know what to think. The pirate thing reminds me of the circus arc in WatXM. Jason Aaron seems to go out of his way to make his comics wacky.


Nah, they can do this shit, they just don't have the work ethic of a Japanese mangaka.

On any big commercial manga you have an army of uncredited assistants and understudies doing a good chunk of the work.

Post-Scriptum: Fuck y'all Iron Man is fucking great and the places the story might go to from there seem fucking great.

Post-Post-Scriptum: Wolverine is not a terrible book it's just incredibly fucking boring.

Post-Post-Post-Scriptum: Hating on Hickman's Avengers is fucking ridic shit is happening on the grandest motherfucking stage it's fucking monumental as shit it rules fuck you

Post-Post-Post-Post-Scriptum: You fuckers won and Young Avengers isn't in the new solicits FUCK YOU I HATE YOU


Did you guys like Amazing X-Men #1? I didn't know what to think. The pirate thing reminds me of the circus arc in WatXM. Jason Aaron seems to go out of his way to make his comics wacky.

I liked it, then again I have not read X-Men before. I found it fairly easy to follow. I will keep buying it for the moment.


Did you guys like Amazing X-Men #1? I didn't know what to think. The pirate thing reminds me of the circus arc in WatXM. Jason Aaron seems to go out of his way to make his comics wacky.

The tone is right and fun and nice in that way pre-AvX WatXM was, but it's trying to salvage fucking Azazel, and like the rest of Austen's work, it's a bad idea that we should purge from our collective memories.

Noooo. ;_;
Why can't we have nice things?

Because people can't handle feelings and drama and machinations and cool things

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Post-Scriptum: Fuck y'all Iron Man is fucking great and the places the story might go to from there seem fucking great.

Yes, The Mandarin now being the collective of 10 Planeteers-cum-neopolitical bloggers that talk to glowing lights at bus-stops while Tony talks about irrigation systems is truly inspired work. All hail our baby supersmarts injecting robot alien overlords.

Post-Post-Post-Post-Scriptum: You fuckers won and Young Avengers isn't in the new solicits FUCK YOU I HATE YOU

You will get YOUNG ULTIMATES RUNAWAYS with Miles Morales and his sniveling dance crew of Bendis-ites and scarf it down like a savage. Maybe Ganke will be Galactus' new Herald!

Also I am hoping Hazmat fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally dies in Avengers Arena, the one true young avengers book. Don't leave me hanging, Hopeless.
Pie and Beans, STAHP! Most of the books you're ragging on are good (I don't read Wolverine, and I'm on the fence about Iron Man). Not everything has to be the MCU, or since you like your hashtags, #synergy. I like that comics are going to crazy places yet, and if you don't like the current set, there's always the inevitable "return to the classics" phase in a year or two (probably when Uncanny Avengers ends).
On any big commercial manga you have an army of uncredited assistants and understudies doing a good chunk of the work.

Post-Scriptum: Fuck y'all Iron Man is fucking great and the places the story might go to from there seem fucking great.

Post-Post-Scriptum: Wolverine is not a terrible book it's just incredibly fucking boring.

Post-Post-Post-Scriptum: Hating on Hickman's Avengers is fucking ridic shit is happening on the grandest motherfucking stage it's fucking monumental as shit it rules fuck you

Post-Post-Post-Post-Scriptum: You fuckers won and Young Avengers isn't in the new solicits FUCK YOU I HATE YOU
They are credited during the volume releases. Oda doesn't see his kids brah. Land is constantly searching through porn sites for tracing material AND for his daughter.
Do people really think contemporary artists have time off between their arcs? They switch artists between arcs because modern comic art is almost impossible to pull off 12 times a year, except in rare, Walking Deadian cases.

Some artists can do it. Whenever I thought of a work horse Artist I think of Sami Basri; That dude was a machine. I think he managed to do all 13 issues of Voodoo, every month, without fail and it was a gorgeous book.


- IRON-MAN Tony Stark is adopted! His sudden and new brother by name but actually Howard Stark's true son is smarter than him! #iamadoptedman

The next Iron Man writer better retcon the hell out of this mess, I've never picked up the book because of Gillen (and Land, even though he's gone now). This is just a phase, it'll pass...I hope.


JLA 8: Martian Manhunter/Stargirl should be DC's next teamup book.

Supes/Wondy 2: I love that WW's family always have time to show up and troll her. This book is good, but I'm still waiting to be sold on this relationship.* So far, it seems like you could have done this series without them dating. Then, it is only issue two.

*Although, perhaps I'll never be sold on it, since it will always come off as Superman boning his sister/Wonder Woman boning her brother.

I'm gonna wait until Zero Year ends and then read it all at once.

Did you guys like Amazing X-Men #1? I didn't know what to think. The pirate thing reminds me of the circus arc in WatXM. Jason Aaron seems to go out of his way to make his comics wacky.
It wasn't bad by any stretch and I like the tone and feel, but it felt like it was trying a little too to be "krazzzzzzy" and it turned me off a little.
About Cornell and Wolverine... I'd echo what others have said, namely that I don't think his arc is terrible, it's just boring. It will become terrible if it starts to have an impact on the character in the rest of the universe. If Wolverine gets pulled away from the school and from Storm because of this upcoming villain shit, then they've screwed it up tremendously. You take a character that Jason Aaron's been building up for close to four years and let a guy take a dump on that entire body of work in under six months. It will literally be an atrocity if that happens. Literally. Literally.

That, and I maintain that Savage Wolverine is far and away the best solo-Wolverine joint right now. Jock's current story is pretty dope (no surprises there).

Did you guys like Amazing X-Men #1? I didn't know what to think. The pirate thing reminds me of the circus arc in WatXM. Jason Aaron seems to go out of his way to make his comics wacky.

The tone is right and fun and nice in that way pre-AvX WatXM was, but it's trying to salvage fucking Azazel, and like the rest of Austen's work, it's a bad idea that we should purge from our collective memories.

This. Why Chuck Austen. Why.


Neo Member
Really enjoyed the new Batman today. The only issue I have with it is the increasing price of the issues. The last issue was 6.99 and this one was 5.99, is this going to become the norm throughout zero year?

Also, I enjoyed the new Deadpool.
Did anyone else "Read" The Shaolin Cowboy?

....What the hell?

it was 33 pages ,,, 2 panels across two pages ,of almost the same exact scene killing zombies, no words.

First issue was alright.
Oh shit what? Which book is he taking over?
I wish it was Mighty Avengers. Axel Alonso was hilarious hyping Land up on the press tour before the book. "He's a top notch storyteller." Hopefully its not on Iron Man, its the next candidate for "so why don't we just give him guns now" relaunch.


How the fuck do you hate Gillen? How is that an opinion people hold?

(Also, I dunno, man, I wanna see where this Tony being adopted stuff goes, and how the fuck do you hate Socialist Green Lantern Corps, this run of Iron Man rules)

(Plus you can make ANY run sound terrible and convoluted if you work hard enough at it)

(So Batman has a son! And then he fights some Silver Age Bullshit, I dunno man #dadmanreturns)

(Johnny Storm fucking dies and so naturally the first thing the FF does is adopt a bunch of kids what it's fantastic four more like #fantasticbore)

(A Hawkeye Solo Title #nuffsaid)


Did anyone else "Read" The Shaolin Cowboy?

....What the hell?

it was 33 pages ,,, 2 panels across two pages ,of almost the same exact scene killing zombies, no words.

First issue was alright.

Darrow is God

I haven't read the new Shaolin Cowboy, but dude is definitely one of my favourite artists.

e: ewing/schiti means it's time to pick up a third avengers book i guessss
Hawkeye #17 Solicit
“Rio Bravo” - PART 4
• The sense-shattering fallout of the Clint vs. the Clown -- Clint Barton has been deafened!
• With the Barton Brothers this battered and bloodied, surely they’ll make easy pickins for the Bros, right? Bro? Seriously?
• If we do our jobs right THIS time, this issue will be the Dog Issue of Sign Language issues.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
Nuff Said

We knew this was coming but it's good to see which issue. =D
Valerio Schiti is an astronomical upgrade from Greg Land
YES. Dude was great on JiM, shoulda just stuck him on Mighty Avengers from the get go.
hooooooooooooooooooooly shit

That first was probably the best thing I read this year.
fo sho. I'm not even super into cyberpunk but I really liked the first volume. I gotta get around to picking up Prophet, Milogiannis is a beast.
This book has been on my radar for a while... saw volume 2 pop up on Amazon. But I have to admit, my OCD flared when I saw Vol 1 is only in hardcover and Vol 2 is in paperback.
Yeah, I feel ya. The first one is in a pretty nice hardcover digest size, but he wanted it to feel more like manga, so the rest are gonna be paperback. I wouldn't have minded if they were all paperback, but that one volume, man. I've got enough series split between paperback and hardcover on my shelf.


Really enjoyed the new Batman today. The only issue I have with it is the increasing price of the issues. The last issue was 6.99 and this one was 5.99, is this going to become the norm throughout zero year?

Also, I enjoyed the new Deadpool.

arm break
page was... So. Satisfying.
Did anyone else "Read" The Shaolin Cowboy?

....What the hell?

it was 33 pages ,,, 2 panels across two pages ,of almost the same exact scene killing zombies, no words.

First issue was alright.

Issue one was ok but I skipped #2. It doesn't matter how well you draw a 33 page
chainsaw zombie massacre
, I just don't care to see it.
Picked up MK X-Men and a few FF issues (I'm playing catch up).

MK X-Men was legit, Brahm Revel's art is brilliant and the first issue has a good premise. It also stars my favorite X-Ladies. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a Wolviefest.

The Marvel Knight's line has been good so far, I'll probably check out MK Hulk next month.

I had completely forgotten about Brahm Revel's Guerillas comic, check it out if you've never heard about it.


Batgirl 2009 1- 24

This is pretty much the first time I have read anything with Stephenie Brown, but I have to say I really like her.

Any recommended books for Cassandra?
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