So I got those DC dark books and I've been ploughing my way through them over the weekend, got some thoughts for those who are interested.
Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E. volume 1: So this was probably the most meh for me. I absolutely adore Lemire's own independent work, but his superhero work is yet to blow me away. The art is really nice, and there's a lot of silly fun, but there just didn't seem to be any depth to the book, for the first three issues at least. I appreciate you might say that's just the kind of book it is, but Hellboy proves you can do big dumb monster fun and weave a lot of character depth in there as well. I was excited to get to know all the creature commandos, but the wolf man and the vampire really just play off each other as the rule follower and the asshole, no real depth is given to them, anything about their personal lives when they're not on the job, why they actually bothered to volunteer to be mutated, why they stick around. The Mummy Khalis is probably the most interesting as there's at least a lot hinted about his origins, but he gets the least screen time of the bunch and doesn't speak, and they certainly go nowhere near those origins in this volume, so eh. The book definitely moved up a notch with the second half of the book, there's a story involving a Dr. Manhattan-esque character Frankie fought with in Nam and that at least throws a stone at what you would expect to be the central ideas of this book, the torture of living forever, playing god with creation, between the mentioned character and an interesting insurrection at SHADE headquarters, I felt Lemire was finally getting there. Knowing that he only wrote two more issues after this volume then jumped off makes me wonder if the last page cliffhanger goes anywhere or if the Khalis mystery gets solved, or if Kindt just moves on from them. I'll probably get volume 2 once I've read Snyder's part of Rotworld, but yea, I'm not surprised this got cancelled, I lvoe Hellboy, BPRD and stuff of this kind, but it just doesn't have the depth. I guess I have much more to say about this than the next book because I expected a lot more.
Demon Knights volumes 1 & 2: This book was cool enough, I really enjoyed the artists who worked on the book. I'll be honerst, if I hadn't read the second volume and had only went with the first, I'd probably have a lot of the same complaints I had about Frankenstein, but considering both volumes together, Cornell does come through over the first year. The book is really the usual team set-up where 7 strangers with almost nothing in common come together to face something threatening them all, and at the end they kind of find a common reason to stick together. Cornell manages to build Xanadu, Jason/Etrigan & The Shining Knight as interesting characters throughout the two volumes given they are tied a lot closer to the central events pushing the story forward, but the other "Demon Knights" aren't given much depth. Horsewoman, who is literally bound to her horse by some curse and unable to walk, & Exiristos, a exiled amazon from paradise island, both at least are hinted to have interesting backstories and have good enough dialogue, but Al Jabr really is just there, no back story, no real inkling why he's there bar being a decent guy. Vandal Savage is pretty shallow but thankfully that's kind of the point of the character, and makes up for it by being pretty funny. As I mentioned, had I only read book 1 I might have gave up as the entire story really is just the main characters sniping at each other as they're forced to go from one battle scene to another, but in book 2 once their quest has properly been defined, it does get quite compelling. Cornell manages to work in all kinds of wider universe cameos and references too. So kind of disappointing to start off, but the book is in an upswing and ends on a really good note at the end of book 2. The writing does a good job of getting you carried a way with the plot.
Just realised this post will likely be huge and I have another two titles to write about so I'll stop off the now and come back later and do them. These were probably the two I was least in love with, I have much MUCH better things to say about Dial H and I, Vampire respectively.