Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Oh God Carol looks ridiculous with that helmet. Blacked out figure lookslike Warmachine or maybe Cable to me.
Venom. Bet moneys on it.
Oh God Carol looks ridiculous with that helmet. Blacked out figure lookslike Warmachine or maybe Cable to me.
Venom. Bet moneys on it.
I know right. F year zero!
Venom. Bet moneys on it.
WatXM is ending and no YA
I'm kind of glad some series are ending, I don't need my pull list going over budget with Silver Surfer and Ghost Rider in March.
i'm okay with only buying one Aaron x-book, though i'm going to miss the schools cast of characters even though it's been over year since i really cared about them.
Aaron's WATXM run was a victim of crossovers and Bendis. Avengers vs X-men ruined its flow, and then it was made irrelevant when Bendis created a new flagship X-title dealing with some of the same characters.
I agree. The crossovers/Bendis ruined it. The circus arc was crap but everything else was fantastic.
WatXM is ending and no YA![]()
Stegman needs to be on 2099 at least. Cornell cannot get the characterization of Wolverine right and that's pathetic since it is so freakin' basic. What is with Cornell? Brah is so hit and miss. Bendis created X Men are pathetic, they are like Gillen Iron Man levels of bad. Where the fuck is my Angela book?I hate hate HATE how it says the Jean Grey School is... ending? I'm not even sure how that makes sense, and hope it sticks around as the base for the "Gold" side thats TOTALLY IN THE RIGHT. You've got Woods X-Men and Amazing that will presumably use it as a background, but yeah, what about the best new generation of young X-Students we've had since... to be honest, Jubilee and co in the 90's. Comparing Quire, Idie, Broo, Eye-boy et al to Bendis' terrible fucking creations is a joke, and yet their book continues unaffected. Let us also revel in dialogue that shames every page of Bendis' decompressed "well... hmm... y'know.... totally uncool!! sort of" shit:
Wolverine in general seems like he's about to be written out of the X-books altogether and be character assassinated for a straight year rather than let Aaron have had his positive spin on the character. He was telling some of the best Wolvie tales in ages in his book, but everyone else was just trucking along and fucking the character into a big deep hole from which there is no return.
I wonder how Stegman feels about being plonked on such a failing book after being big-time. I definitely don't read the enthusiasm from his image uploads in the same way he was about Scarlet and Superior.
Stegman needs to be on 2099 at least.
Didn't Jason Aaron help write Battle of the Atom? I thought he was responsible for part 10 (aka BotA #2), which was by far the worst issue of the event. Don't blame Bendis for everything.
I am endlessly confused as to how there isn't a Spider-Men book coming out with who's running around and about to be in 616.
- Scarlet Spider
- Agent Venom
- Mania (Venom Girl)
- Spider-Man 2099
- some possible hinting at Steel Spider
- if Superior Spider-Man survives Peter's return
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Spider Boy? Miles Morales)
- Ultimate Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew Part 2: Peter Parkére)
Ah, you should never have to *try* to enjoy a writer, and or feel bad man. I worship the ground Snyder walks on. I think the way he goes about exploring the characters he writes and the situations he writes to put them through to get there is literally how to tell a good story, it's literally pitch perfect for me. But there are plenty of writers on here I see people praise and I just don't like anything I read by the writer in question. Different strokes for different folks, everyone looks for something different in a story. You shouldn't feel bad for that.
The most intriguing thing to come out of the Marvel solicits is that comic superstar Brian Michael Bendis is starting a new creator ownedproject with Michael Avon Oeming. I don't know, you just cant trust these brahs with three first names.
Didn't Jason Aaron help write Battle of the Atom? I thought he was responsible for part 10 (aka BotA #2), which was by far the worst issue of the event. Don't blame Bendis for everything.
Didn't Jason Aaron help write Battle of the Atom? I thought he was responsible for part 10 (aka BotA #2), which was by far the worst issue of the event. Don't blame Bendis for everything.
Or get destroyed by Bendis X-books. Hoping WaTXM gets a new name and #1 after it with Logan no longer there.
Thank god. Gillen has been such a disappointment for Marvel Now. Good thing Uber and Three are great.Looks like Young Avengers is finished as well. Now we now why it wasn't solicited..
as Aarons "before it gets fucked with" epilogue before time. I genuinely loved the idea of Professor Logan, and am gutted editorial isn't letting it happen in favour of real cliche tired shit with the character (maybe even a pointless death). I'm concerned Amazing X-Men is going to be a limited run and just Aarons final "let me tell the fucking story I was leading up to, free of bullshit, then you can ruin it all" X-Exit.
Wait whats this about WATXM ending? Wolverine leaving the school?
The fuck?
Aaron and Remender are the last people that can write a decent (Professor) Wolverine.
Please don't take that away from me![]()
nah I love Snyder, even Swamp Thing/Rotworld
Maybe its just Bruce lol
Thank god. Gillen has been such a disappointment for Marvel Now. Good thing Uber and Three are great.
Aw, okay, so you dig other Snyder stuff? I feel you now. Yea haha, I guess maybe he just doesn't resonate with you. Speaking of rotworld, new trade is just about out! I won't ge tmy hands on it until christmas likely, but I'm mega psyched. I've dug both volumes so far, and it's such a buzz moment when. Excited to finally see it all together, just sad to see snyder leave the bookBuddy shows up at the end of volume 2![]()
Well, he was right.Welcome to the X-book future: all Cyclops, all the time.
Nobody is talking about this book brah. It's being overshadowed by Pretty Deadly and that's sad. Kelly Sue has never written a decent comic in her life, dat art though is schway.Fuck you, but also, fuck, you're right in saying Three is the fucking bomb.
Well, he was right.
Nobody is talking about this book brah. It's being overshadowed by Pretty Deadly and that's sad. Kelly Sue has never written a decent comic in her life, dat art though is schway.