Well, I read a comic once again! It was the fifth of the Sonic Saga line. And it was okay, not too bad considering it was drawing a lot from the godawful, terrible Knuckles backstory characters/plot stuff. And in Flynn's continued efforts of cleaning up the universe after taking over, he killed off Knuckles' terrible dad! Yay!
Also, how's this for a sign to clean up a floor: I just got a damn pin stuck in my foot. It was from some knickknack oversized thing you'd pin on a jacket or whatever and it must have fallen down there at some point, and it stuck right in there. Fortunately it wasn't in deep or anything and my tetanus shots should be up to date, but yeah... that was a new one.
Following up on this post (which taught me that even when included alongside tales of unintentional self-mutilation, nobody cares enough to respond to a post about Sonic comics), I read Sonic Saga 6, catching me up on those trades. And it was nothing too crazy, but it was a nice, fun little comic. Also, I have to admit, Scourge may be a fantastically dumb concept, but for some reason I can't help but like him, goofy evil greaser Sonic colored green though he may be.