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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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How's The Unwritten? I'm kinda new to comics so I don't know a lot. I read that it's relaunching in January because of a Fables crossover. Sounds interesting.
Not blue, not white.

How's The Unwritten? I'm kinda new to comics so I don't know a lot. I read that it's relaunching in January because of a Fables crossover. Sounds interesting.

I love it, one of my favourite books. It's basically a big loveletter to stories and the power they have over our culture, politics, personalities, and so on. It really encourages you to go explore some literature you might not have been drawn to before too. I really do love it haha. Good interesting character, great winding plot, educational, thought provoking. They also do a great job at exploring how stories are told and spread in modern times, with ever evolving social media and so on, and how stories might have been passed on in the past. It's great.

One note though, it is relaunching but really just as a big last hurrah for it's last year, I would not recommend the upcoming relaunch as a jumping on point. Go back to the first volume and enjoy one of the best independent books on the stands!

Also need I say more:

Mr. Bun <3


I haven't ventured into a comic thread for awhile, but I actually visited a comic shop yesterday and wanted to pass along the info, if it hasn't been told already. Place called Ryan's Comics in Murietta, CA. Pretty cool store, I guess it's fairly new, and it was clean and the people were nice.

I can't speak to the selection too well because I'm horribly out of the loop and so I don't know what's old and what's new, but there were a ton of books there for sure. I guess if you're out that way somewhere, check it out? I thought it was the best one I'd been in, in forever.

Jedeye Sniv

Ultimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Comics X-Men: World War X (maybe not this one, what with the whole Brian Wood thing)
Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand
Cataclysm: Ultimates (yes, they're two different books)
Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man
Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men

Dude no, all he needs is Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand. Everything else is going to be "where was XXXXXXX when that big purple guy appeared in the sky?"

RIP Ultimate Spiderman. You were a constant companion over the years and shall be missed :(
Leonard Kirk is like a poor man's Immonen. His line work is very similar but it hasn't got any of the personality of Stu's far superior work. Immonen is the fucking shit.

His work on the latest All New X-Men kinda made it one of my favorite single issues of all time.

Seeing him on all the Uncanny characs was really phenomenal.
I think I just learned over the years not to look up to any comic book writers/artists, because they will inevitably disappoint you when they turn out to be sleazy fucks or, in Brendan McCarthy's case, a middle-aged white privileged racist assclowns


Amazing artform, but the industry is filled with so much shit its a bit depressing


There's an other Brian Wood story out there now. It's pretty gross. I don't feel so bad about dropping X-Men anymore.
Really strange to see this coming back to bite him in the ass ten years later. That it's so surprising is the saddest part -- this has definitely happened with other writers and artists over the years, and they've all gotten away with it to this point.

But hey, at least Rich Johnston gets to ruin people's lives with gossip and then report on it a decade later!
Young Brian wood sure like to get around. Dude was like a brother in a frat house

It's one thing to sleep around. Nothing wrong with having lots and lots of good, old-fashion, life-affirming consensual sex. It's another thing to use your position of power and influence to pressure women into satisfying your own sexual needs and then destroying the reputations of those women with lies about how those incidents played out. That behavior is disgusting and infuriating and there is no excuse for it whether you're in university or a married man with children.

Edit: and to those of you who like to bring up how long ago these incidents were, you know, you are the only ones differentiating between the Brian Wood of 6 or 8 years ago and the Brian Wood of today. He certaining hasn't said anything like "Yeah, you know what? I made some bad choices back in the day. I was being a jerk and I didn't really realize it. I have learned since though and I've become a more empathetic person and I've taken steps to change." But he hasn't said ANYTHING like that instead he just mades excuses and reframes the accusations to be no big deal. So why would we think he's any different today than he was then?

I was glad to see that information about Brendan McCarthy being shared here, as well. That shit is revolting.


McCarthy isn't absolutely wrong on everything though....right? I watch a lot of cable news because.....well yes, i watch it. Fox and MSNBC pick and choose what stories they want to cover that reaffirms their beliefs and agenda. I don't think that's a shocking opinion. Fox got fixated on black on white violence during the Treyvon media peak as retaliation.


USA Today has an interview with Marc Andreyko about taking over Batwoman. Like I said when they announced he was taking it over, I think the book will be in good hands.


Dude no, all he needs is Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand. Everything else is going to be "where was XXXXXXX when that big purple guy appeared in the sky?"

RIP Ultimate Spiderman. You were a constant companion over the years and shall be missed :(

Why does Miles-Man have to go away :(
McCarthy isn't absolutely wrong on everything though....right? I watch a lot of cable news because.....well yes, i watch it. Fox and MSNBC pick and choose what stories they want to cover that reaffirms their beliefs and agenda. I don't think that's a shocking opinion. Fox got fixated on black on white violence during the Treyvon media peak as retaliation.

I'm sure there's some kind of point to be made but that sure as shit isn't the right time or place to do it. It's inappropriate and gross. Also, he's full of shit.

comics, man.
USA Today has an interview with Marc Andreyko about taking over Batwoman. Like I said when they announced he was taking it over, I think the book will be in good hands.

I will really really miss the creative team on Batwoman, but I think Andreyko has as good a shot as any at keeping the book strong. I'm not sure about Haun, I actually wouldn't have minded Gaydos coming along with Andreyko, or hey, they have Maleev on Dark Knight, hwy not him. Haun is a good artist but too inoffensive for me. I don't mind the art being vastly different to Williams but I'd like something striking.

Also, what the fuck, why is there 4 artist credits and 2 inkers on Batwoman #25. I really hope they work that in organically with flashbacks or something.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll probably start with KotOR as I own the first two trade paperbacks already (which I just now remembered...).

Justice League was delayed til December 11.
And there it suddenly disappeared from the pull list. As did Superman Unchained.

Jedeye Sniv

His work on the latest All New X-Men kinda made it one of my favorite single issues of all time.

Seeing him on all the Uncanny characs was really phenomenal.

Yeah man, I love the way he draws Magik the most, she looks sharp. He's really the king of body language though, the stuff he does with arms and hands is so great. I know it's a weird thing to fixate on, but his figures really seem to take up space in the world.

I knew he was 4 reel on two books - first, when I was a kid he did Final Night and he drew superhero costumes better than I'd ever seen them, they looked like fabric rather than painted muscles. And then years later when he was on Ult Spidey he did this page where Peter is in his room in the dark and the page just blew me away in it's simplicity and solidness. The people just looked real.

I'm a fringe case though in that I really don't like how he drew Secret Identity, it just looks way too photoreferenced in that it could almost be photographs he's drawn over. I have no idea how he did it and if it was really that photobased but I just didn't enjoy it. His post Nextwave style is the shit though.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
What is this shit? The Superior Stantastic Sfour?

What am I going to be down to Marvel wise... lets see. Amazing X-Men, Thor, Hawkeye, Superior Foes, New Avengers, and the Remender books if he pulls his thumb out. I'm pretty sure the point of NOW wasn't to ensure I read less cape books than ever?
Anyone still reading Catwoman? Does it get better after the first volume or should I bail out?
I think GrandHarrier still does for some reason. I haven't, but I somehow really doubt that it does. Drop it and pick up those Brubs trades. I haven't read all of that run yet but Darwyn Cooke, Cameron Stewart, and Ed Brubaker > Ann Nocenti, Guillem March, and whoever March's replacements were
Yeah man, I love the way he draws Magik the most, she looks sharp. He's really the king of body language though, the stuff he does with arms and hands is so great. I know it's a weird thing to fixate on, but his figures really seem to take up space in the world.

I knew he was 4 reel on two books - first, when I was a kid he did Final Night and he drew superhero costumes better than I'd ever seen them, they looked like fabric rather than painted muscles. And then years later when he was on Ult Spidey he did this page where Peter is in his room in the dark and the page just blew me away in it's simplicity and solidness. The people just looked real.

I'm a fringe case though in that I really don't like how he drew Secret Identity, it just looks way too photoreferenced in that it could almost be photographs he's drawn over. I have no idea how he did it and if it was really that photobased but I just didn't enjoy it. His post Nextwave style is the shit though.

He's all kinds of versatile yeah. If you can get your hands on his sketchbook(s) he made with Adhouse, it's incredible the different styles he can draw in.

And yeah, his body language. The panel where Kitty punches Scott in the shoulder is one of my instant all time favorites.
Done with Sex Criminals. Too much for me. Call me old fashioned.
Never got into it. Fraction had spread himself to think even with his wife ghostwriting some of his work. He needs to be focusing on Inhuman BIG TiME.

But i will relate to you and I dropped Saga. 16 issues is the leeway I will give to a comics superstar. He's just not a good enough writer to pull of worldbuilding. So it just boils down to a bunch of weird anthropomorphic beings saying crass things while moving the supposed plot a long at a snails pace. "I want to fuck your penis hole so bad!" So deep.


Really liked Superman Wonder Woman #2. Two good issues so far and I really love the art. Can't wait for more now. Should really get back to reading Wonder Woman's solo book. I don't care much for supes but ww is awesome.
Why do you still buy it if you know it's shit? Hoping it gets better or just really like Catwoman?

To clarify: I tend to see things through to the end and continue to pick up a title well after I should have bailed out and canceled it. Often times this is for one of two reasons; Either the writer is going to get shit canned soon (PLEASE?) and I'd rather take my lumps and have a complete collection of the run as a battle scar / reminder of the dark times (and because I'm a completionist) or because the title is going to get cancelled and I'm still a completionist.


Hello, ComicsGAF!
Long post incoming; preemptive tl;dr: I stopped reading many Western comics when I was a teenager because I got burned by Teen Titans, and realized that Japanese comics are more self-contained, generally. I would like some Western (not like the Old West) recommendations.

I used to read a lot of Western comics when I was a kid. I picked up Teen Titans, Uncanny X-Men with every new issue. I bought a bunch of random issues and trades, too. However, I missed a few issues, tried to get back into Teen Titans, but I didn't think it was as good... Years later, I tried again, and I was very confused by Infinite Crisis.

Anyway, because of this, I was slowly reading less and less Western comics, but more and more Japanese comics. I found that the overlapping universes and titles was just a bit overwhelming for me in Western comics because I didn't want to make the commitment to follow it all. I've been lurking (mostly the comics of the month) ComicsGAF for maybe 6 months, and I've been wanting to make this post for a long time. I've finally found some free time that I'd like to spend with comics, so here I am. I'd like some recommendations to get me back into the West. Conversely, if any of you want to try out Japanese comics, I can surely recommend something based on your interests.

These are the things I've read and really enjoyed/things that I know I'll enjoy already:
Uncanny X-Men (10 years ago. It's vague. I know.)
Teen Titans (Geoff John's run up to when they go to the future.)
All-Star Superman
Scott Pilgrim
Daredevil (Bendis' run)

So, as I said, I think I prefer things that are contained within their own universe. Having to read #X-#X of ______ to read another series is a bit off putting for me. Superhero comics are awesome, but I really love original stories that don't follow this formula, too.


Yeah I saw that and it looks just as dumb as my prejudgement told me that it would.

Like I want it to be really good, because I freaking love Giffen and DeMatteis, but I have a bad feeling about it. I mean I'll still buy it of course, but I have a feeling it'll be cancelled by this time next year.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
But i will relate to you and I dropped Saga. 16 issues is the leeway I will give to a comics superstar. He's just not a good enough writer to pull of worldbuilding. So it just boils down to a bunch of weird anthropomorphic beings saying crass things while moving the supposed plot a long at a snails pace. "I want to fuck your penis hole so bad!" So deep.

Heh. I don't think Saga is bad but after reading the two volumes, I definitely agree that it's overrated. Yes, the art is great, and there are some nifty ideas, but Vaughan's sometimes 'edgy' dialogue is obnoxious, and I don't know where the story is going. It's just an open-ended tale of a small band of people trying to stay one step ahead of their pursuers. If that's all there is, it gets pretty repetitive real quick.

The first volume of East of West was more satisfying to me in terms of having some bonkers sci-fi/fantasy ideas and yet still laying down tracks for the story and characters.

Or with the other Hickman book, The Manhattan Projects. That's a little more open-ended, but you can see all kinds of conflicts and complications coming down the line. Saga's just, these characters chasing these other characters. There aren't really any overarching agendas or goals besides that premise.

Those are some half-baked ideas, but yeah, Saga isn't the second coming. It's fine, but it lacks ambition beyond being weird and edgy.


Hello, ComicsGAF!
Long post incoming; preemptive tl;dr: I stopped reading many Western comics when I was a teenager because I got burned by Teen Titans, and realized that Japanese comics are more self-contained, generally. I would like some Western (not like the Old West) recommendations.

I used to read a lot of Western comics when I was a kid. I picked up Teen Titans, Uncanny X-Men with every new issue. I bought a bunch of random issues and trades, too. However, I missed a few issues, tried to get back into Teen Titans, but I didn't think it was as good... Years later, I tried again, and I was very confused by Infinite Crisis.

Anyway, because of this, I was slowly reading less and less Western comics, but more and more Japanese comics. I found that the overlapping universes and titles was just a bit overwhelming for me in Western comics because I didn't want to make the commitment to follow it all. I've been lurking (mostly the comics of the month) ComicsGAF for maybe 6 months, and I've been wanting to make this post for a long time. I've finally found some free time that I'd like to spend with comics, so here I am. I'd like some recommendations to get me back into the West. Conversely, if any of you want to try out Japanese comics, I can surely recommend something based on your interests.

These are the things I've read and really enjoyed/things that I know I'll enjoy already:
Uncanny X-Men (10 years ago. It's vague. I know.)
Teen Titans (Geoff John's run up to when they go to the future.)
All-Star Superman
Scott Pilgrim
Daredevil (Bendis' run)

So, as I said, I think I prefer things that are contained within their own universe. Having to read #X-#X of ______ to read another series is a bit off putting for me. Superhero comics are awesome, but I really love original stories that don't follow this formula, too.

Planetary. It's collected in four volumes, read them all, thank me later.


Started to catch up on some stuff. Umbral #1 was a good start.It's all kind of familiar but the creative team has soemthing of a track record with me so they've got time We do have a map though. That's a big plus. The issue left me intrigued enough to want to continue.

Manifest Destiny #1 - American history with fantasy elements thrown in. No particular standout characters. The setup's okay, potential for some interesting drama further down the line. Liked the artwork though and the writer's love for all things weird gives me hope. Will give it another few issues.

Drumhellar #1 - Strange. You get thrown in the deep end with not too much in the way of explanation. Scene changes are erratic and sometimes confusing. But I kind of liked it. Enjoyed some of the exchanges between characters. Love Rossmo's artwork. Might be a trade-wait. Still undecided.


Does Paul Dini write any ongoing comics? His short in this month's Batman black and white was a nice read and I'd love to see more. Also I can be forever grateful to him for Harley.


No Scrubs
Does Paul Dini write any ongoing comics? His short in this month's Batman black and white was a nice read and I'd love to see more. Also I can be forever grateful to him for Harley.

He did Heart of Hush a while back, but I don't think he's doing anything at the moment.


Hello, ComicsGAF!
Long post incoming; preemptive tl;dr: I stopped reading many Western comics when I was a teenager because I got burned by Teen Titans, and realized that Japanese comics are more self-contained, generally. I would like some Western (not like the Old West) recommendations.

I used to read a lot of Western comics when I was a kid. I picked up Teen Titans, Uncanny X-Men with every new issue. I bought a bunch of random issues and trades, too. However, I missed a few issues, tried to get back into Teen Titans, but I didn't think it was as good... Years later, I tried again, and I was very confused by Infinite Crisis.

Anyway, because of this, I was slowly reading less and less Western comics, but more and more Japanese comics. I found that the overlapping universes and titles was just a bit overwhelming for me in Western comics because I didn't want to make the commitment to follow it all. I've been lurking (mostly the comics of the month) ComicsGAF for maybe 6 months, and I've been wanting to make this post for a long time. I've finally found some free time that I'd like to spend with comics, so here I am. I'd like some recommendations to get me back into the West. Conversely, if any of you want to try out Japanese comics, I can surely recommend something based on your interests.

These are the things I've read and really enjoyed/things that I know I'll enjoy already:
Uncanny X-Men (10 years ago. It's vague. I know.)
Teen Titans (Geoff John's run up to when they go to the future.)
All-Star Superman
Scott Pilgrim
Daredevil (Bendis' run)

So, as I said, I think I prefer things that are contained within their own universe. Having to read #X-#X of ______ to read another series is a bit off putting for me. Superhero comics are awesome, but I really love original stories that don't follow this formula, too.

Try out some stuff from other publishers like Image, IDW, Dark Horse and Boom. Sounds like you're looking for creator-owned series. There's all sorts of stuff coming out from Image like Saga, Prophet (start with issue #21), Manhattan Projects, East of West and Fatale. Hellboy/BPRD and Black Beetle from Dark Horse. American Vampire and The Unwritten from Vertigo.
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