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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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I'm on a big Batman kick after finishing Arkham Origins, was Batman Noel any good?

I enjoyed it. It's a pretty solid Christmas Carol type deal, plus the artwork is pretty gorgeous (the preview in all the DC books before it came out are actually what sold me)
So what do you guys think of the rumors surrounding Uncanny Avengers that (SPOILER ALERT!)
it's Rogue's turn to make the ultimate sacrifice and bite the big enchilada?

Evidence appears to be mounting...

Will you
miss Marvel's skunk-haired Southern belle, or has her importance been so diminished over the years that the best it will warrant is a mere shrug?


So what do you guys think of the rumors surrounding Uncanny Avengers that (SPOILER ALERT!)
it's Rogue's turn to make the ultimate sacrifice and bite the big enchilada?

Evidence appears to be mounting...

Will you
miss Marvel's skunk-haired Southern belle, or has her importance been so diminished over the years that the best it will warrant is a mere shrug?

will finally be reunited with
one true love


So what do you guys think of the rumors surrounding Uncanny Avengers that (SPOILER ALERT!)
it's Rogue's turn to make the ultimate sacrifice and bite the big enchilada?

Evidence appears to be mounting...

Will you
miss Marvel's skunk-haired Southern belle, or has her importance been so diminished over the years that the best it will warrant is a mere shrug?

Dropping every x-book but Uncanny Avengers and Aaron's stuff...i can go without that character.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
* Black Beetle, Vol 1
* Hellboy: Library Edition, Vol 2
* Hellboy: Library Edition, Vol 3
* Lazarus, Vol 1
* The Manhattan Projects, Vol 2
* Mind MGMT, Vol 2
* Planetoid
* TMNT, Vol 6

Manhattan Projects was bonkers. I'm rereading those first issues again to absorb absolutely everything. Excited for more. I dug the hell out of East of West too. I like this Hickman fellow.
Oh please.

We still have the Ms. teaser that was her colors.

This speculation just make me go huh?

Well, this is coming from the same people who praised the beginning of Bendis's X-Men.

Especially since Remender has said he has plans for Rogue.

Also Rogue is in the Marvel Women calender for 2014.


* Black Beetle, Vol 1
* Hellboy: Library Edition, Vol 2
* Hellboy: Library Edition, Vol 3
* Lazarus, Vol 1
* The Manhattan Projects, Vol 2
* Mind MGMT, Vol 2
* Planetoid
* TMNT, Vol 6

Manhattan Projects was bonkers. I'm rereading those first issues again to absorb absolutely everything. Excited for more. I dug the hell out of East of West too. I like this Hickman fellow.
Damn that's a killer list of trades. Lazarus, Hellboy, TMNT, Black Beetle. I said gotdamn.

MP is indeed insane and it never gets saner. Such a fucking unique book. Volume 3 comes out this week too so you can get caught up in no time.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Is it weird that Green Arrow is probably the book I'm most looking forward tomorrow?

(Aside from Hinterkind, of course.)
So what do you guys think of the rumors surrounding Uncanny Avengers that (SPOILER ALERT!)
it's Rogue's turn to make the ultimate sacrifice and bite the big enchilada?

Evidence appears to be mounting...

Will you
miss Marvel's skunk-haired Southern belle, or has her importance been so diminished over the years that the best it will warrant is a mere shrug?

Would prefer it if
Havok's costume died instead.


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
found these at Half Price books

Y the Last Man vol 1
Saga vol 1

really liking Angela in the GotG

anyone else canceling Aquaman when Geoff Johns leaves?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Damn that's a killer list of trades. Lazarus, Hellboy, TMNT, Black Beetle. I said gotdamn.

MP is indeed insane and it never gets saner. Such a fucking unique book. Volume 3 comes out this week too so you can get caught up in no time.

Yeah, I'm sure the third volume will be in my next splurge. Great stuff, I'm glad I finally pulled the trigger.

Your mileage may vary but my local Barnes and Nobel is having a buy 2 get one free on marvel and DC trades

The website has this sale as well, and it's good through January 2nd.

They had that sale around this time last year as well. Is it just a thing they do now?

I assume it was pretty successful for them. I know they grabbed a good amount of my cash.


oh come on, i cut my pull list TOO MUCH? 29 books atm from 41 last month and i know a few aren't shipping in January though, namely Invincible, Manhattan Projects, and other stuff. EDIT: forgot Superman Unchained and Sandman Overture were on a skip month, my pull list is safe.

January dcbs order:
Avengers World #1
Deadly Class #1
FBP vol 1
Inhuman #1

Batman 27
Forever Evil 5
Justice League 27
JLoA 11
Trillium 6
Wonder Woman 27
Black Science 3
East of West 10
Lazarus 7
Saga 18
Walking Bread 119, 120
Amazing X-men 3
Avengers 25
Captain America 15
Daredevil 35
FF 16 - ending
New Avengers 14
Superior spidey 25, 26
Thor 17, 18
Uncanny Avengers 16

Ind Hulk, Morning Glories ( trades or nothing imo), x-men, uncanny x-men, guardians of the galaxy, all new x-men, fatale, and possibly mind the gap and revival based on reading my back issues of it.

Avengers World double shipping at the start is irksome, it's hard to throw $5 at something like that off the bat. Thunderbolts revamp and Black Widow are also double shipping to start.
what's all this Rogue talk?
Still pissed off Legacy was better than that Fraction/Gillen/Brubaker/x-vampire stuff?
I don't care she fucks up as a leader, still better than the the Cyke/ Logan dick measuring crap

Marvel I will QUIT you, IDGAF
Finally got my hardcover of Stumptown vol. 02 in the mail today, along with a paperback of Dance with Dragons that-I-forgot-I-had-ordered-with-Stumptown-and-that's-why-it-was-taking-so-long-to-come-in.


Huh. Here's your answer.

Well, she’s not Angela.

The New York Times have revealed G Willow Wilson as the new writer of the new Ms Marvel comic, and that the new character wearing the name of the publisher as a teenage Muslim girl.

She’s also from Jersey. I’m not sure which aspect is going to cause more fuss.

Editors Steve Wacker and Sara Amanat approached Wilson, a female Muslim comic book writer, rather rare in the industry, with the idea of such a character. The new Ms Marvel, Kamala Khan, is an American with Pakistani parents, and a fan of previous Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers, has shape changing abilities.

Kamala will face struggles outside her own head, including conflicts close to home. “Her brother is extremely conservative,” Ms. Amanat said. “Her mom is paranoid that she’s going to touch a boy and get pregnant. Her father wants her to concentrate on her studies and become a doctor.” Next to those challenges, fighting supervillains may be a welcome respite.

The book is drawn by Adrian Alphona…


Would prefer it if
Havok's costume died instead.

Amen brother. Remender needs to man up and demand some redesigns for the cast. Havok, Sunfire and Janet look fucking goofy compared to everyone else (yes, I am a fan of Cap's movie soldier look, the pirate boots and ugly gloves are never coming back, thank god).

I think the Muslim part of the character is more interesting, honestly. There are so few well-represented Muslim characters in comics.

I'm really interested, I might give this Ms. Marvel a shot. I wonder if Marvel will keep it going even if sales flounder. Dig the costume too.
Christ, NYT. I just assumed it wasn't announced yet. Hate it when sites do that. The artist is as important as the writer, people!


No Scrubs
I think the Muslim part of the character is more interesting, honestly. There are so few well-represented Muslim characters in comics.

I know, that's what I was referring too with my second line. The first one was a joke about their joke.

I really hope this does well. It sounds like a good idea and it sounds like they have a good writer on the book. I'll definitely be giving this a shot.


I feel like I need to stay out of this thread. Placed an order for six more books ;_; All that talk about Spidey got me to order Spider-Man Blue, which then somehow led to me ordering Superman Earth one Vol 1 and 2 and Fairest.
I feel like I need to stay out of this thread. Placed an order for six more books ;_; All that talk about Spidey got me to order Spider-Man Blue, which then somehow led to me ordering Superman Earth one Vol 1 and 2 and Fairest.

Well, at least they're cheaper than figures. XD

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Uncanny Avengo-spongler speculation:
After taking Kitty away for spurious reasons, could have at least given Aaron a chance to run with Rogue if no-one else knows what to do with her other than some shitty sacrifice for Remender's completely unconnected shitty run on her character as some angsty fist-first idiot with a grudge

Ethnically diverse Ms-Marvel wrinkles my "oh Marvel, are numbers that bad" itch a bit too much. Especially with such a tenuous link to previous Ms Marvel and unrelated powers. I'm sure Kamala Khan will be Miles Morales new friend in no time.
Godddamn you's guys...

I guess im gonna stop by Barnes & Nobles and take advantage of that sale..

Any suggestions?? Probably pick up A Batman book im sure


Knows the Score
They went from Marvel to Marvel Now to All New Marvel Now? What's the next move?

The All New Marvel Now and Scrappy Doo.

Uncanny Avengo-spongler speculation:
After taking Kitty away for spurious reasons, could have at least given Aaron a chance to run with Rogue if no-one else knows what to do with her other than some shitty sacrifice for Remender's completely unconnected shitty run on her character as some angsty fist-first idiot with a grudge

Ethnically diverse Ms-Marvel wrinkles my "oh Marvel, are numbers that bad" itch a bit too much. Especially with such a tenuous link to previous Ms Marvel and unrelated powers. I'm sure Kamala Khan will be Miles Morales new friend in no time.

I was wondering if it was going to be Faiza Hussain when I saw the headlines earlier, guess she's been forgotten now.
I saw it on Saturday, it was good! I enjoyed it even more than the first, which I really liked. I loved how much of it was set in England, and it was cool seeing more of the nine realms and secondary characters. Did you stay for the post-credits teaser?

I stayed for both, knowing that the Post Credits one is just some extra fun.


When I saw "Muslim girl" my first thought was Dust:


But this new series looks good! Sounds like an interesting premise. And I love this cover:

I stayed for both, knowing that the Post Credits one is just some extra fun.

Yeah I always make a point of staying after the credits of Marvel films. The second one was sweet but kind of expected. That first one though, I didn't see that one coming!

"Five Years Later" is apparently going to happen.


September 2014 would be my guess.

That sketch is looking real Batman Beyond...
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