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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Saint Nic
I use iPad 2 for my comics as well. To get the best picture, zoom in till the page reaches the sides of the ipad (so you have to scroll a couple of inches up and down). Seems a perfect size for me, no blurriness.

It works great for other comics I have, but the Marvel App seemed a bit weird. I will give it another try. After playing more and more Marvel Heroes, I'm finding myself REALLY interested in all the characters - so many neat villains I've never even heard of. If I find that I'm just being dumb and the text is good, I may just get a subscription for a while.

Speaking of that, I would LOVE to start a collection of physical books, but it just feels really expensive to start out. $50+ for a book is tough to get going on (even though I know that's a lot cheaper than buying individually, ha).


So it's not going to end up being a contest winner's....BIG BREAK?

Two things: first, the Sexy Bathtub Suicide Scene seems to have been pruned from the script; second, that page is kinda shit? Like, the artwork's decent for a kid from Deviantart, but it's laid out in such a way that the bunch of visual jokes that make this page are buried in confusing composition, and the coloring doesn't help.
Two things: first, the Sexy Bathtub Suicide Scene seems to have been pruned from the script; second, that page is kinda shit? Like, the artwork's decent for a kid from Deviantart, but it's laid out in such a way that the bunch of visual jokes that make this page are buried in confusing composition, and the coloring doesn't help.

Aw, shazz, DC usually has such a great eye for artists....

Jedeye Sniv

It works great for other comics I have, but the Marvel App seemed a bit weird. I will give it another try. After playing more and more Marvel Heroes, I'm finding myself REALLY interested in all the characters - so many neat villains I've never even heard of. If I find that I'm just being dumb and the text is good, I may just get a subscription for a while.

Speaking of that, I would LOVE to start a collection of physical books, but it just feels really expensive to start out. $50+ for a book is tough to get going on (even though I know that's a lot cheaper than buying individually, ha).

What books are costing $50+? Sounds like the super duper hardback editions which are really only for superfans/rich people/idiots. Most paperback books will set you back maybe $20.

As I tell everyone who's jumping in - start slow, find stuff that looks interesting and then take your time with it. You have your whole life ahead and there are lots of amazing comics. But never feel that you 'have' to buy anything, especially expensive editions.


Saint Nic
What books are costing $50+? Sounds like the super duper hardback editions which are really only for superfans/rich people/idiots. Most paperback books will set you back maybe $20.

As I tell everyone who's jumping in - start slow, find stuff that looks interesting and then take your time with it. You have your whole life ahead and there are lots of amazing comics. But never feel that you 'have' to buy anything, especially expensive editions.

I guess I didn't look to see if the books were hardcover or soft (just browsing Amazon for the books I had seen that I thought looked interesting back when). I'll keep my eyes peeled for ideas. B&N is starting to have a really robust selection near me, so I may go check them out to get some ideas this weekend.
Stormwatch, the shit show that lasted far beyond the lengths any rational man would have expected, was finally taken out back and put down. Issue #30 is the end.


Stormwatch, the shit show that lasted far beyond the lengths any rational man would have expected, was finally taken out back and put down. Issue #30 is the end.

Cornell leaves at issue #6 and he leaves a golden fucking goose of a premise. Then Milligan takes over and does his thing, and it's bland but in an interesting way where it's still interesting and special. And then Starlin comes in and erases everything that was neat and interesting about this version of Stormwatch to do his dumbass 90s throwback thing and meanwhile NO ONE HAS COME BACK TO THE THING THAT WAS SET UP EARLIER and god damnit this book had promise


Stormwatch, the shit show that lasted far beyond the lengths any rational man would have expected, was finally taken out back and put down. Issue #30 is the end.

Remember when it was billed as the book for the N52? And all the big developments and reveals were going to spawn out of Stormwatch?




Remember when it was billed as the book for the N52? And all the big developments and reveals were going to spawn out of Stormwatch?

Those were the days. When there was positivity regarding the new 52, before all the stories about editorial shenanigans broke out.


I was told that New Guardians was the best of the GL books after the creative changes, so I picked it up on a whim today and have some impressions. The Kyle x Carol thing is so stupid, Kyle can't even get his own love interest, they have to a live triangle with Kyle x Carol x Hal? If he needed a love interest they should have brought back Sora Natu and gone from there. I was a bit thrown when he made a construct and it was green and not white, I get that he became the White Lantern by mastering the whole spectrum, but shouldn't his constructs reflect that as well and be white? Otherwise he may as well be the Rainbow Lantern. The story was interesting enough and the 6 or so pages the main artist (Brad Walker I think) were good, the rest of it was a fill in artist and his stuff was ok but not great.


Any one know which issue this is from?


DD 33 was just about what you would expect it to be. Excellent, insane and left wanting another cancelled Legion of Monsters series
Had me like damn, just like that Ronan. lol
Ready for infinity to end though. The earth stuff was better than the space stuff.

Gonna miss Superior Spidey when this crazy train ends :(

I dunno, space stuff started off pretty slow, but the last few issues have been off the chain. I'm loving the whole space opera thing now.

Black Dwarf stays losin' though.


Harley was pretty fun. They ditched the bathtub scene and Palmiotti was right, that page makes perfect sense in the context of the book. Oh well. The Cooke and Timm pages were probably my favorite, I loved
Amanda's Power Girl styled wedding dress
in Cooke's part.


No Scrubs
Had me like damn, just like that Ronan. lol
Ready for infinity to end though. The earth stuff was better than the space stuff.

Gonna miss Superior Spidey when this crazy train ends :(

Have you seen the preview for the next Superior? I don't think calling it a crazy train is going to be enough anymore.


So the next Uncanny Avengers arc seems pretty awesome http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=49255
In a CBR exclusive first look at Marvel Comics' "Uncanny Avengers" #14 by Rick Remender and incoming artist Steve McNiven, Kang the conquerer does more than travel through time -- he appears to be uniting some of the far-flung future stories of the Marvel Universe as Remender looks to set up his next big arc -- and possibly tee up the rest of the Marvel U for the next year.

In the preview, Kang travels to:

3806, where he gathers Stryfe amidst the Mutant Liberation Front
2033, where May Parker, the "Earth X" version of Venom, is about to be sucked in to the vortex
2099 to pick up that era's Doom
2020 for Arno Stark, the Iron Man of that era
2014 to pick up Ahab
2043 to enlist Elizabeth Braddock of the future
2055 to get a Deathlok Abomination.

Each of these eras relate to either a past story of Remender's or recall another major plot point from the extended Marvel Universe. 2043 is the same era Remender's "Uncanny X-Force" traveled to during "Final Execution", 2055 recalls both Remender's "Deathlok Nation" arc of "Uncanny X-Force" and his "Secret Avengers" run. We've already seen the 2099 Universe pop up in modern comics thanks to Dan Slott's most recent "Superior Spider-Man" arc, and Arno Stark was just introduced as Tony's long-lost brother in Kieron Gillen's "Iron Man." It's also already been confirmed that Stryfe is the main antagonist for the "Uncanny X-Force"/"Cable and X-Force" crossover, "Vendetta."

However, that does still leave a few outliers: why go to 2014 -- which is mere months away in real-time? And is Remender really planning to fully integrate the "Earth X" reality into the 616? And those are just the questions and observations we have after reading the first four pages of "Uncanny Avengers" #14!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
This. Tomasi is great. I imagine he is in a holding pattern, to a degree, over who will be "the new Robin" until Forever Evil finishes out. But it'll be its namesake again, eventually.

I seriously loved and continue to love the rotating Batman &... comics. I enjoyed the series prior to Damian's death but during and after is when I realized I loved it and it is genuinely a great book.

Also, Carrie Kelly is in the series. How fucking nuts is that?
So the next Uncanny Avengers arc seems pretty awesome http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=49255

This book is slowly and steadily improving all the time. I'm almost finished Uncanny X-Force, and I'm enjoying going back over UA to see where it all ties in. Remender is great at using all these old concepts. Art looks good, but McNiven will probably cause the book to be delayed and delays are the last thing this book needs.


Junior Member
So after the fact, is Battle of the Atom worth reading or am I safe to skip ahead to the latest X-Men issue?

Meanwhile, I'm having quite fun with the Journey into Mystery collection.
Zero, best book of the week again. Don't know where Ales Kot came from, but he's got a really strong authorial voice already, and you can feel the confidence in his work even when you can see all the influences he got from Global Frequency, James Ellroy, and Grant Morrison. Got some fantastic artists to work alongside him that are right there with in the storytelling. There's a really nice page layout with him sneaking through the vents, a vertical slice on the right for when he's climbing, and a bunch of tight horizontal spaces at the bottom emphasizing how snug he is. A very nice use of negative space in the confrontation near the end. Bellaire is great as well, the icy blue corridors giving way to the bright red bathrooms, the yellow and red panels offsetting each other and flowing really nicely. Its a very well-crafted comic.
So after the fact, is Battle of the Atom worth reading or am I safe to skip ahead to the latest X-Men issue?

Meanwhile, I'm having quite fun with the Journey into Mystery collection.

It's a fun story severely kneecapped by super subpar art towards the end. But the middle, where things are at full tilt crazy and the art is phenomenal, that stuff is well worth a read.

You should be able to follow along without it, but it did actually set up a surprising amount of stuff.


Zero, best book of the week again. Don't know where Ales Kot came from, but he's got a really strong authorial voice already, and you can feel the confidence in his work even when you can see all the influences he got from Global Frequency, James Ellroy, and Grant Morrison. Got some fantastic artists to work alongside him that are right there with in the storytelling. There's a really nice page layout with him sneaking through the vents, a vertical slice on the right for when he's climbing, and a bunch of tight horizontal spaces at the bottom emphasizing how snug he is. A very nice use of negative space in the confrontation near the end. Bellaire is great as well, the icy blue corridors giving way to the bright red bathrooms, the yellow and red panels offsetting each other and flowing really nicely. Its a very well-crafted comic.

He's fucking phenomenal and if you missed Wild Children you should pick it up.

He is kind of an asshole tho...


Ales Kot is also only like 23 or 24 years old and has that "I'm gonna change the world" mindset. So basically he's a young opinionated asshole and not an old jaded one yet.

But yeah, if you haven't read Change or Wild Children do yourself a favor and check them out.
The mystery new Guardians of the Galaxy member has been revealed.
It's Agent Venom, congrats to those in this very thread that called it.

Full story here.

Also, I just bought the Valiant starter bundle on comiXology. Am I in for good times, ComicGAF?
I picked up Sex Criminals and I'm giving "Three" a shot.

Damn everybody talking about Zero makes me want to try it.

Ten is a good cap for Indie's, right?


of course there's a Catwoman ass shot

and is Batman sitting down? What the fuck is this shit.

I remember when I was REALLY looking forward to Teen Titans...

you and me both. i just knew that was gonna be my book of the new 52(other than static and red hood.) then.. well

I'm proud to say I could smell that shit show coming.

Static Shock and Blue Beetle on the other hand.... :'(
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