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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Could someone recommend me a good series to read? have been out of the loop for a few years and want to get back in! Also preferable not some 'famous' superhero unless the story arc is super good.

Manhattan Projects - currently on going and the third trade is out next week I believe

Planetary - concluded, collected in four trades (plus a fifth that can be skipped)

Jack Kirby's Fourth World Saga - concluded, collected in four volumes
Found an oversized collection of Elektra Assassin in B&N today, believe it or not. This book is still awesome you guys






No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Shit. I just caught myself putting Brian Wood's Mara in my cart. Removing that for the time being.

Thinking about ordering some stuff from instocktrades, do they secure packages well?
Yes, they're amazing. Just got 5 books from them yesterday. They shrink wrap books (smaller books get grouped into one wrapping) and use large boxes with plenty of packing.
I had the nerdiest reaction to how godlike InStockTrades packaging was when I got that FA Library HC from them. After so many lackluster jobs from Amazon and eBay, that shit came in just...perfect. I almost didn't want to take it out of the box.
Shit. I just caught myself putting Brian Wood's Mara in my cart. Removing that for the time being.

*rolleyes* You guys are getting fucking unbearable with this Brian Wood shit. This happened almost a decade ago. This is just like reporters that like to dig up old shit to harp on.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
*rolleyes* You guys are getting fucking unbearable with this Brian Wood shit. This happened almost a decade ago. This is just like reporters that like to dig up old shit to harp on.

It'd be different if he came out and acknowledged that he found himself perpetuating some casual sexual harassment, realized that what he did was quite wrong, and that he's changed. "None of this was my conscious intent, but I understand how my actions were perceived by her. I was part of the problem, and I've changed."

The denial of everything except making a pass at her isn't doing him any favors. He could show contrition and be a positive example for change. Or he could continue denying he's part of the systemic problem and implicitly claim that she's making all of this up. He's effectively doubling down, whether he realizes it or not.


Had a pretty good day of getting trades, stopped by B&N and picked up the Shazam hc, Infinity Gauntlet, and Justice League Beyond: Konstriction. Between their B2G1 sale, our membership, and a 20% off coupon, I got a pretty great deal. Came home and saw I got vol 3 of Manhattan Projects (I love this book so much I gladly double dip) from Amazon. All in all, a pretty good haul. I'm really looking forward to reading Infinity Gauntlet again, it has been a looooong time since I've read that story.


So he tried to smang some pussy, big fucking deal.

His true crime is The Massive. What a piece of shit. Did it ever go anywhere?
The denial of everything except making a pass at her isn't doing him any favors. He could show contrition and be a positive example for change. Or he could continue denying he's part of the systemic problem and implicitly claim that she's making all of this up. He's effectively doubling down, whether he realizes it or not.

Look, he made a pass at her. That we know for sure. The rest is he said - she said. And I'm not going to hop on a fucking lynch-mob bandwagon over that. Nor am I going to work myself into a tizzy over the possibilities of what might have happened. I think some of you guys just love drama. Sooooo, enjoy your boycott, I guess.
Rafa, your boiling it down to it's base elements. If we did that every fucking super hero comic book story would have been told before.
Nah brah. They are running the same exact storyline in their BIG EVENT. Why should I give a shit if the exact same thing is happening.

And Hickman can't write company comics anymore. Infinity has been a big misfiring. Big space opera with no character elements at all. Aure it has action, but all characters are just cogs in the machine. Its the antithesis of Bendis's Avengers stories where they just talked all day at the Pizza Hut with nothing ever happening.

I'll break into the industry brahs. But i will do it with hustle, loyalty and respect.


Look, he made a pass at her. That we know for sure. The rest is he said - she said. And I'm not going to hop on a fucking lynch-mob bandwagon over that. Nor am I going to work myself into a tizzy over the possibilities of what might have happened. I think some of you guys just love drama. Sooooo, enjoy your boycott, I guess.

I don't think the decision to take accusations of sexual harassment seriously can be dismissed as "drama" or a bandwagon, and it's pretty messed up to suggest that we're talking about it simply because we "love drama".

I think of it like this: imagine your mum or sister worked in the comics industry and she came home from a convention and told you that a married man had tried convincing her to sleep with him, and that after rejecting him, he insulted her. Then imagine the guy tells everyone that he definitely didn't insult her and implied she was lying, even though your mum/sister has spoken to other women who've had similar experiences. Would you be happy to brush that whole incident under the carpet? I know I wouldn't.


Anyway, comics. I got Swamp Thing vol. 2 today after deciding I wanted to get back into the series. I read the first trade and enjoyed it but moved on to other stuff; it's only recently, after reading previews of Charles Soule's issues, that I became really intrigued again. I've also got Manhattan Projects vol 2 on the way (haven't read vol 1 yet but I'm happy to support to Hickman, Pitarra, Bellaire, etc) as well as the Death Of The Family trade, which I've had pre-ordered since July. Excited to finally dig into that story.
Nah brah. They are running the same exact storyline in their BIG EVENT. Why should I give a shit if the exact same thing is happening.

And Hickman can't write company comics anymore. Infinity has been a big misfiring. Big space opera with no character elements at all. Aure it has action, but all characters are just cogs in the machine. Its the antithesis of Bendis's Avengers stories where they just talked all day at the Pizza Hut with nothing ever happening.

I'll break into the industry brahs. But i will do it with hustle, loyalty and respect.

Boo! Seriously, though - it has enough character moments as far as I'm concerned.
This is for real. I had a dream last night that I was at a con and Art Baltazar was going to draw me a tiny Deathstroke but he asked for $100 and I was like maybe and then I walked over to Rick Remenders table and asked if he had an advanced copy of Black Science that I could get. He gladly put one in a bag with some other cool swag and I asked how much I owed him and he said free and I was all excited and we hugged. Lol wtf brain.


Boo! Seriously, though - it has enough character moments as far as I'm concerned.

Especially compared to other Marvel events. Where were all these character moments in Civil War, Secret Invasion, AvX, etc? It was just a bunch of stuff happening for the sake of splash pages. At least with Hickman mainly sticking to his favourite toys we don't have half of the major characters in the Marvel U being completely out of character for the sake of story drama.
Damian Son of Batman was alright. They story sucks. But I love when companies use different paper. It really suits the lines and the colors. I wish Marvel would use better paper, but you know they will use the same toilet paper for their five dollar Marvelman reprints.


The Black Beetle hardcover is a gorgeous piece of work in itself. Marvel did something similar with Remender's Secret Avengers, with the cover art printed directly on to the hard cover, and it looks really nice. Have any more books been done this way at either Marvel or DC?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Black Beetle hardcover is a gorgeous piece of work in itself. Marvel did something similar with Remender's Secret Avengers, with the cover art printed directly on to the hard cover, and it looks really nice. Have any more books been done this way at either Marvel or DC?

I believe DC only forgoes dust jackets on the Absolute editions, although those have slipcases.

I don't know much about Marvel's practices.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Guys, Umbral was great. I've never been big into Fantasy but this and Hinterkind are two great Fantasy comics so far.


I believe DC only forgoes dust jackets on the Absolute editions, although those have slipcases.

I don't know much about Marvel's practices.

Ah that's a shame. I do hope at some point it'll become more common practice, especially if Dark Horse's catch on. They just look so much nicer.

Guys, Umbral was great. I've never been big into Fantasy but this and Hinterkind are two great Fantasy comics so far.

It seems the consensus here, from those who've read it, is that Umbral is really damn good. Add in Rat Queens and that's quite an impressive fantasy trio. I'll definitely be picking up the trades of all of these (although I need to find out more about Hinterkind first).
Frank Cho is a freakin' bum. Why would Marvel choose him to do an event? Rich called Bendis out on that shit and Bendis was like no o o it was always supposed to be this way. Th3work ethic of a mangaka puts him to shame.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dark Horse fucking kills it with their hardcovers.

Death to floppy, obnoxious dust jackets!

Yep. Their hardcovers are top notch. Speaking of which might have to double dip on that Black Beetle one.
It's too bad the outcome of that was ruined by the next issue. :(
Tune in to the next great even that will change the Marvel U forever. Inhumanity and Inhuman are the most important comics of Matt Fraction's life. Potentially career defining stuff here. Tune in to see Joe Madiera's TWO issues as an ongoing artist.
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