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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Caught up with a bunch of comics I bought just never read yet.

Amazing X-Men #1: Azazel, huh? We're bringing him back? I kinda thought we all looked at each and silently agreed to never mention Chuck Austen's run again. But if you're gonna do it, making him a pirate that invades Heaven to fuck around with his son Nightcrawler is a nice way to go about it. Speaking of Nightcrawler, it sure is fun to see him back and prancing around again, especially because McGuiness' Kurt takes an awful lot of influence from Alan Davis' interpretation from the ol' Excalibur days. Nightcrawler isn't a guy you can hang a series on, but he's a great teammate. The spot monkey in professional wrestling, who does his signature moves and that dance the kids likes, then he gets out of the way for the big boys. I'm looking forward to much swashbuckling and Gutan Tags in the future, and hope Aaron is wise enough to stay away from the religious angst, because that is the exact wrong character to saddle that shit with.

But hey, how about the rest of those X-Men in this amazing X-Men comic, huh? Well, they kinda get the short shrift here, what with Kurt's intro going on into "pretty damn long" category, page real estate wise. The story only has time for their various quirky intros and quickly whisked away. That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't leave you with a particular strong hook for an ending due to the somewhat sluggish pacing, does it? And I hear this one is suppose to be five issues? They're really gonna drag this one out huh, with all the Heaven/Hell sight gags and McGuiness double page spreads. Note to comic book writers: people don't live forever, so get the fuckin' show on the road.

Astro City #5-6: Am I the only reading this? I feel like I'm the only one reading this. Its Astro City though, its great stuff people. There are Kirby aliens in this one, and they're actually used in some interesting ways outside cannon fodder/hero worship. You should buy it, so we can talk about it and be all "Yeah, that Astro City, good comic, my african-american pal"

Umbral #1: Like I was saying earlier, this kicked ass. Ya know how some fantasy books kinda take awhile to find themselves? Like, everybody loves Sandman, but when you recommend it to new readers you kinda just want to give them Doll's House instead of Preludes cuz its all not-Alan Moore 90s Vertigo meandering and junk? Even the last book this creative team did, Wasteland, kinda took awhile to get good. Yeah, well Umbral is not one of those fantasy books. There's something to be said about innovation being overrated, because while the plot here isn't particularly original, it sure is well-crafted. Mitten and Rauch are doing the world's creepiest catacombs like nobody's business. Shit is real, son.

Lazarus: This is boring. So very, very, very goddamn boring. A tepid mid-budget TV sci-fi drama, where people say "We can't have her getting IDEAS" and doing everything but twirling a mustache and tying her to the fuckin' train tracks, she's so oblivious. The protagonist seems to come from an assembly line of Strong Female Character 101 traits. She's obviously physically powerful, but very pretty and easy on the eyes, but not too pretty as she's in all black and sunglasses and sweaty. She's a total badass, but she's feels real bad about killing people, and despite being trained a Terminator, she's also has that vulnerability, that makes her relatable. Another one of Rucka's lady-killers with a heart, this one's for you girls! Please come buy our comics ladies! My name's Matt Fraction, I'm creating Odyssey but naming it Ody-She, how progressive of me.

I don't know boys and girls, I think I just about done with the talking head comics with the televisually-minded crafting. It's competently done, but very very rote and more than a little cliche. The characters are cardboard cutouts, and its critiques on the upper-class flaccid. Its the comic book equivalent on those mid-day TV shows you see on TNT or USA, the ones you watch when you got nothing else to do, maybe pay attention to it, maybe not.

Pretty Deadly #1: Re-read this to see if I liked it again. I see you, Kelly Sue. Telling your completely different set-up stories inside your set-up stories. Having the main character not show up until the very last page. Being really vague and shit and going out of your way not to explain anything clearly. Writing this way isn't bad, but its just not my style. Its the kind of writing that really wants you to notice how unconvention and whimsical it is, as it prances precariously on the precipice of preciousness(you like that one, right?). You don't have to try so hard Kelly Sue, we like you just the way you are.

But it sure is pretty. Pretty deadly, that is. Rio/Bellaire/Cowles, the whole damn squad. It's just a lovely-ass comic, with its whimsical-but-comprehensible page layouts, those hot pink bullet trails in the desert with the Paul Pope style sound effects drawn in, all its wonderfully interesting lookin' characters. I think I might pick up the trade of this and see if it goes anywhere. Hate to see all that art go to waste.


This whole situation is so horrible. I follow Brian Wood since Demo and Local. I can't really wrap my head around it. Or worse, I can, but I don't want to admit to myself, because this kind of ugly and very serious real world problem immensely suck the magic out of a hobby that is about escaping to silly fantasy make-believe worlds.

I'm glad she spoke up, the hobby wasn't tainted just because we didn't know about this thing; just by putting the fear in any young artist that 8 years from now when you're doing X-Men this might come up seems to me a hell of way to prevent at least some of this stuff from happening.

But still, is hard for me to see this guy as a bad guy, my head making a thousand of excuses and rationalization every time I think about this subject. Maybe he didn't see it as a casting couch situation, maybe he didn't realized, being kind of a newcomer himself, that he made that impression, maybe he tried a bit too much after she said no, but hey, who was never a douchebag before once in his life, right? I know I have a couple of memories that make me kind of hate myself, usually involving this combination of alcohol, girl I really like, and the very very dumb idea that despiste she saying no, I can still turn this around somehow.

But none of these rationalizations change how he used his, however actually powerless, place in the industry to trick a girl into thinking he was interested in her work just to get into a hotel room with her. And at first I was satisfied with his answer, but reading it again a couple of times, it just feel that... it feels too much like he is choosing the right words to defuse the situation instead of dealing with it. She goes into a specific account of what happened and he sums it all up into "making a pass at a bar". He wants this story to be over, I don't think it is. I don't think anyone is actually satisfied with the place it is right now and not because of hunger for drama, but because a very important topic is being dismissed by a vague call of "talking about this serious issue". The talk of talking about the serious issue is being used as a mean to distract people from talking about the serious issue.

The way things are, right now, I think he's done at Marvel; and please don't interpret this as a kind of social justice revengist feeling; talking purely as a fan of those colorful people punching each other with purple knuckles that come out of their minds: it is very hard right now to see his name on a cover and think happy superhero thoughts. Maybe this will change in the future, but right now it is very hard to separate the art and the artist. I don't even think people need to organize a boycott; bad feelings alone may be enough to make selling a book with his name on it a problem.

And all I can hope is that people learn this: do you want to make a pass at a girl in a con? Don't mix it with work. Telling people you want to have sex with them is already a socially complex situation (unfortunetly for all) without the power dynamics of someone inside an industry judging the work of someone trying to get into this industry. Just don't do it, not even as a joke. Matter of fact, as a general rule, if you agree to spend time talking to anyone who is trying to get into the industry, please take it seriously, from your point of view it is "oh gosh another fucking noob trying to show me his crappy work", from his point of view, this is possibly the moment that could change his entire life, so, you know, have basic human decency there. And don't make even worse by mixing sex with it.

So that's it, sorry about the sermon and the rant, this is me trying to orgnize my own toughts; if you'll excuse me, I'll read my fantastic four omnibus by John Byrne, with the cover full of marvel characters with a blank area between Stan Lee and the Silver Surfer where Kirby was supposed to be.

There are days that I hate to love this fake universe.


Let's talk about things pretending very hard to be happier, more fun things, by which I mean hooooly fuck that Harley Quinn #0 preview looks bad. Like, late in Daniel Way's Deadpool bad. It's trying way too hard to be something that tries way too hard. It's bad enough to make you forget all the good things its creators have been involved with. It made me sad, but not in the good "Holy fuck pretty much all of Deadpool #19" way. It was a reminder that everyone will die as miserably as they lived. It's the death of comics as we know it.
Let's talk about things pretending very hard to be happier, more fun things, by which I mean hooooly fuck that Harley Quinn #0 preview looks bad. Like, late in Daniel Way's Deadpool bad. It's trying way too hard to be something that tries way too hard. It's bad enough to make you forget all the good things its creators have been involved with. It made me sad, but not in the good "Holy fuck pretty much all of Deadpool #19" way. It was a reminder that everyone will die as miserably as they lived. It's the death of comics as we know it.
Agreed. The Foruth Wall shit way too shove down your throat. No subtlety, like the kindergarten joke book they use for Deadpool.
Pretty deadly sounds like a trade wait. Fire issue is getting under whelming reaction

I think I liked it, but it's one of those books where I need another couple of issues first, because just about fuck all happened in issue one. Also, when you put it next to Velvet, Pretty Deadly seems pretty shitty. I mean, HOLY FUCK was Velvet good.
It is Sunday.... Therefore it is time for - THE LIST

Wake #5
Wonder Woman #25
Sex Criminals #3
Avengers #23
Daredevil #33
Uncanny X-Men #14
X-men #7 (by BRIAN WOOD omg someone hold meeeeee) :p


On a very special episode of The List:
Animal Man #25
Batman and Two-Face #25
Batwoman #25 (REALTALK: Andreyko can't be worse a writer than Hardman & Williams, and while yeah it's fucked up they got fired, they weren't really that good? I feel terrible stating these opinions but, for real, that might be an upgrade?)
Harley Quinn #0 (As previously stated, I expect this is the comic that makes me regret everything nice I have ever said about DC Comics, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and the plethora of artists in the issue)
The Wake #5
Wonder Woman #25

Sex Criminals #3
Zero #3

Avengers #23 (I still dig Infinity whatever fuck you it works shut up Hickman has written a shitton of books there's probably some character bits in that look better) (Fun fact: In the first year of Avengers, Hickman has already written more comics than in the totality of his Fantastic Four run, including FF)
Cable And X-Force #16 (I may suck at paying attention because I have no idea what the fuck has happened in the last issue for what reason)
Daredevil #33
Fantastic Four #14 (Savor the last issues of the not-grimdark as fuck F4 while they last. You'll miss Fraction fumbling around with the idea of writing for Bagley, let me tell ya)
Indestructible Hulk #15
Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #2
Thunderbolts #18
Uncanny X-Men #14
X-Men Legacy #20
Young Avengers #12 (As a disillusioned kid once said: "Fuck me, fuck all of y'all")


RE: The Brian Wood sexual harassment blowup-Wood's not going anywhere. If this had happened recently, yes. but the incident happened in 2007.


Agents of L.I.S.T, Sunday nights on ABC.

Harley Quinn #0 (that preview was dire, but I don't know any better)
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #2
Supergirl #25
Wonder Woman #25
Sex Criminals #3
Avengers #23
Uncanny X-Men #14
X-Men #7
Umbral #1: Like I was saying earlier, this kicked ass. Ya know how some fantasy books kinda take awhile to find themselves? Like, everybody loves Sandman, but when you recommend it to new readers you kinda just want to give them Doll's House instead of Preludes cuz its all not-Alan Moore 90s Vertigo meandering and junk? Even the last book this creative team did, Wasteland, kinda took awhile to get good. Yeah, well Umbral is not one of those fantasy books. There's something to be said about innovation being overrated, because while the plot here isn't particularly original, it sure is well-crafted. Mitten and Rauch are doing the world's creepiest catacombs like nobody's business. Shit is real, son.

Interesting, because I feel the exact opposite about this. Wasteland was one of the first independent books I started reading when I got back into comics, and I honestly think volumes 1-4 are freaking amazing. It just tears into that world, and starts laying down the mysteries and the characters, and yea, I thought it was amazing. My problem was the absolute cliff it nosedived off after Mitten left. First the nuke-able Enemy Within arc then even now when they got a new (decent) artist onboard, it's just never been the same for me, I actually dropped it all together. Fantastic for the first tow and a half years then eh. I still think to this day Dog Tribes is one of the best story arcs I've ever read. The visuals, the language, the tribe lore, Johnston can world build out his ass, and Mitten is the perfect partner. I just hope Umbral follows through on the promise Wasteland once had.
Got to love sci-fi conventions, got to talk to David Yardin and beliefly talk to Billy Tan


Now got to get a frame :D


Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe everyone is jumping the gun against Brian Wood. There is no proof anything happened besides a guy making a pass on a girl. The rest is he said she said speculation.
I can't believe everyone is jumping the gun against Brian Wood. There is no proof anything happened besides a guy making a pass on a girl. The rest is he said she said speculation.

Are you surprised? When you consider that guys are almost always guilty in the court of public opinion on these matters these days, mixed with confirmation bias, most people are going to take the accusers word for it.

That being said I wouldn't be surprised if something happened though I doubt that it was as sinister as portrayed: events change in memory over time and we're talking an event almost 10 years ago. Or maybe it was just as stated, I don't know. I can't judge.

I will say, shit like this is why I prefer to pay little attention to creative (writing?) teams. I don't want to know about the bullshit behind the scenes. I just want my comics. With few exceptions I don't care who did a book, on the writing side, unless they are God awful like Nocenti.

I guess I pay attention to artists more.


You really think they'd get rid of him?

He was already not setting the world on fire; known as someone who writes female character, on a book that has "all-female cast" as a bullet point. I don't think Marvel will fire him out of ideology; I think he created an unsolvable hedge between him and the audience his name brings.

Stuff like "using feminism to make money" is starting to make the waves. It's like finding out a pro-"family values" republican is a closeted gay as opposed as a democrat who always voted for gay rights.


It's listin' time!

Adventure Time #22
Afterlife with Archie #2
Avengers A.I. #6
Ben 10 #1
Harley Quinn #0
Mega Man #31
Red Sonja #5
Samurai Jack #2
Scooby-Doo Team Up #1
Superior Spider-Man Annual #1
TMNT New Animated Adventures #5
Young Avengers #12


Adventure Time #22
Bravest Warriors #14
Daredevil #33
Imagine Agents #2
Transformers MTMTE #23
X-Men Legacy #20
Young Avengers #12

More books than I had last week. I really need to start making some headway into my backlog :(


I finished the second omnibus of Invincible Iron Man last night, so I've now read up to issue 33 which is a total of four story arcs: The Five Nightmares, World's Most Wanted, Stark Disassembled, and Stark Resilient. I enjoyed it for the most part, I liked seeing the corporate business side to Tony and the developments with Pepper were cool. But man, the art was...not all that great. It kind of spoiled it a little for me, although I did have a quick check back to the first issue (I'd forgotten that Sasha Hammer appears that early) and the art by issue 33 had improved massively. Still, I'm glad I read it and I'm hopeful Marvel will release another omnibus or two collecting the whole series.

I started reading Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine today. I bought it after seeing so much praise for it here. I read this first issue this morning and it was so good. I love the in medias res opening, Aaron's dialogue was great and the art, my god the art is gorgeous. The colours pop, the scenery is gorgeous and I love the way Kubert draws Spidey and Logan. Really enjoying it so far. Great cameo from
Devil Dinosaur
at the end of issue 1, he was great in Nextwave.
Started reading Thor: God of Thunder from the Marvel Now run. Really impressed with this one too.. Gorr the God Butcher and the
three THORS!

Very cool. Art is great too.


Avengers #23
Bloodshot and HARD Corps #16
Conan the Barbarian #22
Dark Horse Presents #30
Eternal Warrior #3
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #8
Sex Criminals #3
Sheltered #5
Velvet #2
X-Men #7
X-Men Legacy #20
X-O Manowar #19
Young Avengers #12
2000AD Prog.1859

Hoping at some point Suicide Risk #7 and Uber #7 will show up too. My LCS say it didn't ship two weeks ago, but they did come out because previewsworld didn't change and people have reviewed them. I couldn't find any at Orbital/FP when I was in London yesterday either. Maybe it was just the shipment to the UK that got delayed? :|
Pretty sure Velvet #2 got delayed til December

I'm sure the Epting/Breitweiser art will be worth it, if #1 was anything to go by

edit: beaten screw buddyjoehooker
Hey comic GAF! I haven't read comics since the spring and I'm catching up on books now and was looking for new books to try. I was thinking Velvet, Pretty Deadly and Umbral, but also wanted to see if there were any series you guys would suggest that might be recent too. I tend to read mostly indie things, except Batman now and again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey comic GAF! I haven't read comics since the spring and I'm catching up on books now and was looking for new books to try. I was thinking Velvet, Pretty Deadly and Umbral, but also wanted to see if there were any series you guys would suggest that might be recent too. I tend to read mostly indie things, except Batman now and again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Black Science

Releases November 27


Caught up with a bunch of comics I bought just never read yet.

Astro City #5-6: Am I the only reading this? I feel like I'm the only one reading this. Its Astro City though, its great stuff people. There are Kirby aliens in this one, and they're actually used in some interesting ways outside cannon fodder/hero worship. You should buy it, so we can talk about it and be all "Yeah, that Astro City, good comic, my african-american pal"

Astro City, good comic, my african-american pal!

I adore Astro City but man ain't no one talking about it here. It hurts to see a book as consistently good as AC largely go ignored. Busiek is setting up all kinds of interesting stuff with the observer and then there's a big Winged Victory arc coming up too.


Hey comic GAF! I haven't read comics since the spring and I'm catching up on books now and was looking for new books to try. I was thinking Velvet, Pretty Deadly and Umbral, but also wanted to see if there were any series you guys would suggest that might be recent too. I tend to read mostly indie things, except Batman now and again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sex Criminals and Rat Queens have been great in their first two issues.


What do I read if I want more about ultimate spider-girl? The one in ultimate comics spiderman. Is she is any other series?


Hey comic GAF! I haven't read comics since the spring and I'm catching up on books now and was looking for new books to try. I was thinking Velvet, Pretty Deadly and Umbral, but also wanted to see if there were any series you guys would suggest that might be recent too. I tend to read mostly indie things, except Batman now and again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Manhattan Projects
Astro City
Planetary (already concluded)
Coffin Hill
What do I read if I want more about ultimate spider-girl? The one in ultimate comics spiderman. Is she is any other series?

As far as I know, mostly on Ultimate Spider-Man during the Peter Era. She also was part of Hickman's Ultimates run if I'm not wrong.
Afterlife With Archie #2

Animal Man #25
Batman And Two-Face #25
Batwoman #25
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #2
Harley Quinn #0
Supergirl #25
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #5

Red Sonja #5

Sex Criminals #3

Avengers #23
Daredevil #33
Uncanny X-Men #14
X-Men #7

good shit!


Quick question. After reading Thor I'm ready to read some more by Jason Aaron. I'm about to order Wolverine and The X-men from Amazon, is there anything I should have read before diving in? My X-men knowledge mostly comes from the 90's cartoon show, the films and wikipedia.
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