Holy crap that comixolgy sale
My wallet
My wallet
If this thread continues to grow, how would you all feel about having a ComicsGAF IRC channel? We tried it once before but the thread was quite smaller then and maybe if we considered it the place for "off-topic" chat it would help us keep the thread a little more comics-centric. Just a thought...
So for the grant morrison minis on sale. I've read WE3 and Flex Mentallo and have the doom patrol omnibus. Anything else worth picking up? I've heard mixed chat on seaguy, joe the barbarian, etc
dunh dunh DUNH. :O
I'm down with Skype/IRC
7 Day Comixology sale for Grant Morrison Vertigo stuff. Looks like a bunch of skippable tripe to me!
TeeFury has a couple shirts ComicsWaifuGAF would love:
EDIT: How tied to The Invisibles is The Filth?
Well, I bought my first individual issues yesterday. Picked up #1-3 of Grayson. Somewhat embarrassing since I went by a shop that I didn't know was closed on Mondays, but the owner let me in anyway (Thanks Mammoth Games of Tulsa).
I really enjoyed the issues. #3 was especially good. The climax of the issue was predictable but well done. I'm loving the art. Dick's outfit keeps reminding me of Chris Redfield's outfit from RE5.
My only real complaint is that I wasn't expecting nearly every other page to be an advertisement. They are really distracting, though I suspect I'll learn to tune them out. Do the digital releases also have ads? If they don't I might switch to digital only, especially since I have no idea what's the best way to store these issues.
Well shit. There goes the Hickman Cosmic dream.
Maybe all Marvel alternate universes end?
Yeah, it's a reboot.
I can't imagine Marvel goes through with an actual reboot at this point. Maybe a soft relaunch ala Marvel Now, but not a full New 52.
Just wait 'til issue 10. Oh fuck.I just finished issue 6 or 7 of Manhattan Projects. I don't really have much more to add, so I'll just reiterate that it is indeed fantastic.
Edit: OH, and as the resident person who has been volunteering for a political campaign, I'm pretty sure it's my duty to remind all you Americans that you should vote today.
Awesome, more Doom Patrol discussion is always a good thing. Also, I don't think we've spent much time talking about The Filth in this thread, and I'd definitely like to hear others' thoughts on that mind-fucking book.Just bought doom Patrol, the filth and Vimanarama
I feel you. How do you even assume the Omnibus Reading Position (ORP) with a tiny digital fake paper thing?Man let me tell you something...this Morrison sale is awesome, but it feels almost like sacrilege not only buying his shit on sale, but also digitally.
I haven't read this in way too long... bought.Also, anyone who CBA to drop $3 on Vimanarama, the single greatest comic story of our generation, needs to rethink some shit.
Just wait 'til issue 10. Oh fuck.
As for political voting: nah, son.
Awesome, more Doom Patrol discussion is always a good thing. Also, I don't think we've spent much time talking about The Filth in this thread, and I'd definitely like to hear others' thoughts on that mind-fucking book.
I feel you. How do you even assume the Omnibus Reading Position (ORP) with a tiny digital fake paper thing?
Well, I bought my first individual issues yesterday. Picked up #1-3 of Grayson. Somewhat embarrassing since I went by a shop that I didn't know was closed on Mondays, but the owner let me in anyway (Thanks Mammoth Games of Tulsa).
I really enjoyed the issues. #3 was especially good. The climax of the issue was predictable but well done. I'm loving the art. Dick's outfit keeps reminding me of Chris Redfield's outfit from RE5.
My only real complaint is that I wasn't expecting nearly every other page to be an advertisement. They are really distracting, though I suspect I'll learn to tune them out. Do the digital releases also have ads? If they don't I might switch to digital only, especially since I have no idea what's the best way to store these issues.
SiP is greatness. Buy it and enjoy. Katchoo is a joy to read.I just finished issue 6 or 7 of Manhattan Projects. I don't really have much more to add, so I'll just reiterate that it is indeed fantastic.
Also, I'm really glad I don't do digital, or else I'd have to spend quite a few dollars on that Morrison sale.
Oh, and has anyone here read Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise? Pretty sure I'm gonna pick it up soon. It looks like some great slice of life comics. And the 2200 page collection only costs $62.50 on Amazon, which is some insane value.
Edit: OH, and as the resident person who has been volunteering for a political campaign, I'm pretty sure it's my duty to remind all you Americans that you should vote today.
Issue 10 is amazing, hurry up and get there Kipp.
SiP is greatness. Buy it and enjoy. Katchoo is a joy to read.
Filthy Slug wonIan Bertram is drawing issue 15 of Zero. I can't wait.
So, continuing my catching up on Sonic, I read Sonic Universe 7. Funny enough, it was a lot like a better version of the 5th Sonic Saga, which I just read, only with Silver as the protagonist. And it was damn good, despite Silver being a dumb character and the villain's name being freaking Enerjak. Just a really fun read. Also kind of funny, both the end of Sonic Saga 6 and this book were separately setting up arcs for Scourge, so I think I'll actually have to hold off on the next Sonic Universe for fear of "spoilers," however bad or not bad that may end up being.
Anyway, only one more Sonic book for me to read, and then I think I'll knock out the one other Mega Man I have, and then I'll finally be reading/posting about books people may actually care about!
Isn't Hickman's run on Avengers/New Avengers supposed to be ending prior to Secret Wars?
Maybe he's referring to the Marvel-exclusive part of it? He is still Marvel exclusive at the moment isn't he?
Exclusivity just means he can't work for the other big company.
Ian Bertram is drawing issue 15 of Zero. I can't wait.
Filthy Slug won
soooo i'm going to my first comic con this weekend and ive never been. what do i bring? how much cash should i bring?
GrandHarrier lost
soooo i'm going to my first comic con this weekend and ive never been. what do i bring? how much cash should i bring?
OH SHIT. Oh shit:
soooo i'm going to my first comic con this weekend and ive never been. what do i bring? how much cash should i bring?
At least 1k to spend.
Let's be fair. You could go with $600 if you don't mind tightening the belt.
Uuuuugh. Soooo goooood.
Why isn't he on an ongoing yet.