Peacemaker killed Nora using the metal arms to strengthen his blow. "Two-faced man. Lethal and symbolic" as the Question notes.
and on first read, I think The Comedian kinda guy is just Senator/President Harley's right hand man, the clean-up man, who takes out the scientists when they drop The Atom out of the comic. But I could easily be wrong, lol. Shit is gonna need some heavy annotations, forward and backwards
shit bro...I don't think I can read any more comics today. Uzumari said it best, a 40 page mic drop of formal comic excellence from the best creative team in the business. I'm done, man.
I'm done.
Ben please stop logging into other people's accounts.
Peacemaker killed Nora using the metal arms to strengthen his blow. "Two-faced man. Lethal and symbolic" as the Question notes.
and on first read, I think The Comedian kinda guy is just Senator/President Harley's right hand man, the clean-up man, who takes out the scientists when they drop The Atom out of the comic. But I could easily be wrong, lol. Shit is gonna need some heavy annotations, forward and backwards
shit bro...I don't think I can read any more comics today. Uzumari said it best, a 40 page mic drop of formal comic excellence from the best creative team in the business. I'm done, man.
I'm done.
No, I thoughtThe Sarge/Robot Hands killed Nora. BY THE WAY, I didn't realize until reread that Pages 12 and 13 spanned THREE DIFFERENT TIMELINES. I thought Nora was talking to Question and had somehow been resurrected.
That could work, too. The main thing is Peacemaker left her alone and betrayed her, leaving her to be killed after she figured out the Algorithm
That could work, too. The main thing is Peacemaker left her alone and betrayed her, leaving her to be killed after she figured out the Algorithm
Keep in mindl,you see the killer hiding behind the shield on 12/13 and he doesn't look like PM
Two weeks of comics cost me nearly 130
The same week as I bought Assassin's Creed, Alien, Halo, GTA, Lego Batman, Far Cry and Dragon Age.
Can't even afford the Saga HC
Holy Fuck at Inhuman 8.
Can we skip to Quarter Past Time Runs Out already?
You mean Pax Americana #1?
I am immune to Morrison's Multiversity fan-fiction radiation it seems.
I'm going to buy that $300 Rick Grimes statue today aren't I?
pax is fan fiction of watchmen like the new testament is fan fiction of the bible
What if fan fiction... is Fiction?
Didn't know two dudes could majorly disrupt 75+ years of comic book story telling for you. God forbid anyone do anything different with the genre.I didn't hate it. If anyones earned a sort of wacky time-out fan-fiction experiment extravaganza its Morrison, and if only to let him jet out some of the weird so it doesn't seep out of whatever he does next.
My reaction to it was: kinda neat, I get it. Then reading New Avengers and normal Avengers did make it very apparent Hickman continues to chase Morrison's temporal ghost and I was like: can I just have fucking chronologically told, good character development comics back please.
Of Fiction?
I didn't hate it. If anyones earned a sort of wacky time-out fan-fiction experiment extravaganza its Morrison, and if only to let him jet out some of the weird so it doesn't seep out of whatever he does next.
My reaction to it was: kinda neat, I get it. Then reading New Avengers and normal Avengers did make it very apparent Hickman continues to chase Morrison's temporal ghost and I was like: can I just have fucking chronologically told, good character development comics back please.
I didn't hate it. If anyones earned a sort of wacky time-out fan-fiction experiment extravaganza its Morrison, and if only to let him jet out some of the weird so it doesn't seep out of whatever he does next.
My reaction to it was: kinda neat, I get it. Then reading New Avengers and normal Avengers did make it very apparent Hickman continues to chase Morrison's temporal ghost and I was like: can I just have fucking chronologically told, good character development comics back please.
I think this is my biggest problem with Multiversity. I tried the first couple, I think?, issues and had no idea what was happening most of the time. It felt like I was missing huge chunks of the story, and didn't have the proper background reading to really know what was happening. I'll just wait until it's finished and give the completed thing a shot, but I just couldn't breach it right now.
What's it look like? For 300 it'd want to be pretty cool.
Its an episodic comic compilation.
Yeah, it's designed like that. It might not be to everyone's taste, but he's not missing anything that's actually supposed to be there.
Yeah, there's maybe an ongoing thread but the main thing is the one-shot story that got told in each issue with different setting.
Roc Upchurch has been arrested.
I'm going to buy that $300 Rick Grimes statue today aren't I?
pax is fan fiction of watchmen like the new testament is fan fiction of the bible
ALSO GUYS I was already a fan of Quitely but dude fucking leveled up in Pax Americana. Mega evolved even, brehs. Shit was insane.
I saw it in the shop today and it looked FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. I was in awe. Fuck it was awesome.
It's huge btw.
New stuff, guy was selling all of Ennis' Punisher Max
Search for the Marvel Knight trades continues
Dammit. I'm afraid to read Pax first. Sounds like it will make every other comic I bought obsolete.
Edit - holy fuck, only on the first few pages.
ComicsGAF loves Morrison, the Multiversity hype here before the first issue was strongThis pax thread hype is really somethingand now I might buy it
but buy lumberjanes, it's too much fun