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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Bane was better.
WOW! The best marvel event since forever. I am left with many questions...obviously the threat of incursions is still a very real problem and touched upon in the epilogue, but what about the problem that the builders were coming to fix? The thread of a broken timestream/spacetime continuum. Has it been mentioned anywhere where that stuff is going?
Oh my fucking jehosphat. Come kn Marvel, Joe Mad. This is the most important Marvel book since the Disneypurchase. Thanks for telling us ahead of time!
I gave him the bendit of the doubt and said he would last two issues.

Inhumanity always seemed to be some kind of "backup plan" for Marvel to back Fox into a corner with the rights re: using mutants. i.e. "if you don't want to renegotiate terms, then fine- we'll simply de-emphasize mutants/write them out and use inhumans in their place."

I'm wondering if behind the scenes negotiations with Fox have made pushing inhumans and inhumanity less necessary. The last panel of Uncanny Avengers seems to imply
marvel ramping up mutants to a LARGE degree, so having the mutant and inhuman populations explode at the same time doesn't really seem to make much sense


That's kind of....
I always knew he'd only do the first few issues, but I assumed that they would have had him working on this for a while and built up a 'backlog' of work they could publish to avoid this kind of delay before announcing it. They know the guy isn't a monthly schedule artist, but to not even make the first issue before delays just makes them look incompetent.
I thought the Inhumans were being lined up as their next 'big thing' and I'm kind of baffled they'd let an artist delay scupper that, but then again I suppose they allowed the same to happen to Uncanny Avengers and that was an even 'bigger' title. I'm not sure 'The rise of the inhumans following what happened during Infinity' works quite so well when it no longer follows the event, but I guess if they have to make it fit they can; the coipel oneshot, the bradshaw oneshot, and awakening have december through january covered and I think the Inhumanity arcs in Assemble and Hulk run through February, so maybe they can bump it back a few months and pretend it follows them?
I suppose it depends how much the events of the ongoing (which I assume had been plotted out as a centrepiece of some sort) were meant to be referenced elsewhere. The chronology could end up a little wacky (nothing new there, I suppose) if Inferno or whoever is meant to be important to the wider world but hasn't actually been introduced yet due to the delay.
Hopefully Rich can dig up some stuff soon. I want to see Whacker back pedal on this. Really disappointed. I wanted to see them rise to prominence. But to cancel the book? Makes me think it could be more than Joe Mad.


No Scrubs
WOW! The best marvel event since forever. I am left with many questions...obviously the threat of incursions is still a very real problem and touched upon in the epilogue, but what about the problem that the builders were coming to fix? The thread of a broken timestream/spacetime continuum. Has it been mentioned anywhere where that stuff is going?

I think their plan was to spare the 616 by destroying the Earth, which was an option given by the Black Swan early on in New Avengers. It looks like the New Avengers are going to try to reverse engineer Thane's living death ability to try and stop the end of all things.
This was probably the best Marvel event in forever. Especially considering that they are no where near the end of these plot lines. I can't wait for the next New Avengers.

This week's Superior felt way way way too short. There was a lot of good stuff there but I need the next issue right now.

Uncanny Avengers
just killed off like 3 different characters
in the space of 5 pages. It's really been hit or miss for me, but that was a damn good issue.

I can't pick up Black Science until next week, please tell me it's going to be worth the wait.


Why couldn't Johns get one last arc on Aquaman? I don't want to wait for Forever Evil to end to get the next part of this story in Justice League. :/

Great ending to the run. I don't think John's Aquaman ever quite hit the highs of his GL work, but it was the best he's done recently and certainly in the upper tier of the New 52.
I think their plan was to spare the 616 by destroying the Earth, which was an option given by the Black Swan early on in New Avengers. It looks like the New Avengers are going to try to reverse engineer Thane's living death ability to try and stop the end of all things.
This was probably the best Marvel event in forever. Especially considering that they are no where near the end of these plot lines. I can't wait for the next New Avengers.

This week's Superior felt way way way too short. There was a lot of good stuff there but I need the next issue right now.

Uncanny Avengers
just killed off like 3 different characters
in the space of 5 pages. It's really been hit or miss for me, but that was a damn good issue.

I can't pick up Black Science until next week, please tell me it's going to be worth the wait.

I thought the plan was to use the bomb to destroy whatever alternate earth was at the opposite end of an incursion, not the earth they all live on.

New Avengers was some eye opening shit though.
black swan basically just laughed the entire event off and implied the builders were jack shit compared to what WAS coming for them, and even exposed the most massive plot hole of all re: the event in the space of a couple of panels

I can't see how Thane's "ability" is going to save much of anything,
and it's implied that Thane becomes even worse than what Thanos was, eventually anyway. I think the plan is to find some way to use Thanos' cunning and resources to find a way out of this. Sheer power isn't going to get it done with what they have on hand.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Is the new-ish Guardians of the Galaxy run any good? I read a good chunk of the 2008 run and enjoyed it. I've read the origins/early stuff for Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon, too.

When I saw the new series I was immediately turned off by them changing Star-Lord's looks completely, and the new outfits in general. Not sure why they'd ever ditch the amazing uniforms they had in '08. I would have liked to see an evolution of that space-WW2 style. The whole Mass Effect-knock off look is really dull compared to what they used to be rocking.

I also heard Agent Venom's going to join the Guardians which is actually kind of interesting, considering that the symbiote is a cosmic entity. Seems cooler than Iron Man being on the team, anyway.

I was a real big fan of the 2008 stuff but the current Guardians is just retread Bendis writing. If you like bendis you'll like the current Guardians comic.


No Scrubs
I thought the plan was to use the bomb to destroy whatever alternate earth was at the opposite end of an incursion, not the earth they all live on.

New Avengers was some eye opening shit though.
black swan basically just laughed the entire event off and implied the builders were jack shit compared to what WAS coming for them, and even exposed the most massive plot hole of all re: the event in the space of a couple of panels

I can't see how Thane's "ability" is going to save much of anything,
and it's implied that Thane becomes even worse than what Thanos was, eventually anyway. I think the plan is to find some way to use Thanos' cunning and resources to find a way out of this. Sheer power isn't going to get it done with what they have on hand.


Oh hell, New Avengers is out this week? I hadn't realized! Be right back, I completely scrolled over that on my app. >.<


Regarding dangling Marvel Plot points:

These two pages were flash forwards in New Avengers #2 about 10 months ago:


If you are done your books this week, think about how many of those panels have actually happened to date. Gives some idea about the scope of the current stories.


Infinity 6

Hickman did a really good job showing how powerful Thanos was in this issue. After how he handled Thor and Hulk, maybe people can stop being pissed that he took Black Bolt down. If it wasn't for his plot device son, the Avengers would have lost.


No Scrubs
yeah it is. you DEFINITELY want to read that.

I just did, they are so utterly fucked.
Black Swan is going to betray them with Thanos and the other guy at some point, that much is clear. I seriously doubt they team up with him. Not only that there's so much shit out there they aren't prepared for. That said I still think they'll try and make a weapon that can recreate the living death. Considering it was the only thing that was thrown at Thanos that was effective, they'll need that sort of power in the future.
Regarding dangling Marvel Plot points:

These two pages were flash forwards in New Avengers #2 about 10 months ago:

If you are done your books this week, think about how many of those panels have actually happened to date. Gives some idea about the scope of the current stories.

One of those panels is definitely the "mapmakers" black swan was going on about. uh oh.

I just did, they are so utterly fucked.
Black Swan is going to betray them with Thanos and the other guy at some point, that much is clear. I seriously doubt they team up with him. Not only that there's so much shit out there they aren't prepared for. That said I still think they'll try and make a weapon that can recreate the living death. Considering it was the only thing that was thrown at Thanos that was effective, they'll need that sort of power in the future.

well that the thing. The way i interpreted that as, was that

the whole conflict, and thanos' forces themselves were as "children playing" compared to the real threat. Something that stopped thanos wouldn't give the REAL threats any pause at all. Laughing off the builders as a species that were confined to "under 5 thousand realities" really puts into perspective what kind of level Black Swan is playing on, versus where everyone else THINKS they are. In the grand scheme of things, the builders aren't shit, and neither is thanos. They're going to have to do something drastic to save things, and Thanos himself is probably the only individual in that room prepared to do so, and with the ability to do so. I agree that I can see black swan teaming with him or freeing him if the Avengers fail to get their shit together
I was always impressed by how subtley different Cameron Stewart made both Batmen look so you always knew who was Bruce or Dick, despite them having mostly the exact same outfit during the fight.


This was probably the best Marvel event in forever. Especially considering that they are no where near the end of these plot lines. I can't wait for the next New Avengers.

Eh Infinity is a long, long way off Annihilation in terms of top Marvel events. For a supposedly big event the ties in were pretty average and half of Infinity 1-6 was just a deus ex machina/Avengers wank off in space.

Edit: I must admit I did enjoy Thanos dicking over Blackbolt, Thor & Hulk though.
Eh Infinity is a long, long way off Annihilation in terms of top Marvel events. For a supposedly big event the ties in were pretty average and half of Infinity 1-6 was just a deus ex machina/Avengers wank off in space.

The "space opera" part turned out to be the best part for me, personally. The whole Thor fake out/surrender bit was just gold.

Clearly though, infinity isn't the big event, but the BUILD UP to the big event. New Avengers makes this pretty clear.


Eh Infinity is a long, long way off Annihilation in terms of top Marvel events. For a supposedly big event the ties in were pretty average and half of Infinity 1-6 was just a deus ex machina/Avengers wank off in space.

The whole event really should have just been the Thanos/Illuminait side of the story. The Builder war story was dull as bricks, made no real amount of sense, and was completely disconnected from the Thanos half of the plot.

Clearly though, infinity isn't the big event, but the BUILD UP to the big event.

Just like every Marvel event :lol
The whole event really should have just been the Thanos/Illuminait side of the story. The Builder war story was dull as bricks, made no real amount of sense, and was completely disconnected from the Thanos half of the plot.

This I'll agree with at least. The two parts of the story had almost nothing to do with each other.

I don't agree the "builder war" part of the story was dull at all (I thought the second half of that is the strongest part of infinity as a whole) but they really felt like two separate events that kind of crossed over a little.
Infinity ended more or less how I expected. But it was a really enjoyable event, for once. So I've got a New Avengers #12 question. I didn't read the series prior to the Infinity tie-ins... So what's the deal with Black Swan? Who is she? Where is she from? Why does she always have cryptic conversations with the Illuminati in a deep dark room?


Eh Infinity is a long, long way off Annihilation in terms of top Marvel events. For a supposedly big event the ties in were pretty average and half of Infinity 1-6 was just a deus ex machina/Avengers wank off in space.

I'm surprised you disliked that part, since it was basically a continuation of the stuff that began in the Marvel Cosmic comics.

Also, Hickman clearly has future plans for those characters. He spent a long time setting up the Kree and the Annihilation Wave again in his FF books, and by the end of Infinity we have new status quos for Gladiator, Ronan, Super Skrull, and Annihilus. I'm sure there's more to come with all of that.

Infinity ended more or less how I expected. But it was a really enjoyable event, for once. So I've got a New Avengers #12 question. I didn't read the series prior to the Infinity tie-ins... So what's the deal with Black Swan? Who is she? Where is she from? Why does she always have cryptic conversations with the Illuminati in a deep dark room?

New Avengers

She is from an alternate reality. In her introduction she crossed over into Marvel 616 Wakanda during an incursion, and blew up an alternate earth. Black Panther captured her. She seems to be sort of a priestess of death or something similar. She sacrifices worlds so universes can live.


No Scrubs
This I'll agree with at least. The two parts of the story had almost nothing to do with each other.

I don't agree the "builder war" part of the story was dull at all (I thought the second half of that is the strongest part of infinity as a whole) but they really felt like two separate events that kind of crossed over a little.

I feel like the whole point of the builder war was so that Black Swan could give them that speech and give us an idea as to how utterly and completely fucked they are.
I feel like the whole point of the builder war was so that Black Swan could give them that speech and give us an idea as to how utterly and completely fucked they are.

could be!

Though I think it's odd that the earth-based side with Thanos' generals brought up the missing time gem REALLY early, went on a hunt for it, razed the fuck out of wakanda chasing it and...er....just dropped the whole thing entirely.


could be!

Though I think it's odd that the earth-based side with Thanos' generals brought up the missing time gem REALLY early, went on a hunt for it, razed the fuck out of wakanda chasing it and...er....just dropped the whole thing entirely.

Thanos was distracted by news of his son's capture, and all of the Illuminati's super bombs. Then stuff happened.
I just did, they are so utterly fucked.
Black Swan is going to betray them with Thanos and the other guy at some point, that much is clear. I seriously doubt they team up with him. Not only that there's so much shit out there they aren't prepared for. That said I still think they'll try and make a weapon that can recreate the living death. Considering it was the only thing that was thrown at Thanos that was effective, they'll need that sort of power in the future.

You just gave me an idea. What if
they found a way to recreate the living death as an alternative to destroying the worlds? Maybe with the hope of saving them later on?
New Avengers

She is from an alternate reality. In her introduction she crossed over into Marvel 616 Wakanda during an incursion, and blew up an alternate earth. Black Panther captured her. She seems to be sort of a priestess of death or something similar. She sacrifices worlds so universes can live.

Cool, thanks a lot for the explanation. She seems like a cool character.


The "space opera" part turned out to be the best part for me, personally. The whole Thor fake out/surrender bit was just gold.

Clearly though, infinity isn't the big event, but the BUILD UP to the big event. New Avengers makes this pretty clear.

It could well be the start of a really amazing event but it's got to stand up by itself at the moment and I found it pretty average overall. As I said I found the cosmic stuff a bit dull that was just resolved in a couple of pages by Captain Universe, Starbrand etc.

I think he meant "Marvel event people actually read".


Oh no you didn't. ;(


No Scrubs
You just gave me an idea. What if
they found a way to recreate the living death as an alternative to destroying the worlds? Maybe with the hope of saving them later on?

That's exactly what I was originally thinking. They'll try and use it for something, they can't leave anything on the floor at this point. Everything has to get thrown at this problem in the hope that something will stick.
You just gave me an idea. What if
they found a way to recreate the living death as an alternative to destroying the worlds? Maybe with the hope of saving them later on?

I think the living death bit is a red herring. It's significant because it's the only thing Thanos fears, but that's about it.

the implication of
"worse things are on their way" is that there are massively, massively powerful forces coming, strong enough to make thanos and the builders look like a joke, and these forces when they turn their attention to earth to destroy it will not be stopped by childs toys like the living death, starbrand, etc.


Not really referring to stuff in this week's issues, but one thing I liked about Infinity was the contrasting of Steve and Tony's groups. Hickman used the phrase "It was an Avengers world, the first of many" twice in and around Infinity. Once in New Avengers #6, the first time the Illuminati destroyed a world by their own device, and once when the Avengers liberated one of the planets held by the builders. I'm pretty sure it was also explicitly mentioned somewhere that Steve represents life while Tony represents death. The Avengers save worlds and the Illuminati takes them.

What the hell is
living death

I took it to mean a living statue. Thanos is conscious, but can't move. In reality, it is a convenient way to revive him later when he is needed. Only so many times we are going to buy Thanos dying.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Fuck I picked up catwoman and accidentally bought it lol. I need to pay more attention to this shit. I meant to put it back down :(

Well, to be fair, this week's issue was great so it's not that bad.


Well, to be fair, this week's issue was great so it's not that bad.

Well that's good to hear. Glad I seem to be lucking out on this.

I also bought the Abe Sapien for $1, never read anything Hellboy before other than itty bitty Hellboy and I really enjoyed the movies.
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