If I like Comic Geek Speak and Cape Crisis are there any other comics podcasts I should heck out that are similar to them?
I don't get the fuss on the Brian Wood thing. It's very much a case of he said, she said. And there doesn't seem to be anyone anywhere corroborating either story. IGNORE.
The Comics Alternative
11 O'Clock Comics
iFanboy Pick of the Week
I also really love Ink Studs, but it's a different animal. Focuses on interviewing creators, mostly indie, and there are musical interludes. But it's really rad and dude talks with awesome creators. Brandon Graham is friends with the dude who does it so he's sometimes around kind of co-hosting or hanging out.
The scary/sad thing about the Wood situation is imagining how much other skeeziness goes unreported because "that's just how the industry works!"
Wasn't there a big to do with Greg Capullo at a con last year where he didn't show a girl pages from Batman because her cosplay costume didn't show enough skin or something? I vaguely remember (and being amused) by him threatening to sue people because his wife was a legal secretary or something ridiculous.
Yeah but I remember a bunch of people going "wait, that's not how it happened" when the Bleeding Cool article on Greg Capullo came out. And nothing really came of it on the level of this.The scary/sad thing about the Wood situation is imagining how much other skeeziness goes unreported because "that's just how the industry works!"
Wasn't there a big to do with Greg Capullo at a con last year where he didn't show a girl pages from Batman because her cosplay costume didn't show enough skin or something? I vaguely remember (and being amused) by him threatening to sue people because his wife was a legal secretary or something ridiculous.
The thing about Wood's response is that he denies the feigning interest in her art/instilling fear stuff, but he just kinda glosses over them to focus on anything else
Yeah but I remember a bunch of people going "wait, that's not how it happened" when the Bleeding Cool article on Greg Capullo came out. And nothing really came of it on the level of this.
I didn't even know about the Capullo thing until now. Why do creators and higher-ups have to be so gross, sometimes?
It's high time I brought honor to the comics industry brahs.
Yeah... I feel bad now for supporting Woods X-Men.
As well as his Ultimate X-Men.
The last page is full of links, bruh.Can someone provide context on this Woods situation
Those look sweet. Cant wait for mine to come in next month since they have three different faces...
Here's the original article with tweets before she named him
He also feigned interest in her work to try to sleep with her, had a pregnant wife at the time, and was all "you should be thankful you're talking to me despite you're shitty cosplay" about it. Also he's considered a top feminist dude, and it's said that he's done that shit several times before.
Truth is it happens everywhere else, it comes to light in comics more often because the creators interact with the public at cons. This kind of casual, systemic sexual harassment remains a significant issue as women rise in the workplace.
And now for something much lighter, and I apologize for the phone pictures:
Oh.. my.. I just read Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland #1. I thought I had read a horror comic before. I'd read a shitty 30 Days of Night sequel, The Walking Dead, Locke and Key vol.1. But no.. no. I had read comics wherein horrible things happen to people. Wraith is a horror comic. I actually have that inside-of-my-body-chills feeling. And what's so amazing is how much sense the story makes. It's ingenious. Maybe I haven't read enough in my life to call it that but it's the word that comes to mind. Wow.
Hnng. If that's what the art is going to look like for Widow, I'll be in for that as well as Punisher. Those two plus Hawkeye and maybe Kot's Secret Avengers is finally going to put a few marvel books back on my list. I want to check out Zero first though before I decide on SA.
I think it's just some promo art, I don't think we've seen any interior pages yet. Hopefully it looks like that though because it's gorgeous. It's giving me serious Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy vibes which for me is a perfect tone for a Black Widow book. And yeah, Punisher sounds like it's going to be super good.
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
So the first volume of Sif's Journey into Mystery finally got released digitally and I bought it rather quick. Am I in for a good ride?
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
Thanks for the Wraith write-up LM, sounds great. It's funny because I think Hill is a master of really creepy stuff in his comic work, but thats exactly what I find lacking with NOS4A2 and Heart Shaped Box (Horns is perfect though). He comes up with some really really horrible things happening to people, and the main character is fairly strong, but he misses for me on that actual horror feeling. Too much of it is just straight up grotesque and on the nose, they are great books, but not necessarily great horror. Your description of the book is exactly what horror should be, so super exciting.
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
Chew, by John Layman and Rob Guillory, currently available in seven very inexpensive paperbacks. One of the funniest and most creative books being made today.acid, get in here and back me up!
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.
I'M HEREChew, by John Layman and Rob Guillory, currently available in seven very inexpensive paperbacks. One of the funniest and most creative books being made today.acid, get in here and back me up!
Yeah I'm going. Gonna fanboy so hard at Brandon Graham.Is anyone going to the ImageExpo? It's here in the Bay and I'm finding it very tempting to buy tickets.
I'll recommend my usuals:
Locke and Key
Sweet Tooth
American Vampire
The Unwritten