You might as well not go if you're only planning to spend $600.
Pretty much. The experience only really begins after $700.
You might as well not go if you're only planning to spend $600.
Serious question. WHAT is good about this art? WHY is it good?
I just see the worst eyes / faces / bodies of any artist literally ever.
Serious question. WHAT is good about this art? WHY is it good?
I just see the worst eyes / faces / bodies of any artist literally ever.
It'd just help if he could draw eyes. And human faces. And human bodies.
I swear some people like artists inversely to their skill and quality. The worse the artist is the more fiercely they love it.
If you pick up 30+ bland ass Nu52 books and think they're generally good-to-great, you'll never know
Whoah, didn't know they were still using villains like Enerjak lol. I stopped reading sonic comics FOREVER ago but that name stuck out.
Let me interject and say that art is subjective and that nobody wins this debate.
Yea...I like both artists shown for different reasons.Let me interject and say that art is subjective and that nobody wins this debate. Both of those pages are pretty awesome.
Let me interject and say that art is subjective and that nobody wins this debate. Both of those pages are pretty awesome.
Ain't nothing wrong with that, is there?
As long as in the end everyone agrees that Quitely is the best, I would assume you are right.
I don't think it's a "fuck you, I'm right debate", man. We're just having a good ole fashioned art debate and probably exposing each other to why we like the art we like. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is there?
I swear, some people like artists with incredible artistic talent and flourishes that aren't ubiquitous in standard ass cape comics. There's a whole fuckton of personality seeping through Bertram's art that instantly clicked with me, and the amount of fine detail that he puts into his panels, alongside his ability to create genuinely fascinating panel layouts, is absurd:
At the end of the day, Ian Bertram is an infinitely more interesting artist than somebody like, say, Jason Fabok.
I don't think it's a "fuck you, I'm right debate", man. We're just having a good ole fashioned art debate and probably exposing each other to why we like the art we like. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is there?
nah, cats in here catch feelings real quick. Run off to Figure-GAF because people don't want to scroll through niggas talking about post counts and olivia wilde gifs and waifus. I aint said shit about all the dudes blasting Frank Quitely, at the expense of dull-as-dishwater Tony Daniel DC house style. At this point, we're talking about two completely incompatible worldviews.
But what about Juanjo Guarnido? Great artist and all-around nice guy from what I hear.
I may come off dickish in regards to shit like Quitely and Bertram. But it's honest to God something I seriously want to understand. Like, I get that art tastes are subjective. But when all time lists put Quitely near or at the top or Bertram's art is heralded as the second coming I just want to know. Not many artists raise my ire enough to post about it. Honestly, I think Quitely and Bertram are the only consistent ones. Typically I just sort of shrug and chalk it up to tastes.
But Goddamnit. I just don't get it and I want to.
So you say it is "dull". But is it good? Do you look at Tony Daniel artwork and think "That guy can't draw for shit" but look at Bertram and think "Fuck yeah. This is second coming type shit." Is it just because it's different? If all art was Bertram art, if Bertram's "European Style" was the norm and house style, would you dislike it?
What's an artist that would have comic GAF universal appeal? I nominate J .H. Williams III. Who can not love this guys work eh?
Gaze upon El Gaucho and weep at his beauty. Bertram draws him absolutely dripping with machismo, just the way the Batman of Argentina should look. I majored in fine art for two years in college, so believe me, I get that everyone appreciates different things. But man, I dunno how you can look at that panel and not get stoked to read that comic. Those characters have so much personality.
I hope this doesn't get me in trouble for spoilers but...
Forgive my shitty pain skillz
Gaze upon El Gaucho and weep at his beauty. Bertram draws him absolutely dripping with machismo, just the way the Batman of Argentina should look. I majored in fine art for two years in college, so believe me, I get that everyone appreciates different things. But man, I dunno how you can look at that panel and not get stoked to read that comic. Those characters have so much personality.
What's an artist that would have comic GAF universal appeal? I nominate J .H. Williams III. Who can not love this guys work eh?
GH do read WE3 that's on sale. It's by far quitelys best work and the story is amazing. Only $3! Give it a whirl
Line kn the sand!Holy shit gaiz, what did I miss? You get your thread full of masturbatory comic analysis, and you're still at each other's throats. I blame Korupt.
When I look at something like that I don't see people. I see caricatures. over exaggerations, hyper proportions that people would mock in a Liefeld panel. I can't see them as "real" even in the fake universe that they inhabit.
Yeah, JHW3 is pretty good. Unique panel layouts and skillful art style.
As for WE3, I typically don't buy digitally. Is it $3 for all of it?
soooo i'm going to my first comic con this weekend and ive never been. what do i bring? how much cash should i bring?
Holy shit gaiz, what did I miss? You get your thread full of masturbatory comic analysis, and you're still at each other's throats. I blame Korupt.
Can i pencil you in for a four o'clock potato debate?
Absolutely. I have an interesting theory about potatoes I'd like to bring to the table.
Holy shit gaiz, what did I miss? You get your thread full of masturbatory comic analysis, and you're still at each other's throats. I blame Korupt.
Which con you going to? Scope out who will be there (artists, vendors, etc) and make a list of things you will potentially buy and then just throw in another $200 for misc items and food.
As for other items, take a backpack, snacks and your drink(s) of choice. Also, take any floppies or trades you want signed if any of their respective creators are there.
When I look at something like that I don't see people. I see caricatures. over exaggerations, hyper proportions that people would mock in a Liefeld panel. I can't see them as "real" even in the fake universe that they inhabit.
Yea $3 for all 3 issues.As for WE3, I typically don't buy digitally. Is it $3 for all of it?
It's been, what, five months? And we STILL don't have our El Gaucho ongoing drawn by Bertram.
It's a first-class outrage.
GrandHarrier said:When I look at something like that I don't see people. I see caricatures. over exaggerations, hyper proportions that people would mock in a Liefeld panel. I can't see them as "real" even in the fake universe that they inhabit.
This cannot be stressed enough. You're going to get thirsty fast if you frequent any of the packed halls. That shit gets heated quick and even if you don't mind paying out the ass for food and water at the con itself the lines will be insane. Sometimes 30+ minutes just to get through the lines.
I never understood the Liefeld appeal even at his peak. I'd try a couple books and then see all the praise by Wizard and wonder if everyone were taking crazy pills. And then came the Liefeld clones. Wow
Every post in here is masturbatory, well for me at least.
I bought WE3
dunh dunh DUNH. :O