Sometimes I have to ask if I like Batman characters because of the comics or because of the 60s TV series.
Like I always really liked the Penguin, but I can't remember the last good Penguin comic I read(well, I remember that Jason Aaron one being good). I think its mostly because Burgess Meredith.
I like the Brubaker run with Darwyn Cooke, Cameron Stewart, Guy Davis, Javier Pullido, etc etc a lot but other than that Catwoman has never been particularly interesting in the comics themselves to me (versus the Julie Newmar and Anne Hathaway portrayals which I'm kiiinda into).
He might be disagreeing with labeling Catwoman a superhero in the first place, which I would agree with.
He might be disagreeing with labeling Catwoman a superhero in the first place, which I would agree with.
No Jamie Reyes, Zatanna, Mera, Plastic Man, or Power Girl? Fuck this shit.So IGN just posted a list of the top 25 DC heroes in honor of the company's 75th anniversary:
1) Superman
2) Batman
3) Wonder Woman
4) Hal Jordan GL
5) Nightwing
6) Wally Flash
7) Catwoman
8) Barry Flash
9) Shazam
10) Aquaman
11) Green Arrow
12) Swamp Thing
13) Martian Manhunter
14) Kyle Raynor GL
15) Babs Batgirl
16) John Constantine
17) Supergirl
18) Black Canary
19) Booster Gold
20) Jonah Hex
21) Starfire
22) Hawkgirl
23) Cyborg
24) Ray Palmer Atom
25) Damien Wayne
Super Safe Top 3. Hal Does not deserve his top 5 spot. Glad to see Wally getting some love.
This is the part I don't get. I don't treat women this way. What am I expected to do when I'm not part of the problem? I understand it's an issue that exists, but I'm not perpetuating it.
I'm in love with Mike Del Mundo's cover work. Like this new one for Loki:
I will never read anything from a Snyder protege again. The same template they use, oh god.
I suggest you care.
I suggest you show that you care by not complaining and trying to shame people when they are angry at the people who do treat women this way.
I suggest that you not make your focus how long the person making accusations kept silent. Focusing your attention on that- of all aspects of this, really, that's your focus?- focusing on that implies that you are suspicious of her motives. That you don't believe her.
By the way, what is the amount of time acceptable to you for a person to work through this issue privately before they have the courage to come forward? 5 years? 3? If it was under 2 years you wouldn't wonder why it took so long? Or do they have to announce it to you immediately? I suggest you pay attention to what tends to happen to women who speak up about these sorts of incidents and then ask yourself why they keep quiet. Oh, and see how much they tend to "gain" from outing the people they accuse, while you're at it.
If you want to be a part of the solution then caring is a good way to start. Being empathetic. Learning and responding better the next time this sort of thing comes up in conversation. Be an ally to women and men who care. Show you care about this problem with the words you use when these issues are raised.
If my store gets this cover I am all over it. That's wonderful.
Nice post!I suggest you care.
I suggest you show that you care by not complaining and trying to shame people when they are angry at the people who do treat women this way.
I suggest that you not make your focus how long the person making accusations kept silent. Focusing your attention on that- of all aspects of this, really, that's your focus?- focusing on that implies that you are suspicious of her motives. That you don't believe her.
By the way, what is the amount of time acceptable to you for a person to work through this issue privately before they have the courage to come forward? 5 years? 3? If it was under 2 years you wouldn't wonder why it took so long? Or do they have to announce it to you immediately? I suggest you pay attention to what tends to happen to women who speak up about these sorts of incidents and then ask yourself why they keep quiet. Oh, and see how much they tend to "gain" from outing the people they accuse, while you're at it.
If you want to be a part of the solution then caring is a good way to start. Being empathetic. Learning and responding better the next time this sort of thing comes up in conversation. Be an ally to women and men who care. Show you care about this problem with the words you use when these issues are raised.
Ask them to order it in advance for you!![]()
They can do things like that?
I ain't salty. To be the man you gotta beat the man. And I want to beat the best. I would feel no joy putting Lobdell out of a job but I would enjoy making Kirkman humble.My father once told me Rafa is salty
They can do things like that?
I tend not to say much in the comic store. I just mind my own business. It bothers me slightly that every time I am being served the guy at the counter is always having a full blown conversation with his coworker. Not even business stuff just shooting the shit. Leads to me not wanting to ask for stuff. Hence why I don't know if they keep stuff for people weekly or how to set it up.
I'll stop my whining now.
slowly getting done with Age of Ultron on MU, #8 came out monday.
This event really did become a sack of jumbled crap. You shouldn't name a book Age of Ultron and lack Ultron.
I will never read anything from a Snyder protege again. The same template they use, oh god.
slowly getting done with Age of Ultron on MU, #8 came out monday.
This event really did become a sack of jumbled crap. You shouldn't name a book Age of Ultron and lack Ultron.
Now i think Whedon and Marvel are trolling Bendis by naming Avengers 2 " Age of Ultron" since it's actually going to have Ultron in it.
An intriguing new title from Image/Top Cow drops tomorrow, A Voice in the Dark #1. I've posted a link to the preview below (from my phone. Hope it works?)
From what I gather it's about a college-age female serial killer in the making. And it's style is more realistic and down-to-earth than it is cinematic or flashy. Basically it looks a little like some of the autobiographical cartoon collections I've read. It was written, drawn and shaded by Larime Tatlor who has arthrogryposis. He put it together using a Clintiq tablet and a pen in his mouth, which is impressive, but picking this up you probably wouldn't be doing him a favour so much as you'd be doing one for yourself. By which I mean to say it's up my alley, looks good, I look forward to reading it, and hope some of you will check it out.
Sad thing is that Age of Ultron is actually the prequel of Marvel Now. From Infinity, to All-New X-men, passing through Spider-Man 2099 on Superior and the Hulk time travelling. Age of Ultron is the saga that set the tone for "time is broken" and this fact is ignored because it's kind of an awful event.
Got to say, the premise alone interests me a lot. Hope I can get it when it drops tomorrow.
I saw that Batman Eternal picture, and I noticed the new batwing costume looked like the Beyond suit. So I researched it a bit, and from what the TV tropes page says, they just made the new guy a black Terry Mcginnus in the past.
I have 2 questions:
1. If they want a Batman Beyond comic, why don't they just make one?![]()
2. Is it any good?
Well, I meant part of the new 52. That batman beyond comic is in it's own continuity, right?
Well by it's very definition it can't be a part of the new 52 continuity, it's happening in the future.
You should still be reading it, it is very good.
Jonah Hex takes place a hundred years in the past and demon knights was in the 1500's iirc. Seems doable to me. But yeah, regardless, I'll check it out. What about Batwing though?
Being in the future is a little more complicated than doing a story in the past, plus it's digital first which means it's a buck a chapter. Best dollar I spend all week.
No idea about that, I dropped that ages ago.
Seems the solution to that would just be networking well with the other batman writers, which is what they have to do anyway so their comics don't contradict each other too much. Again, seems doable to me, but whatevs.
Will check out BB because I luvs BB
Well the problem is not just Batman, but the entire DC line. Batman Beyond pretty firmly establishes some of the fates of DC characters - most notably Superman - so putting BB in regular continuity means potentially fucking with a lot of books and creators' storylines. That's a lot to go through for one book.
Yeah. Ultimately, no one wants to lock the universe into a specific future. Basically every Batman future we ever see is just a possible future. It's best to leave it that way with the Beyond universe too.
No Jamie Reyes, Zatanna, Mera, Plastic Man, or Power Girl? Fuck this shit.
Yup, apparently Morrison told Snyder exactly that a little while back. He said that basically every Batman run is it's own canon and every writer has his own ending for the character.
It's what JMS did with Spider-man.
So for Morrison every run is a separate canon, and in his run everything is canon.
Scrodinger's canon.
No Jamie Reyes, Zatanna, Mera, Plastic Man, or Power Girl? Fuck this shit.
I suggest you care.
I suggest you show that you care by not complaining and trying to shame people when they are angry at the people who do treat women this way.
I suggest that you not make your focus how long the person making accusations kept silent. Focusing your attention on that- of all aspects of this, really, that's your focus?- focusing on that implies that you are suspicious of her motives. That you don't believe her.
By the way, what is the amount of time acceptable to you for a person to work through this issue privately before they have the courage to come forward? 5 years? 3? If it was under 2 years you wouldn't wonder why it took so long? Or do they have to announce it to you immediately? I suggest you pay attention to what tends to happen to women who speak up about these sorts of incidents and then ask yourself why they keep quiet. Oh, and see how much they tend to "gain" from outing the people they accuse, while you're at it.
If you want to be a part of the solution then caring is a good way to start. Being empathetic. Learning and responding better the next time this sort of thing comes up in conversation. Be an ally to women and men who care. Show you care about this problem with the words you use when these issues are raised.
A lot of things I've never heard of. The Japanese stuff was safe stuff and limited to what is domestically available. Though seeing touch was not expected.
ipad: great, especially if you want single page viewing
nook hd: kill it with fire
I read a sample page on my iPad and it was a bit blurry. I guess it could be because I still have an iPad 2, but I wasn't sure if the scans were better than some free old Spider Man comic they had up.
So, as opposed to what was previously reported, Harley Quinn #0 is not The Death Of All Comedy As We Know It, it's merely an incredibly self-indulgent self-referential for the sake of being self-referential goofy dream sequence that has nothing of value to offer beyond a chuckle and multiple pats on the back. It's not indicative of anything beyond its own existence. It's a harmless bit of fun, but that it's coming from DC Comics is nothing short of miraculous. It's what it is. If you want good comics, get Zero #3.
I read a sample page on my iPad and it was a bit blurry. I guess it could be because I still have an iPad 2, but I wasn't sure if the scans were better than some free old Spider Man comic they had up.