Who moved to Philly and Oklahoma? Any extensive knowledge I have of the Marvel U is of it circa 1994/95.
Isn't Thor from Oklahoma?
Who moved to Philly and Oklahoma? Any extensive knowledge I have of the Marvel U is of it circa 1994/95.
Lol @ spoilers. Also:
JEEEEEEAAAAAAN always makes me laugh :lolOh we're posting redo's of pages? On it!
Easily my favorite
Wow! Hey everyone, have you ever wanted to read the undisputed Best Comic but your financial obligations to garbage comics prevented you from having enough money for both? Well with this sale you can keep shamefully buying Catwoman AND get the entire run of Best Comic Alive! Call now and place your order TODAY!Chew Best comic being published is a today's comxology sale
99 cent singles or all 6 trades for 30 bucks. amazing deal
I'm talking about Marvel/DC specifically. I know there's a shitload of good indie shit.From what I can tell, there are tons of indie and creator-owned comics that are not typical superhero stuff?
Or are you saying it has to be Marvel/DC who do it?
Who moved to Philly and Oklahoma? Any extensive knowledge I have of the Marvel U is of it circa 1994/95.
Venom moved to philly, for some reason. Don't know if he's still there or not.
I'm talking about Marvel/DC specifically. I know there's a shitload of good indie shit.
yeah there are points to be made like the graphic novel one and the fact that superheroes dominate but the rest is... yeah.
So brahs what new Marvel book do you think has the potential to be the new Morbius? I think it could be either the new Mexican Ghostrider or Fantastic Four.
I don't think they need to. I'd just like them to. They can probably do ok by doing the same things forever, although I think that saying "the market said so" is kinda worthless considering the low bar for what good sales are for comics these days.Ah ok, so the next question is why do you feel like Marvel/DC need to do that stuff?
Ah, yeah, for sure. I was trying to get at some of that. They cater to the same audience all the time.I wasn't even talking about that, which is totally valid, but like, the idea that superhero comics are trying way too fucking hard to be the glummest thing that ever glummed, like, oh, look, they're fucking mutilating children and raping and murdering and murder-raping to death and we're fucking losing sight of what those characters and the ideas they represent are supposed to be because Industry People don't want people to write good, they want what sells to the few die-hards that were there since forever and would buy fucking anything as long as it had shades of your regular white male power fantasy, and apparently Doctor Light being a rape addict sold really fucking well, so fuck you that's all you're getting when there should be a fucking push to make things more kid-, woman- and pretty much everyone-friendly is something Moore was getting at and which will be lost to the annals of "that crazy shit he says because DC made fucking Watchmen prequels"
Felipe Smith is too much of an unknown quantity, so I can't say for sure, but one book I'm thinking might end up disappointing is the Edmonson/Noto Black Widow book. Edmonson has been nothing but boring in his Corporate Cape books, and Noto, well, he's Noto. That kinda sorta sounds like something that may be as disappointing as "Morbius, from the guy who made Glory pretty fucking cool."
Edmonson wrote Grifter? Oh boy, first ook I ever dropped.Yeah, Edmonson's a toss up. I read Grifter, bro, don't think i've forgotten.
I don't think they need to. I'd just like them to. They can probably do ok by doing the same things forever, although I think that saying "the market said so" is kinda worthless considering the low bar for what good sales are for comics these days.
Ah, yeah, for sure. I was trying to get at some of that. They cater to the same audience all the time.
The FF to me, really need a back to basics approach. So much tension is lost with all these alternate dimension, parallel dimensions, alternate futures, alternate parrallel possible future dimensions, technobbable. The stakes just dont exist when they are incomprehensible. And then what you get is some half baked Seventh Heaven Family drama. Franklin needs to be written out.
Edmonson wrote Grifter? Oh boy, first ook I ever dropped.
The FF to me, really need a back to basics approach. So much tension is lost with all these alternate dimension, parallel dimensions, alternate futures, alternate parrallel possible future dimensions, technobbable. The stakes just dont exist when they are incomprehensible. And then what you get is some half baked Seventh Heaven Family drama. Franklin needs to be written out.
Is it a necessity for me to have read Hawkeye Vol. 1 to read Vol. 4?
Oh, okay. Thanks a lot!Heavens no. If you're reading trades, you just need My Life as a Weapon, then Little Hits. Or the oversized hardcover has both.
Heavens no. If you're reading trades, you just need My Life as a Weapon, then Little Hits. Or the oversized hardcover has both.
Its all about this now brah. http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=49385
Its MURRRRRDAAAAAIts all about this now brah. http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=49385
For a while there I thought Marvel was going to try more non-superhero with their Icon imprint, but that's been a pretty half-hearted effort.I don't think they need to. I'd just like them to. They can probably do ok by doing the same things forever, although I think that saying "the market said so" is kinda worthless considering the low bar for what good sales are for comics these days.
Vertgo is not on the way out brah. Especially with Geoff Johns about to enter the fray.
Vertgo is not on the way out brah. Especially with Geoff Johns about to enter the fray.
Yeah, but the current Hawkeye series doesn't even have four volumes out yet (I think the third is available for preorder?), so that can't be the enquiry Kikarian is making.Uh. That's volume 1 AND 2 lol.
So the answer is "Heavens yes" I guess?
I assume it's this - http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/11...ver-evil-and-creator-owned-vertigo-comic-too/ (which is referencing this - http://www.terrazero.com.br/v2/2013/11/fiq-frente-a-frente-com-geoff-johns/ )Is there a story about this? All a google search picks up is his and Lemire's story in Ghosts...
Alternatively though, the current series is the fourth 'volume' overall (if you take 'volume' to mean 'fourth ongoing series called Hawkeye, excluding several miniseries with variously appellated names -- which wiki and databases and such seem to).
The assumption then becomes that their query is "Do I need to read Hawkeye 'volume one' from 1983 (collected in a trade in '88) or can I just start here with Fraction's run?", to which TetraxShards' answer is very, very right![]()
I know it's still a month away but I can't wait for the Robotech/Voltron comic. I'm such a nerd for stupid shit like that.
How did I not know this existed? I remember loving Robotech as a kid, though I can't seem to remember much of it now. Wonder if it's too late to ask my LCS to try and order it.I know it's still a month away but I can't wait for the Robotech/Voltron comic. I'm such a nerd for stupid shit like that.
Wait, that's a thing? Sign me the hell up!
How did I not know this existed? I remember loving Robotech as a kid, though I can't seem to remember much of it now. Wonder if it's too late to ask my LCS to try and order it.
He mentioned it on DC All Access. God I hate those ads in my comics, broad has such a wide gapping mouth and the brah trying to act all gangster. And why the fuck is there a huge ass photo of Grifter in the background? Thanks Jim Lee.Is there a story about this? All a google search picks up is his and Lemire's story in Ghosts...
Spider-Man is my favorite comic book character and I've come to realize he doesn't have nearly enough representation on my bookshelves. All I have is the Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus Vol 1. (which is awesome btw). Anyone have any recommendations for recent Spidey hardcovers that are worth owning?
I was hoping for a best of compilation or two and I can't find anything. A compilation of a top tier recent run or two will suffice.
How is Batman Inc.? Never read any of it, but now that the last hardcover is up on InStockTrades, I'm thinking of grabbing all three. Worth it?
How is Batman Inc.? Never read any of it, but now that the last hardcover is up on InStockTrades, I'm thinking of grabbing all three. Worth it?